Friday, April 20, 2012

Kahtraa's 12th Journal Entry

With the portal to Draenor in the middle of the Blasted Lands, which is well named by the way as it is a desolate place and there is huge crater where the portal is located, there are lots of demons to deal with in this place.  I found myself killing scores of demons for the various camps out here.  After about a week of this, I decided it was time to actually go through the portal and do what I can on that side.  While a lot of the bigger battles have been won, there is still a lot of cleanup and healing to be done on that side of the portal.
After I went through the portal, I was directed to Honor Hold which is the Alliance stronghold in Hellfire Peninsula.  They are short-handed and immediately put me to work.  They were having trouble with a tribe of orcs, the Bonechewer tribe, who were scavenging parts from our damaged war machines.  We couldn’t let them takes these parts to their masters in the Hellfire Citadel so I retrieved parts and prevented those fel orcs I came across from returning to their masters.

There were also demons to be fought on this side of the portal, restless spirits to put to rest, demons in the mine to clear out and hellboar and crustbusters to kill so our troops could safely move about out here.  I also came across some goblins who had wrecked their zeppelin.  They asked if I could retrieve their scattered debris while I was out and about doing my other duties.  I took pity on them and kept an eye out for pieces of their zeppelin which I returned to them much to their delight.
It has been a busy few months since I arrived here and since Honor Hold is getting in some new recruits within the week, I am being sent to the Temple of Telhamat as they are having trouble with some demons and orcs as well.

((currently Level 62))

Kahtraa having just come through the Portal to Outland

Kahtraa's first view of Hellfire Peninsula

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