How in the hell did I end up in this place? Fighting in a war I did not ask for, for a
world that is not mine.
I’ve come a long way from being the pampered daughter of an
apothecary. Damn Arthur and his
scourge. I still remember those days, of
seeing my friends and family killed and resurrected to aid the Lich King, of
the destruction of the Sunwell and the dark days afterward.
With my family dead, I was left to fend for myself. Who knew that my hobby of stealing would come
in so handy? Who figured that I would
pick up the skills of a rogue and thief that easily? The death and destruction I had witnessed,
along with the withdrawal pains from the destruction of the Sunwell, gave me
enough incentive to never want to go through that again. I toughened up. I learned my lessons well and I thrived.
I did not involve myself with the goings on in the rest of
the world. Those matters were what got
my family killed. Silvermoon City was my
world and I knew it well. Oh, I heard
the news of what was going on out there in the world. Information is always valuable to the right
buyer. What did I care about the
Cataclysm and Deathwing almost destroying parts of Azeroth? Why should I care that one orc, Thrall,
stepped down as Warchief of the Horde and another, Garrosh, stepped up? None of that touched Quel’Thalas. Then I heard about a new land that was discovered
within a mysterious mist. The new
Warchief wanted to claim that land for the Horde and he almost managed to
destroy it. The new Warchief was now the
old Warchief and we had another new Warchief; this time it was Vol’jin, a
Troll. The goings on across the oceans
did not affect me; it was not my business or so I thought.
I had heard that Garrosh had managed to escape his prison
and elude recapture. I noticed the
number of sin’dorei seemed to be less after all this had happened. Then I heard that a new threat to Azeroth had
come through the dark portal. A portal
that was changed from the dark portal we were used to. Through this portal came a group of orcs
calling themselves the Iron Horde. This
Iron Horde was tough and intent on killing everyone. The Alliance and the Horde found themselves
fighting side by side yet again to stop this threat. The leaders of all the Horde called for
volunteers to help fight and I suddenly found myself right in the middle of
this mess.
Sometimes being good at something can lead to a bad end,
especially when being good leads one to being overconfident. Yeah, that’s what happened to me. I found myself in custody. I had two options – a long incarceration or
help with the Iron Horde threat. I opted
for the latter. My reasoning was that in
the confusion of the fight, I could slip off and escape.
So, I found myself on the field of battle and doing pretty
well for myself. The Iron Horde are
strong and tough, but I’m lithe and quick.
My knives found openings in their armor to slide through and the poison
on the blades made sure they didn’t survive.
We pushed them back to the dark portal and then through it. We followed them through and found ourselves faced
with more orcs than we could count. The
mage Khadgar wanted to destroy the portal so we worked towards that end. Scouts found the power source and we
destroyed it. This shut down the portal,
but that wasn’t good enough for Khadgar and Thrall so we found ourselves
fighting toward the war machines. This
was not as easy as I just made that sound.
Once we reached the machines, we actually managed to use them to destroy
the portal and that’s when it dawned on me.
The portal was destroyed and we had no way to get back to Azeroth; we
were stuck here.
I found out that this land was an alternate version of
Draenor that the original portal had led to.
On this Draenor, the orcs had not drank the blood of the Fel Demon and
were not tainted. These orcs made up the
Iron Horde and they seemed to have one goal in mind – kill everyone who was not
part of the Iron Horde. Not all the orcs
we met on this side of the portal was part of this Iron Horde. Some clans were enslaved by them and we
helped free them, thereby gaining their trust and aid.
The Horde and Alliance forces separated in the hopes of
being able to take on the Iron Horde on several fronts. The Alliance forces went with the Draenei of
this world to Shadowmoon Valley and the Horde forces went with the freed orcs
to Frostfire Ridge. There we met the
Chief of the Frostwolf clan who was organizing the resistance against the Iron
Horde. He agreed to work with us and
gave us land on which to build our garrison from which we could work.
And this is where I find myself. In this forsaken land of snow, cold and
ice. I don’t think I will ever be warm
again. I have continually found myself
sent out on missions of intelligence gathering and I find myself taking the
opportunity when it arises to cause trouble for our foes or to kill key figures
when I’m able. I have heard that other
areas of this land are warmer and I’m hoping to be sent there sometime in the
near future. I have decided that since I’m
stuck here until we can destroy this Iron Horde and find a way to open a portal
back to our work, I will make the best of it and hone my skills even more.
I have also decided to keep a record of my journey. I have to do something to keep my fingers
limbered up.
Korafay - Level 90
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