Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kirith's 4th Journal Entry

I talked with the local alchemist in Stormwind.  I found her to be very nice and informative.  When I told her about my experience, she smiled and told me about an elixir that would probably help me if I find myself in that position again.  She went over the ingredients with me and how I was to prepare it.  It’s a little time consuming, but that’s fine.  I don’t think I will need it soon.  I do need to go fishing as it calls for parts of the oily blackmouth fish and the local fisherman didn’t have any on hand.  It’s just as well, I need an herb that grows in along the coasts in the waters.  I see some swimming in my future as well.

I checked in with the mages in the city.  It is so nice to not have to ignore the glares, the mutterings behind one’s back and the dirty looks.   The mages were very nice and helpful.  I spent several days with them asking and answering questions.  They were more than happy to work with me in my learnings and they offered me a room in the tower, which I gratefully accepted. 

I found out that mages can cast teleport spells and even open portals for others.  I was so excited to hear that (maybe I won’t have to take a ship home when the time comes!).  The portal/teleportation trainer started my training.  I first have to master teleportation (where I send myself to a place).  They have areas set up in all the major cities to help us hone in on where we are going.  It is still not an easy spell to learn, but I am making progress.  She will not let me try it until I can prove to her satisfaction that I understand all parts of the spell and can cast it perfectly.

A couple of weeks after all this, I made my way to Westfall.  My inquiries led me to believe I would find the strangleweed and oily blackmouth fish I needed in that province.  Westfall was once a lush farmland, but with Deathwing devastating the lands, it’s become an arid, wasteland.  Crops will not grow out there now and the farmers are begging for help.  There is also a bandit presence out there.  I heard from the soldiers stationed at Sentinel Hill that a group calling itself the Defias Brotherhood has come out of hiding and is making things difficult for the soldiers and citizens alike.  I offered my assistance, but was assured it was not needed.

I went down to the coast to look for the ingredients I needed.  There were these fish people along the coast.  They had set up living hovels all along the coast and it prevented me from getting to the water.  I went back to the inn at Sentinel Hill for the night and made inquiries.  Apparently they are called murlocs and they are in a lot of watery areas in the Eastern Kingdoms.  They will attack on sight and they hunt in groups.  They are also fast breeders, but they are not very smart.

I went to the coast once again.  I finally managed to sneak around a group of them and make my way to the water.  I was able to find some strangleweed, but the fishing is taking me longer.  I have been attacked by a few wandering murlocs, but they have been easily dealt with.  I noticed one of them had some kind of parchment on him, or was it a her, I couldn’t tell.  I took it and saw that it was a treasure map created by someone named Captain Sanders.  It gave a clue as to where to look for his treasure.  I put it in my pouch and didn’t give it much thought. 

It has taken me several days of fishing to get a few oily blackmouth.  I have traded the other fish I caught to the innkeeper at Sentinel Hill for a reduction of the cost of my room.  When I was paying for another couple of night stays, I found the map again.  I showed it to the innkeeper and he told that he had heard of Captain Sanders and it might be legitimate.  I decided to follow the clues.  It took me over two weeks to find all the clues.  The map led me to a buried chest on the coast near a wrecked ship.  In the chest I found a parchment which led me to a half buried barrel beside a fireplace of a destroyed house.  I was lucky it was still there.  It was on the edge of a chasm created when Deathwing came through the area.  That clue led me to the coast looking for a whisky bottle by a windmill.  I was surprised to find that as well.  That clue told me to go west and look off the shore at a small outcropping.  I found a dinghy and made my way out there.  I found a small shack that was in very poor shape.  It didn’t look like anyone had been out here in some time.  Inside the shack I found the area mentioned and I dug around a bit and I found a chest.  A small arcane spell and the lock was opened.  Inside I found a clean and folded shirt, a red sash, a bar of silver, a small bag and a note saying “congratulations, you found my booty”.  I can see where a pirate might value a clean shirt and the silver bar.  I am guessing the red sash was important to him and I do not know what to make of the bag.  I did take the items with me. 

I made my way back to Stormwind.  I had need of my alchemy supplies I had left in my room in the mage quarter as I still had an elixir and a couple of potions to brew.  The clothing and bag I gave to someone who could use them.  I sold the silver bar as I need the coins for living expenses.

While I was waiting on my brews, I spent some time in the area and heard that Redridge was looking for some mercenaries to help with problems in their province.  I guess that is what I am becoming as I am taking payment for helping officials out with their problems.  When my brews are done, I believe I will head in that direction.  It will be good experience and hopefully some decent money.

((Level 17))

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kirith's 3rd Journal Entry

I am finally in Stormwind.  I didn’t think I was going to arrive here alive.  The Captain said it was really a pretty smooth trip, but I think he lied to me.  That was the worst two and half a weeks of my entire existence.  None of my mage training has ever been that bad.  With all of the herbs, potions and elixirs I have on me, none of them would help with sea sickness.  I now know why I am not a sailor.  I am very certain that the Captain and crew have had much amusement at my expense.  I had barely seen them or even talked to them as I spent the entire trip in my cabin being sick.  I am sure I look absolutely ghastly right now, but once I have rested and had a couple of meals (and keep those meals down) I should be okay.

I need to check in with the mage trainers here in Stormwind, but I am going to put that off for several days while I rest and get some weight back on my bones.  I am, however, going to check with the local alchemist and see if they have any suggestions for sea sickness.  That remedy is my first and only priority right now.  I do plan on going back to Darnassas someday and I don’t want a repeat of this trip.

The owner of the inn I am staying at is very nice and understanding about ordeal (even though she did give a little chuckle when I told about the trip).  I will write more later when I am feeling better and have actually done something of note while I am here.

((Level 14))

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kirith's 2nd Journal Entry

I have been rather busy here in Dolanaar.  The Sentinels here have noticed Furbolg activity in the area.  There have been reports that they have actually attacked and destroyed Starbreeze Village.  As the Sentinels are short-handed at the moment, I was asked to scout around the Village for survivors, check on the Furbolg activity there and then report my findings.  

I made my way north and snuck around the Village being careful to avoid the roaming Furbolgs.  The devastation was massive.  There were bodies everywhere.  The villagers had made a good showing as there were many Furbolg bodies mixed in with the dead elves.  No one was spared.  I actually cried when I saw the small bodies.  I carefully checked all the dwellings. 

As I was leaving the upper level of one building, I heard a noise.  Upon investigation, I found a male night elf still alive.  He was near upon death.  I pulled out one of my healing potions and prayed to Elune that my skill in alchemy was enough to save him.  After giving him the draught, he revived enough to tell me that his name was Gaerolas Talvethren and he was the Great Warden to the Druids of the Talon.  The druids were currently hibernating at the Ban’ethil Barrow Den and he had been on his way to check on them when he was ambushed by the Furlbogs.  He made it to the Village in hopes of getting aid, but found they needed help as well.  He joined in the fight to no avail.  He mentioned that he had observed the chieftan of the Gnarlpine tribe, Ursol, using Fel Moss to drive his tribe members mad.  He charged me with returning to the Sentinels of Dolanaar with this information.  I wanted to bring him with me, but he said he would slow me down and that he would find a way to get out on his own. 

I left him there with a heavy heart and made my way back to Dolanaar.  On the way out of the village, I ran into some a few rogue Furlbogs and had to fight my way out of there.  I am glad to say that my training paid off for me that day.  The fight left me feeling drained and week, but I couldn’t rest and finally made my way back to Dolanaar and gave my report.  The Sentinels immediately went into action.  Messages were sent for reinforcements, a few Sentinels went to retrieve Gaerolas and others went to start thinning out the Furlbogs.  I should have felt bad for them, but I still saw the images of the dead in Starbreeze Village and felt no remorse for them.

I rested a few days at the inn when I found myself summoned before Syral Bladeleaf.  The Bladeleaf family is known for their potions and elixirs.  She had heard about my healing potion that helped save Gaerolas Talvethren and she asked if I could make her some as their stock was getting low.  She promised me a very fair price for whatever amount I could give her.  With that in mind, I went out to the forest in search of the herbs I needed.  It took me a couple of days to get a good supply of herbs and then several more days before I was able to finish brewing the potions.  Syral was very pleased with what I had for her and I now have enough money to book passage on a ship to Stormwind in the Eastern Kingdoms.

I have heard that Stormwind is the major hub for the Eastern Kingdoms and all the Alliance races gather there.  It seemed to me to be a great place to start my travels.  I leave in four days’ time.  Until then, I will enjoy the sites of Darnassus and prepare myself for my journey.

((Level 11))

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kirith's 1st Journal Entry

I’m not really sure what to do with this book.  My mentor, Rhyanda, gave it to me.  She suggested I fill it up with my experiences on my travels and notes on spells and potions/elixirs that I concoct.  She said I would find it invaluable one of these days.  I’m not so sure about that, but I do trust and respect her so I will do it.

It’s funny how life turns out.  Your family and friends expect you to turn out one way, yet you find another path calling you and after hearing all your life to follow your dreams and calling, you follow that path and those family and friends who don’t like your choice turns on you.  I know I sound bitter, but it’s kind of hard not to be bitter when people you love and trust turn on you.

I guess I should start at the beginning.  All my life my family has expected me to go into the priesthood.  That’s all I’ve ever heard while growing up.  My interests have ever lain elsewhere.  I could never get enough information about the highborne and the magics they wielded.  I memorized all the stories and read all the tomes, parchments and everything else I could find about them.    Being a night elf, the highborne were looked down upon by my people now even though we are all part of the same race.  Just because some of the highborne turned out to be evil didn’t mean they all were.  My parents found out and let’s just say that what followed was not very pleasant.  They immediately sent me to the priestesses to start training.  I would skip out of lessons when I could and spend time with my thoughts in the woods.  Then one day, while trying out some simple spells I had come across in my readings, I felt eyes upon me.  I looked up to find this woman watching me.  I was afraid that she would tell on me, but she just stepped out and told me I would doing it wrong.  Then to my amazement, she showed me how the spell was to be done.

She told me she was a banished highborne (they now call themselves high elves), one of many who had made their home deep in the darkest part of the woods in order to avoid being persecuted by our people.  I begged her to take me on as an apprentice.  She at first refused, but after much pleading and persuading, she finally said yes.  I think she agreed simply to keep me from hurting myself if I kept experimenting with the arcane magics. 

I spent a lot of time away from the temple and it was noticed, but nothing was said or done about it.  There was much going on in the world and the priestesses had other matters to attend to than a wayward priest in training.  One day, Rhyanda told me that there had been negotiations between Mordent Evenshade, Tyrande and Malfurion and the high elves were being welcomed back into society and the Alliance and they would be sharing their knowledge and training young mages.  That was great news!  I wouldn’t have to learn in secret any longer.

The high elves were still feared and looked upon with suspicion, but Rhyande said that was to be expected and they would have to prove themselves over time.  That fear and suspicion did not stop some from taking training from the high elves.  I had an edge over them as I had been studying for years with Rhyanda by that time.  When my family found out that I had been training with her in secret all these years and planned on continuing my training out in the opening, they disowned me.  My mother, father and brother and other relatives turned their backs on me.  I lost my friends over my decision, but I found new friends and my masters and fellow trainers became my family.

I have finally advanced enough in my lessons that Rhyanda says I need to go out into the world and actually live and experience the magic.  I have left Shadowglen and made my to Dolonaar with my final destination right now being Darnassus.  From there, I will have the entire world to choose from for a destination.  I plan to spend some time at Dolonaar earning some coin.  I understand there are people there that need help with things and it will allow me to gather some herbs in order to make some potions to maybe sell to others.  Rhyanda told me when I left that she was proud of me and that no matter what others say about my chosen path, I am to keep my head held high and prove to myself that I have chosen correctly.  I have nothing to prove to anyone else.

((Level 8))