Monday, April 30, 2012

Kahtraa's 15th Journal Entry

I am tired.  After leaving the Cenarian Expedition, I helped Watcher Leesa’oh with the Bog Lords.  It seems that their food source was decimated so they were eating the Sporregar young.  Leesa’oh was working on an alternative food source and I did a lot of running around and gathering items for her.  All that work was worth it as she managed to create a new food source for them and they are now leaving the Sporregar alone.
After that was done, I went to Orebor Harborage to help them with their ogre problem.  The ogres had just moved into the area and it took some convincing to get them to move on.  They aren’t very bright and it took them some time to catch on that if they moved the killing would stop.  A few more minor tasks for the Kurenai at the Harborage and I left for Terrokar Forest.

I had heard that the Allerian Stronghold was having issues with fel orcs and I offered my sword to them which they gladly accepted.  The fel orcs where in the process of expanding their hold in Terrokar Forrest and I helped convince them that it was not a good idea.  The peons were under the direction of warriors and sorcerers.  I don’t know if they were there for the peons’ protection or to force them to work but I would bet on the latter being true.  We did discover a connection between the fel orcs and a group of blood elves.  The blood elves are up to something in a place called Firewing Point and I’ve been asked to discover what it is.   This is going to take some time.
In the meantime, I delivered a package to Shattrath and was roped into taking care of an orphan, Dornaa, for a few days.  I basically just played big sister to her and took her to places she would like to see and then return her to the orphanage at the end of the day.  It was a welcome break as she wanted to see the Dark Portal which leads to Azeroth, Auchindoun in the Bone Wastes and her brother Jheel, who was apprenticing with the Consortium, at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.  We made one trip a day and she was delighted by all the sights and was ecstatic to see her brother again as he was to see her.

On our return trip to the orphanage that day she spoke wistfully of wanting to see the Naaru at the Exodar.  I didn’t really think much of it but something kept nagging at me in the back of my mind and I asked the matron of I might take the child to Azeroth for a few weeks.  She looked into Dornaa’s excited face and relented. 
The next day I picked Dornaa up from the orphanage and we made our way to the Dark Portal again and the child was just about humming with excitement as I took her hand and stepped through the portal with her.  From the Blasted Lands we made our way to Stormwind where I booked us passage on a freighter to the Exodar.  Dornaa took everything in with a look of awe in her eyes and a smile on her lips.  It seemed that everyone she came into contact with was charmed by her and patiently answered her questions – of which she seemed to have a million.

When we docked at Azuremyst and walked off the ship, Dornaa actually stopped speechless to stare at the crashed ship.  This was the first time I had seen her not have something to say and I urged her forward.  We entered the ship and made our way to the center where O’ros, the Naaru, was located.  She approached him solemnly and they seemed to be communicating in some manner when I heard O’ros in my mind.  He told me that he sensed something special about the child and I was to take her to see Farseer Norbundo.  When we reached the Farseer, Dornaa approached him without reservation.  They stood observing each other when the Farseer spoke to me.  He told me that he had not sensed such elemental power in a Draenei in some time.  He was going to send a message to the Matron of the orphanage in Shattrath to allow the child stay at the Exodar for training.  I stayed with Dornaa until the reply came with the Matron’s agreement and then I took my leave to return to Draenor as I still had duties to attend to.  Dornaa gave me a hug and with tears in her eyes told me goodbye.  I knelt in front of her and told her that it wasn’t goodbye but farewell as I would return to visit with her when I could and that she was to study hard as she had a gift that the Naaru felt was worthy of their teaching.  With a nod she promised me that she would learn all she could from the Naaru and make me proud.  At that, I rose to my feet and left for the return trip to Shattrath. 
Tomorrow I return to my tasks but for now I sit here in the inn with a drink contemplating the Light and how it touches all our lives.  Was it the Light that led me to the orphanage and Dornaa or was it just a random event?  I believe it was the Light and that faith gives me strength to do what I have to do what is right to protect this world no matter what may come.

((currently Level 66))

Kahtraa and Dornaa at the Dark Portal
about to go through to Azeroth

Kahtraa and Dorna on ship leaving from Stormwind
on way to the Exodar

Kahtraa and Dornaa speaking with O'ros the Naaru
at the Exodar

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kahtraa's 14th Journal Entry

If I never see a ravager again it will be entirely too soon.  They were everywhere and it took me weeks to clear Thornfang Hill of them.  Then to top it off, a dwarf expedition has swung by and saw the work I was doing and they asked if I could help them with their ravager problem around their camp.  That was another week’s worth of work for me.
When I was done at Thornfang Hill, I went to check out Mag’har Post to see about avenging Sedai’s death.  Once I was close enough to see the post, I thought that this course of action might not be the correct response, however, I was set upon by these orcs with no provocation on my part.  That pretty much set me off and whether I had actually intended to avenge Sedai or not, the deed was done.  The orcs had bead upon their person which I took with me to give to Makuru to show him that his request was honored.  When Anchorite Obadei found out what I had done he berated Makuru and myself for our actions saying it was not what Sedai would have wanted.  The Anchorite sent me to speak with the elder, Amaan the Wise.  He told me that what I had done was wrong but he understood my reasoning.  He spoke to me of seeing beyond what my eyes tell me and he would help me with that.  He knew that I had been tasked with retrieving relics from the Ruins of Sha’naar and he needed to find a special relic to help with what he wanted to show me.

The Ruins were overrun with demons and their enslaved Broken Ones.  While I was hunting down the relics I needed to retrieve, I destroyed as many of those demons as I could and setting the Broken Ones free.  I directed them to go to the Temple for refuge.  Amongst the relics I had gathered I saw one that looked a little different from the others and the energies I felt radiating from it told me that it was special.  This one I would take back to the elder.
The elder agreed with me about the relic.  It held the power that he was seeking to show me what the elder felt I needed to see.  He gave it me and told me to return to the spot where I had found Sedai’s body and use it to see; not with my eyes but with my mind.  I was dubious but did as he bad me.  As I sat the relic down where the body had been it began to emanate an energy.  I beheld some ghostly images.  One of the images was Sedai and he was flanked by two Mag’har orc warriors who told him "Do not return, Draenei scum. Next time we won't spare your life, unarmed or not!"  As they left him, Sedai said "I've failed... peace is impossible."  I watched as the Mag’har orcs started up the hill to return to the Post when they were attacked by two fel orcs, Laughing Skull Ambushers.  Sedai tries to help the Mag’har orcs but one of the Mag'har orcs is killed along with the two ambushers.  I see Sedai kneel at the spot where I found his body and I heard him say, "The cycle of bloodshed is unending.  Is there nothing I can do?"  At that moment, another fel orc appears and says, "You can die!" as he plunges a dagger in Sedai’s back killing him.  The fel orc laughs, turns away and leaves.  The vision fades and I am left with an empty feeling in my heart.  What had actually happened wasn’t what I had thought.  The Mag’har orcs did kill Sedai and I had sought revenge on the wrong peoples.  I hung my head in remorse and returned to the Amaan the Wise who told me that things are not always how they appear.  He hoped that I had learned a valuable lesson from this and that I would temper my actions with thought.

After that lesson, I was ready for a change of scenery and made my way to Zangarmarsh to help the Cenarian Expedition with their troubles.  I have gathered parts of animals and plants, I have scouted out the naga activity in the area and shut down their pumping stations (we didn’t find out why they were pumping water from the lakes but the Expedition have others on that task), and I have gathered samples from the Bog Lords to help discover why they are moving from their stomping grounds to other areas.
I will be making my way to Orebor Harborage in the next couple of days as they are having trouble with Ogres and could use my help.  I was also asked to look for Watcher Leesa’oh as she was doing some further study on the Bog Lord situation and had asked if the Expedition could spare some help for her.  These tasks should keep me out of trouble for a bit.

((currently Level 65))

Kahtraa Fighting a Mag'har orc

Kahtraa clearing Thornfang Hill of ravagers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kahtraa's 13th Journal Entry

I found the foes on this side of the portal to be somewhat more difficult than those I faced on Azeroth.  It has been some time since I have faced the demons on this world and I have forgotten their strength.  They have been more than happy to demonstrate their power for me.  Technically it’s not the demons themselves that are giving me trouble but the creatures and inhabitants of this world.  They have been touched by the fel magics and that has increased their strength.
Before I left Honor Hold, Klatu asked if I could help him and his master Barada with freeing Colonel Jules from a curse.  It seems the Colonel was cursed on the battlefield by Shattered Hand Fel Orcs and his soul cries out for revenge before it can be soothed enough to release it from the curse.  Klatu gave me a relic to use that will allow me to destroy the fel orc’s soul once his body has been killed.  It sounds awful but these orcs’ souls have already been claimed and this way will give them eternal release.

I went to the Gor’gaz Outpost, placed the relic, put forth my challenge and it was answered.  It is a small outpost and it didn’t take me long to pick them off one at a time.  I returned the relic to Klatu who accepted it with sadness but we had to do what we could to save the Colonel from that dark curse.  Anchorite Barada requested that I aid him in the exorcism as time was running out.  He gave me prayer beads to use against the powers that would be released during the rite.  The dark energy didn’t want to let go of its victim but in time we were able to force it out and destroy it with the power of the Light.  The Colonel was weak from his ordeal but should be whole enough to continue the fight soon.
Later that week I completed my trip to the Temple of Telhamat.  They have tasked me with several missions ranging from killing ravashers and venomspitters on Thornfang Hill to killing demons at the Pools of Agganor and at Ruins of Sha’naar (from which I was also requested to retrieve some relics).   As I was walking around the Temple grounds, I was asked by Anchorite Obadei to look for his brother, Sedai, who had set out to talk to the orcs at Mag’har Post to the east.  Since that seemed like a simple task, I set out to look for him.  Unfortunately I found him.  It appeared that he had been killed from a blow to his back.  I returned with the body to Anchroite Obadei.  It hit him hard as I knew it would.  As I turned to leave, I was stopped by Makuru, a broken one.  He wanted revenge for Sedai’s death and asked me to give it to him.  He talked about what Sedai had done for him and how he had tried to talk peace with the orcs.  I understand his feelings and to see one of our own struck down in that manner is difficult for me to get past.  I told him that I would ponder his request while I am at residence at the Temple.

For now I rest.  Tomorrow I start on my tasks assigned me.

((currently Level 63))
Kahtraa finds Sedai's body

Friday, April 20, 2012

Kahtraa's 12th Journal Entry

With the portal to Draenor in the middle of the Blasted Lands, which is well named by the way as it is a desolate place and there is huge crater where the portal is located, there are lots of demons to deal with in this place.  I found myself killing scores of demons for the various camps out here.  After about a week of this, I decided it was time to actually go through the portal and do what I can on that side.  While a lot of the bigger battles have been won, there is still a lot of cleanup and healing to be done on that side of the portal.
After I went through the portal, I was directed to Honor Hold which is the Alliance stronghold in Hellfire Peninsula.  They are short-handed and immediately put me to work.  They were having trouble with a tribe of orcs, the Bonechewer tribe, who were scavenging parts from our damaged war machines.  We couldn’t let them takes these parts to their masters in the Hellfire Citadel so I retrieved parts and prevented those fel orcs I came across from returning to their masters.

There were also demons to be fought on this side of the portal, restless spirits to put to rest, demons in the mine to clear out and hellboar and crustbusters to kill so our troops could safely move about out here.  I also came across some goblins who had wrecked their zeppelin.  They asked if I could retrieve their scattered debris while I was out and about doing my other duties.  I took pity on them and kept an eye out for pieces of their zeppelin which I returned to them much to their delight.
It has been a busy few months since I arrived here and since Honor Hold is getting in some new recruits within the week, I am being sent to the Temple of Telhamat as they are having trouble with some demons and orcs as well.

((currently Level 62))

Kahtraa having just come through the Portal to Outland

Kahtraa's first view of Hellfire Peninsula

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kahtraa's 11th Journal Entry


Ah, so much has happened since I last was able to write in this thing.  I took Avaan’s advice and went back to the Exodar for a bit.  I was able to get some training in with some of the members of the Hand of Argus, meditated and caught up with old friends.  The Exodar is a special place – it feels almost alive.  I even had a chance to speak with Velen.  That was such an honor for me.  We spoke of my travels and the path that I am following and he told me that I was doing the right thing.  That helping people while I am exploring this new world of ours is the best thing I could do and the Light approved of my path and will be there to help me along my way.  I spent a couple of months there but it felt like only days – the time passes so quickly.
I left for Winterspring feeling refreshed and with a new commitment to my chosen path.  Upon arrival in Winterspring, I found a dwarf explorer, Donova Snowden, who needed some help with the local furbolgs.  These Winterfall Furbolgs seemed to be very protective of the hot springs that Donova was studying.  I investigated a couple of local tribes and found some kind of substance they were using which seemed to change their natures to something more violent than they would normally be.  I took a sample to Donova who discovered that the substance was toxic.  With more testing, she discovered that the water from the hot springs neutralized the toxicity of the substance but left the effects of the substance on whoever ingested it.  She asked me to stop the Winterfall Runners who were delivering crates of this stuff from Felwood to their brethren here in Winterspring.  Over several days I managed to stop these runners and destroy their shipments.  I watched the roads for another week and no runners showed up and I concluded that we disrupted the shipments sufficiently and spoke of this to Donova.  She agreed that we may have stopped the shipments but the fact that the furbolgs, who were not usually this violent, must be under orders of their chief to utilize this stuff.  If we removed the chief then they should be able to get back to normal before another chief is in place – hopefully one that is better to his people.  It was the only course of action we could come up with to save the furbolgs and travelers here in Winterspring.  I searched the chief out and defeated him in battle which left the furbolgs in some confusion but I thought I saw relief on some of their faces so I think it was for the best.

Before I left, Donova asked me to deliver a journal to Kelek Skykeeper who was currently studying the Ruins of Kel’theril.  He thanked me and when I asked him why he was studying the ruins, he explained about the history of the highborne that had stolen a power crystal, the Crystal of Zin-Malor, and how only the strongest could survive its touch.  Many had tried to claim it and their spirits remained in this place.  He told me that if I wanted to learn more I could speak to the spirits located at the middle of this frozen lake.  After talking with the spirits I learned some of the history of the highborne, night elves and blood elves.  I also discovered that the crystal of Zin-Malor had a new master when a shade came and banished the spirits I was talking with.  I returned to Kelek with this news and he was alarmed to hear it.  He asked if I would track down this shade and discover who his master was.  It took me a couple of days but I managed to track it down and confront it.  It was not inclined to cooperate but the Light would not brook that type of nonsense and I was able to return to  Kelek with a name.  He had heard rumors of this Umbranse the shade told me about but he didn’t know where to find him.  He asked me to deliver a message to a friend of his currently at Everlook.  I took his message and continued on my way.
Upon arrival in Everlook, I immediately looked up this Nymn and gave him Kelek’s message.  He read it and looked at me, thanked me and told me that he would contact me if I was needed again.  I was dismissed.  This was a little off putting to me but I was tired, cold and hungry so I left to get a room at the inn and find a hot meal.  I hung around town for a couple of days and was thinking of setting out to a new area of Kalimdor when Nymn found me.  They had discovered Umbranse’s location – Mazthoril, a cavern that belonged to the blue dragonflight and I was to contact Haleh, his mother, when I arrived.  As I left Everlook, it suddenly dawned on me that he was one of the blue dragonflight in elfin form.  That explained a lot of the attitude and I couldn’t believe I was involving myself in the affairs of dragons yet again but I couldn’t, in good conscience, leave an evil like Umbranse left alive in the world.

Once I got to Mazthoril, I was asked to gather items to help me in defeating Umbranse.  These were not easy to collect and it was time consuming but it had to be done.  When I inquired as to why the blue dragons didn’t just charge in there and tear him apart on their own, I was told that Mazthoril was a place of very potent magics and that the sorcerer had managed to tap into that power but he didn’t know how to wield it well.  However, in their weakened state, the blue dragonflight was no match for the sorcerer in this place of power.
Finally, I had everything I needed and I entered the cavern.  Ever notice that the bad guys are always in the very back of the cavern or the deepest part of the keep where they are holed up?  Yes, I had to make my way to the very back of the cavern, closing portals and defeating a myriad of creatures on my way to him.  There he was – floating on the currents of the arcane magics that surrounded him.  I issued my challenge and charged his position – okay, not the smartest move I could make but it broke his concentration and he set foot upon the ground making it easier to get to him.  I managed to deflect some of the arcane magics and get in a few hits but he had the ability to port small distances and would move out of my reach.  I was getting tired, having already fought my way into this place, so I called on the Light to shield me and put all I had on a final attack.  I managed to get in a stunning blow and that was the end of this sorcerer.

Haleh had given me a charm that would return me to her location outside the cave and I gladly used it, collapsing upon my return.  They tended my wounds and let me rest while they conversed about whatever dragons conversed about.  They approached me again, thanked me and offered me a sizeable reward.  I accepted it graciously as it would buy me passage back to the Eastern Kingdoms and allow me to get somewhere warmer.  By the end of the week, I found myself on a boat leaving Rut’theran Village heading to the harbor in Stormwind.  I tried to look up Joselyn but she was on assignment in Arathi Highlands so I decided the time had come to head to the Blasted Lands.  The Dark Portal was there leading to what was left of Draenor, my homeland, but I wasn’t sure that I was ready to return there yet.  Even if I’m not ready yet, I am sure that I could find something to help with out there.

((currently Level 61))

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kahtraa's 10th Journal Entry


While Avaan was on his month long patrol, I made myself useful.  I found out that Kelsey Steelspark, the gnome I had helped with pirates previously, was assigned to Land’s End Beach on a scouting mission for Bilgewater Goblins that had crashed off the shore.  Their behavior was suspicious and she asked me to scout out the wreckage for anything useful.
I found that the goblins had succumbed to the heat and were crazy – they were running all over the place, sitting in the water talking to themselves or just lying in the middle of the beach.  When one of them saw me they screamed “monster!” and attacked me all the while yelling and no one else would come to help them – the others were in their own little world, I guess.  I did manage to find a partially damaged journal among some wreckage which told us that the goblins didn’t even know they were on Kalimdor; they had no idea where they were.  The journal made a reference to a chest with something important in it but didn’t come right out and say what it was.  Kelsey seemed to have an inkling of what it might be and she asked me to retrieve the chest for her.  I scouted the little settlement (more like a little encampment) and tried to find the chest but it wasn’t there.  I watched and listened but the goblins just kept making strange comments.  Sometimes they would say “protect meatface” or “kill the pig” which was strange because I saw no pigs and couldn’t figure out what a “meatface” could be.  I caught a couple of different goblins but they were not coherent and shed no light on the matter.

I finally made my way to the other side of the encampment and started looking for clues again.  After some time I came across a graveyard and beyond that a separate camp.  There was a humanoid of a race I couldn’t identify.  He was too large to be a goblin but he was not large enough to be an ogre and didn’t have the look of an ogre.  I did see in the back of his camp a chest and he seemed intent on protecting it.  If any of the goblins came near in their madness, he would attack them and drive them off.  I watched him all day and he didn’t move out of his camp.  That night he looked like he might have dozed off some but never in a deep sleep as the movements of nearby goblins would set him off.  Near daybreak I decided to make my move and as he took off after a goblin I made my way into his camp.  As he returned, I charged him catching him completely off guard and managed to get several good blows in before he recovered enough to defend himself.   The fight was very short and never in any doubt.  I took the chest and avoiding the goblins returned to Kelsey.  She was overjoyed and told me that I had done a great service to Gnomergan and gave me a hefty reward.
She also mentioned that an Explorers League contingent led by Prospector Gunstan was in need of some aid at the Southmoon Ruins so I headed that way.  When I finally arrived, Gunstan put me to work retrieving tablets and protecting the Ruins from some blood elves who had taken an interest in it for some reason.  That kept me busy for some days and then out of the blue Gunstan summoned me and asked me to protect some of their archaeologists while they investigate a dig site.  It seems that the earthquakes had opened an entrance to Uldum but also freed stone golem protectors.  They needed my help in destroying the golems so they could investigate the entrance.

That was pretty brainless work and they were easily destroyed and, of course, the archaeologists wanted to study the remains of the golems as well.  We left several to their study and the rest of us entered the chamber.  The dwarves moved carefully, studying the writings on the walls and on the floor.  There was a chest at the end of the room and we moved slowly toward it.  The dwarves were intent on the chest and I was more interested in what other protective measures there might be in play.  It took some time for them to decide to open the chest to see what it might contain.  It took even longer for them to decide on the best method to open it.  Days later this was all resolved and we entered the chamber and Gunstan opened the chest.  As the dwarves looked inside with rapt attention, I noticed the far wall moving and a huge stone statue coming to attack.  I quickly moved to intercept the guardian.  This thing was huge and was going to take more to bring down than the stone golems that had guarded the outside of this place.  The dwarves stayed out of my way, thank goodness, and continued to inspect the contents of the chest.  After a few blows and trying different things, I found a weakness and exploited it but not before the thing got off several blasts of some kind of energy at me – it hurt but didn’t keep me down.  As the guardian fell, the dwarves let out a cheer and with many thumps on my back in congratulations they led the way out with much talk of their discovery.
As the Explorer’s League was no in good shape with their expedition, I made my way back to Gadgetzan to meet up with Avaan again.  His patrol had returned while I was away and this time he was looking for me instead of the other way around.  My exploits had preceded my arrival and he congratulated me on a job well done.  He allowed me to refresh and change out of my armor and then we had dinner.  We only had a couple of more days to ourselves before his patrol moved out to Un’Goro Crater and then to somewhere else after that. 

On the day he set out, Avaan caressed my cheek and told me to return home to the Exodar to refresh myself and find my center again.  He told me that it would do me a world of good and that he was planning on doing that as well when this patrol was over.  I told him that I couldn’t wait on him this time but he already knew that and told me that I had my own path to follow and when I had finally reached my destination that he would be there waiting for me.   I looked in his eyes and told him that would please me more than words could say and I hoped that day would come soon.  He gathered me to him and held me close.  He told me that time is relative and it would pass quickly but he knew this was something I had to do for myself and I was to take as long as I needed.  He released me and went to his mount and with a final wave to me, he and his patrol left.
I felt a bit of a loss as I watched him ride into the distance but I knew it was just temporary and that he would be there for me and that meant everything to me.  I decided to take his advice and have returned to the Exodar.  Avaan was right; this was just what my soul needed at this time.  There is a calmness and serenity to the Exodar and this heals me better than anything else ever could.  In a couple of days I am heading out.  I think I want to see Winterspring, a cold land that I have never been to before.  Something is telling me to head that way and I haven’t gone wrong listening to that voice yet.

((currently Level 54))

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kahtraa's 9th Journal Entry


I have finally arrived in Tanaris.  My wounds have healed and my strength has returned – the healers did a wonderful job.  I took a room at the inn and went to see if I could find Avaan.  I asked first with the inn keeper and it’s a good thing I did as Avaan had left me a message.  Seems he was out with his patrol on some mission and wouldn’t be back for a couple of weeks.  I decided to ask around for possible work as I’m starting to run short on funds – the Argent Crusade does not pay for services rendered.  The goblins here understand the value of a coin and though they don’t pay much, they do at least pay.
Over the next couple of weeks I find myself retrieving supplies, collecting meat using some kind of goblin invention that wastes not one part of the animal, rescuing stranded goblins and killing pirates.  I’m sitting at the inn having a drink – it’s hot as Ragnaros’ realm out here and there is little relief for the sun and heat as there are no clouds in the sky.  Hot during the day and the nights can freeze you to your very core – who in their right mind would settle in this land?  I don’t see myself spending a lot of time here.

There is a lot of noise going on outside and I leave the coolness of the inn to investigate.   It’s a patrol that has returned.  I look for a figure that I haven’t seen in some time.   As the soldiers remove their helms I spot him – the broad shoulders, the kind face with the scar running from the right hairline ending at the edge of the left jaw (I remember the battle where he received that scar), the wry smile and the hearty laughter.  I can’t help myself as I call his name and launch myself toward him and am gathered in his strong arms.  The soldiers around him chuckle and make little comments to Avaan but he waves them off.  I help him take care of his mount and then give him some time to get cleaned up.  We have dinner together and start catching up with each other.
Over the next couple of weeks, we are together as much as we can.  There are a lot of things to talk about and reminisce about.  I didn’t realize how much I miss those friends I left behind when I went off to find my own path.  He understands me perfectly and I wonder yet again why we never got serious with each other.   Then I remember that we are both searching for something within ourselves that we have not yet found and until then, neither of us can truly be there for someone else. 

His patrol is pulling out soon for what sounds like a month’s assignment.  I’m not ready to let go of this little piece of home yet and tell him that I will be here when he returns and he looks me in the eyes and with a gentle caress of my cheek tells me that he’s glad that he will have something to look forward to upon his return.  Now I have to find something to keep me busy in this place.

((currently Level 52))

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kahtraa's 8th Journal Entry

I made my way to Thousand Needles to find that what apparently was once a dried canyon is now flooded.  I caught a boat ride with a night elf to a barge just outside of Thousand Needles in an area called Shimmering Deep.  The barge is apparently the gnome and goblins answer to their destroyed raceway.  Both races seem to be in some type of competition with each other when it comes to building their strange contraptions yet they will fight side by side when it comes to defending the barge from the pirates.
I decided that being surrounded by this much water was not a good idea for one encased in plate armor despite the breathing apparatus the gnomes gave me.  I am not comfortable here and it showed.  A human warrior I met at the bar in the barge told me that he had heard that the Argent Crusade was currently trying to drive the remainder of the Scourge out of the Plaguelands and was looking for paladins to help.  After confirming that those lands are not currently under water, I changed my plans and headed back to the Eastern Kingdoms.  Avaan had written me that he would not be arriving in Tanaris for several weeks and would be there for many months so I have plenty of time to meet up with my old friend.

Upon arrival at Light’s Hope Chapel, the headquarters for the Argent Crusade, I was immediately put to work.  It wasn’t only the Scourge the Argent Crusade was dealing with but the Twilight Hammer Cult as well. 
I was sent to Tyr’s Hand to take back it back from the Scarlet Crusaders who have been turned into the undead by whom, no one knows for sure.  Despite being the undead, the Scarlet Crusade is not to be taken lightly.   There were leaders still among them that I had to help track and bring down.  My main targets were Mataus the Wrathcaster, Huntsman Leopold who is currently somewhere on top of the keep picking off members of the Argent Crusde, Scarlet Commander Marjhan, and Rohan the Assassin.  While the majority of the paladins kept the Scarlet Crusaders busy, some of us went to find the holy relics that had been secreted within the keep while I went in search of my targets.

 I found Mataus in the cellar below the keep doing some kind of dark magicks but his dark power was no match for the Light.  Once he was taken care of, I headed up the stairs to the roof.  On my way up I had a few Scarlet Crusade stragglers that tried to waylay me much to their demise.  While I was catching my breath, I heard movement in the room next to me.  I quietly moved around the corner to see a figure bent over a table studying some kind of document.  She seemed to feel my eyes upon her and looked up.  I thought it might be Commander Marjhan and called out a challenge to her which she immediately responded to.  There is a reason she made Commander in the Scarlet Crusade and it was a tough fight.  In the end, the Light won out and she went down.
I could hear the fighting continuing downstairs and a few fights on the stairways as I continued to make my way to the roof top of the keep.  I was challenged only a couple more times before I reached my destination.  I kept my shield in front of me while I warily looked through the door along the walkway from one turret to the next.  At first I didn’t see anything but all of a sudden I heard a raspy voice cry out, “I’ll fill your corpses with arrows!” followed by a maniacal laugh.  Then I spotted him between the merlons halfway down the walkway.  As I charged, he heard me and turned to face me.  He let loose several arrows which bounced harmlessly off my shield and then I was upon him.  I don’t know how he was in life but in undeath he was completely insane and that lent him strength.  I was able to defeat him finally but it was close.  I did not come away from that battle unscathed.  I staunched the bleeding as well as I could and called upon the healing powers of the Light before I went in search of my last target.

Rohan was nowhere in the keep so that meant he must be in the Abbey.  I made my way from the Keep and across the compound to the Abbey.  I could hear fighting within and I cautiously made my way in.  Commander Korfax had told me that he had reports that Rohan might be in the bell tower so I thought I would start at the top and work my way down.  I didn’t have the strength to help with the intermittent fighting as I was saving what energy I had for this fight with Rohan.  I made my way quickly up the stairs and when I reached the top, I stop to catch my breath and calm myself.  I sent my senses out to feel for the dark energies that these Scarlet Crusaders seem to give off.  I felt something in the back of the bell tower, behind the bell pull platform.  I slowly made my way in that direction when I felt a shift in the air behind me and I turned with my shield raised just in time to turn the blade of the dagger.  Rohan didn’t expect me to sense his presence and it slowed him by a few seconds.  This was more than enough time for me to bring my sword up for a savage cut at his arm.  He cried out in pain and turned even more savage despite the wound.  I was put on the offensive for a bit and my armor saved me more times than I could count.  He was striking at me wildly and I parried what I could while waiting for the opening I knew would come eventually.  I saw it and took immediate advantage of it was I was tiring quickly.  I could see the shock in his undead eyes when my sword ran him through.  I quickly pulled it out and with a roundhouse strike separated his head from his body.  I sagged to the floor and the wounds I had staunched earlier re-opened.  I was finally able to make my way downstairs and reported to Commander Korfax the successful completion of my mission.
Commander Korfax called for a healer and had me taken to the encampment for rest while he and his force finished clearing the area.  The Scarlet Crusaders where making the Cathedral their last stand and the Commander was planning an all-out final push the next day.  After having battled as long and hard as I had taking the Keep and Abbey, I had no intention of missing this final battle.

The next morning I readied myself and reported with the rest of the paladins.  The Argent Crusade’s banner flew in the morning air and the bugler sounded the call to battle.  We rushed their positions and the battle was on.  There was never any doubt in our minds that the Light would win the day and while many fell wounded and some died, we fought our way into the Cathedral.  There we found Crusader Lord Valdemar surrounded by his guardsmen.  Our little group had fought our way in and we engaged this final group of Scarlet Crusaders.  We brought the guardsmen down and engaged Valdemar.  Undeath means they don’t tire as we do and he was able to reduce our little band down to just me.  I called upon the Light to aid me and give me strength and he just laughed at me and stalked forward ready for the kill.  From somewhere within me, I summoned the energy for a final charge.  I was determined that if I were to die here in this place then he was going with me.  That was the only thought in my head as I parried, blocked and attacked.  I remember one final surge from me, pain and then darkness.
I awoke to a white tent flap as the healer came in to check on me.   She looked at my bandages and then left to let Commander Korfax know that I was awake.  He came in and as I tried to rise, gently pushed me back down on my bed.  He told me that the rest of the paladins had finally made their way into the Cathedral as Valdemar ran me through.  As I was falling off his blade and he was striding forward to meet the new force, I turned and with the last of my failing strength struck at his neck severing his head from his body.  The paladins watched in shock as Valdemar took another step and then fell at their feet.  They used what healing powers they had on the wounded to keep us alive until we reached the healers back at Light’s Hope Chapel.

I am battered, bruised and I ache all over but I am alive and I thank the Light for that.  It will take weeks for me to recover from this battle.  I will take it easy and when I am able, I will start my voyage to Tanaris as I have an appointment with a dear friend to keep.

((currently Level 51))

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kahtraa's 7th Journal Entry


True to her word, Calia found me more work.  She told me to report to Captain Wymor at Sentry Point.  She had already sent word to him that I was on my way and he seemed pleased for the extra help.  He caught me up on the situation.  There had been reports from scouts in the area of men wearing the red Defias bandanas walking the Dreadmurk Shore north of Theramore.  The scouts were able to determine that the Defias probably shipwrecked and had made their way to a small island of the Shore.  Captain Wymor wanted me to find and kill their leader and take whatever documentation he may have on him.
I made my way to the island and I got lucky as it looked like most of the Defias were away from the island.  There were only a few people there and I quickly dispatched them.  I didn’t see the leader of this group anywhere so I started checking the few tents I saw.  I really need to be more cautious when doing some like this because on the second tent I checked on, I pulled the tent flap back and came nose to nose with someone who I took to be the leader.  Needless to say, we both yelped with surprise and he drew his sword.  I already had my sword in my hand and before he could bring his sword around, ran him through his midsection.  I searched his person but didn’t find anything.  A quick look around the tent told me I hit the jackpot for intelligence on the Defias presence here.   I gathered the documents up quickly and after a quick look around to make sure no one had returned to the island, I made a hasty retreat back to Captain Wymor.

While I grabbed a bite to eat, Captain Wymor and his officers went through the paperwork.  It was discovered that the Defias were in the process of trying to retrieve the cargo they lost in the shipwreck.  That explained the few people on the island if they were diving the surrounding waters for their lost cargo.  The Captain told me that they had sent SI:7 divers to the area around the island a couple of days before as they had had suspicious about the wreckage.  He asked me to meet up with the head operative, Renn McGill, and check on their progress.  I made my back to the island and found Renn.  I explained my mission and he showed me what little bit they had found so far.  It amounted to just so much junk and then an operative arrived with a strongbox in his hands.  We managed to get it open and there was some junk in there but we found documentation wrapped in oil cloth that showed they were transporting a prisoner and none of the operatives had found any sign of bodies in the wreckage.  Renn told me to report this news directly to Jaina and he would send an operative to inform Captain Wymor of my whereabouts.
I immediately set out for Theramore as time was of the essence due to our lack of information on the prisoner.  She listed to my report and thanked me.  Apparently I had just helped find the link between Onyxia and the Defias in the kidnapping of King Varian Wrynn.   Jaina was sure the King would be very interested in this information and would make an example of all the Defias that remain.  She asked me to make haste to Stormwind to tell the King of my discovery.  She even opened a portal for me to hasten the news.  Upon arrival I requested audience with the King and later that day was ushered to his presence where I relayed the news of the Defias connection with Onyxia.  He was indeed very interested and thanked me with the comment that he had to make plans for the destruction of the remaining Defias.  After the audience with the King, I went to the mage quarter in Stormwind to find Archmage Malin.  Jaina had told me that he could port me back to Theramore.  Upon arrival in Theramore I reported back to Jaina with the news from the King of Stormwind.  She thanked me for my service to both Theramore and Stormwind and gave me a substantial reward.

After all that running around, I came to the conclusion that Theramore didn’t need more fighting help, they needed courier help and that was not something I enjoyed doing.  I have decided to make my way to a place south of Theramore called Thousand Needles.    I will see if there is anything I can help with there before I make my way to Tanaris.  An old friend said he was being stationed there for a bit and it would be nice to see someone from home again.

((currently level 48))

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kahtraa's 6th Journal Entry


Ah, the sea air is absolutely wonderful.  Once my week was up in Booty Bay, I found that I didn’t want to give that air up yet.  So after some research I decided to head to the continent of Kalimdor – Theramore Isle to be more exact.  It is my understanding that Theramore has a contingent of Alliance there under the leadership of a mage by the name of Jaina Proudmore.  I asked around a bit and got more information about her and Theramore and then set out on my voyage.  Crossing the sea was uneventful and very restful.  If I ever decide to give up the Light I might take up being a sailor.
Upon arrival, I rented a room at the inn and decided to tour the town.  It’s a fairly good size town with the majority of the population being Alliance soldiers and their families with the rest being visitors and merchants.  While I was touring the town, a trainer for the army called out to me asking if I was looking for work.  Of course I am always looking to make a few coins and I tell her yes.  Her name was Calia Hastings and she told me that they were having problem with deserters among the ranks.  Not only were some of the soldiers deserting they were returning to stir up unrest among the remaining soldiers.  She asked me to find them, expose them for what they were and discredit them as to do much more than that would only earn them the sympathy of the populace.

This was easy enough for me to do as I wandered around the area.  I also found out that they were handing out propaganda and that they had smuggled them in on a ship.  When I told Calia about this, she asked if I could get about that ship and retrieve the propaganda for her.  I felt I could that and with much patience and some nerve I managed to do just that.  I think she was impressed that I was able to retrieve it without making a fuss.  After she looked it over, she asked if I could return to her the next day as she would have more work for me then and she handed me the promised coin for the day’s work.
After breakfast, I made my way to Calia who showed me what she had done with the leaflets.   She had made changes to them making it seem that the deserters were clowns and their agenda was a joke.  I handed those leaflets to everyone and anyone who would take them, even to the soldiers the deserters were speaking to.  The looks on their faces were priceless as the soldiers read the leaflets and then burst out laughing while shoving the leaflets into the hands of the deserter and telling them to get of there and not show themselves again.

When I returned to Calia with the leftover leaflets she asked me if I would help her out once again and arrest the leader of the deserters.  Her informants had finally been able to locate the leader, Gavis Greyshield.  He was operating off a ship moored off a tiny island a little bit away from Theramore.  I took a dinghy and rowed out there.  There were a few guards on the island but they were easily dispatched and I made my way on board the ship.  I ran into only one other deserter before I reached Gavis’ cabin and I was able to silence him quickly. 
When I stepped in the cabin, he raised his eyes from the documents he was reading and asked who I was and what business I had there.  I told him I was from Theramore and that he was under arrest and he should just come quietly.  That approach didn’t work so well for me.  He drew his sword and attacked.  I wasn’t surprised with that response as Calia had warned me that he might put up a token resistance before surrendering.  I was hoping she was correct in her assessment.  I managed to find an opening in his defenses and give him a slight shoulder wound and then he surrendered himself requesting leniency for his men.  I was able to get him to the dinghy and back to Theramore with no more bloodshed and turned him over to Calia.  She thanked me, paid me and told me she knew of a couple of other people who may need my services if I wanted the work.  I nodded my acceptance and returned to the inn for a much needed bath and dinner.

Later that evening, I made my way to the dock.  The sound of the surf against the rocky shore is soothing and the night sky is clear.  The heavens seem to be lit up with the stars and I am able to find serenity in laying back and watching them.  The guards do not bother me even though they glance in my direction every now and then as if trying to figure out what I am doing.  I guess they have never just lain on their back to watch the stars in the night sky.  My people originally came from the stars, fleeing from the Burning Legion to find a home on another planet we named Draenor.   It was not to last and we had to flee yet again only to crash into this planet, Azeroth.  I am tired of running.  I think that is why the Light has set me upon the path I am taking.  Exploring this new planet we have found ourselves on and meeting the races that live upon it with us.  These are good people for the most part – no one is perfect.  I want to do all within my power to protect these people and this planet from those that would hurt or destroy these things I am beginning to hold dear.  Sigh.  This is why I don’t look at the stars often; it makes me think too much.  I arose and headed back to the inn to retire, nodding at the guards as I pass them and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

((currently Level 44))