Monday, May 28, 2012

Kahlee's 3rd Journal Entry

Before I could leave for the Wetlands, a missive arrived for me at the inn.  It seems that the Triumvirate was recalling me back to the Exodar.  There was no explanation just the orders to return as soon as possible.  So I immediately returned to Ironforge to speak with Dolim, who had no information to share with me on this change of orders.  He did escort me back to Stormwind and help me book passage on the next ship to Azuremyst Isle.

I was met at the dock by Amiia.  She gave me a big hug and told me not to worry, that my recall was nothing bad and that the Triumvirate would explain.  They wanted to see me immediately so Amiia took my bags while I made my way to the council chamber. 

I’m not sure what I was expecting but what I heard from them wasn’t even close.  It seems that Velen had a vision regarding me and the path I needed to follow.  Before I could follow this path I was to find, I needed to prove myself worthy to enter into the Order of the Hand of Argus and in order to do this, I was to help the Order with the blood elves on Bloodmyst Isle.  The activity had picked up there and they were up to something with the Vector Coil.  I was told to set out immediately and lend my aid where needed.

I was assigned to scout the area to the west of Blood Watch for blood elf activity.  I found a group of blood elves scavenging the Cryo-Core to the west and moved in closer to see what they were up to.  As far as I could see, they were stripping anything of value from the Core and as there were so many of them, there was nothing I could do stop them.  As I made my way around the Cryo-Core, I noticed a body inside the broken remains.  During a lull on that side of the wreckage I made my way to the body to see if I could identify it.  It looked like the elves had scavenged what they could off of even this body of one of our own.  A short distance away from him, I did find a book that looked like it had been tossed carelessly aside and decided to take it with me.  I said a blessing over the body and took my leave.

I had found other camps further west of Blood Watch and took their numbers the best I could before I returned to Blood Watch to report my findings.  As I neared Blood Watch, I came riding around a corner into a small patrol of blood elves.  Fortunately they were as surprised as I was and I used my mount to my advantage crushing several before they came to their senses.  As the elekk was stepping on them, I dropped to the ground to finish off those few remaining.  Once I settled the elekk down, I inspected the bodies searching them for any clues as to their presence on the road.  I found some missives which I immediately took with me.  Upon arriving at Blood Watch, I took the book and missives to Vindicator Kuros, who then bid me to rest while they looked into the things I had brought.

It was not much later that I heard a commotion outside the inn and went to investigate.  It seems that the book I had brought back, belonged to a technician on the Cryo-Core, Galaen, who had been the husband to Morae, an herbalist. Galaen had recorded the beating and torture of Vindicator Saruan at the hands of a blood elf, Matis.  Saruan had been Kuros’ mentor and upon reading these happenings, Kuros was enraged and vowed that Matis would pay for his actions.  We are to search for this Matis and return him alive to Kuros.

The next morning, I was given my assignment of closing a sun gate which was being used by the blood elves to bring in more reinforcements from Outland to help with the syphoning off of energy of the Vector Coil.  It was upon my return trip from destroying the sun gate, that I crossed paths with a lone blood elf rider.  From the description I had been given, I knew this was Matis.  Following orders, I shot off a flair for help and engaged him in battle to keep him there until help arrived.  He was arrogant and taunted me trying to get me to make a foolish error but I kept my wits about me until help arrived.  We were able to subdue him and brought him back to Blood Watch.

He was brought before the image of Velen boasting of the acts he had done and that of the blood elves in regards to the Vector Coil.  Their plan was to ultimately capture the Exodar and take the Naaru to syphon off its energies.  Velen condemned these acts and sentenced Matis to death at the next sunrise.  Knowing this, I believe Matis purposely taunted Kuros; telling him of the final moments of Saruan.  This drove Kuros over the edge and he attacked and killed Matis before anyone could so much as blink.  Velen gave the order to destroy the blood elves, the vector coil and this Sironas.

Our forces were gathered and we made a full attack on the Vector Coil that next morning.  We destroyed the Coil and killed any blood elf we came across on our way to the top of the mountain where Sironas was collecting energy.  When the source of the power was cut, Sironas and her forces attacked us but we fought with the ferocity and determination of those who are protecting their homes and loved ones.  In the end, we were victorious but the price was indeed high.  Many were dead and many more were wounded but the threat was ended.

There was a great celebration once we returned to Blood Watch and the wounded had been tended to.  Even Velen came in person to congratulate everyone.  In the midst of this celebration, the Triumvirate called me to them and told me that I had showed myself to be more than worthy to join the ranks of the Hand of Argus and they bestowed upon me the time-honored tabard that the Order wore.  Then Velen was beside me and taking my arm, he drew me to the side.  He told me that the visions he had seen regarding me showed him that I had something to yet do with my life and that in order to be prepared for this I must make my way in this world learning what I could from those I came into contact with.  Velen hadn’t seen what exactly I was destined to do or become but he knew that I had to be set free to do it on my own.  If I needed help from the Order, all I had to was ask but the path I was now going to follow was one I had to forge on my own.  He kissed me on the forehead, asked the Light to guide and watch over me and turned to return to the Exodar.

I now have to figure out what to do with myself and how to find this path I’m supposed to follow.  I believe that I will go to the Wetlands and continue from there.  Surely the Light would have already been guiding me earlier and besides, I seem to have acquired a taste for dwarven stout.

((currently Level 24))

Defeating Sironas after destroying the Vector Coil

Speaking with Velen at Blood Watch

Kahlee's 2nd Journal Entry

The tasks I found myself doing at Azure Watch was not very taxing.  They consisted of clearing the infected nightstalkers in the area, hunting the stags for meat, gathering medicinal plants and going out on patrols.  After a couple of weeks of this, I received notice that passage on a ship to Stormwind had been booked for me in two days’ time.  Amiia saw me off and told me to learn all I could from these other paladins.

It was my first time on a sea voyage and I asked so many questions of the captain and the crew that I’m surprised they didn’t toss me overboard.  Yet they all took the time to answer my questions and explain the functions of the different parts of the ship.  The trip went by so fast and we were pulling into port in Stormwind before I knew it.  I was met at the dock by one of the dwarven paladins, Dolim Brightfist, who had come to escort me to Ironforge.  I could feel the Light radiating in him and I strive to have strength like that.  We took the Deeprun Tram which runs from Stormwind to Ironforge for he said it would give us time to talk.  He spoke to me of the politics of Ironforge and some of its past and present.  He told me of the surrounding areas and what has been happening in them.  He also gave me advice on the best places to get ales and stouts – I’m not too sure how that is supposed to be helpful to me but I’m keeping an open mind.

When we arrived, he presented me to The Council of the Three Hammers – I felt an affinity with Muradin Bronzebeard and Falstad Wildhammer but I took an instant dislike to Moira Thaurissan.  Fortunately I will not have much doings with the Council after that initial meeting as Dolim is in charge of me and my training for the duration of my stay.  We do some training and he seems satisfied with my progress so far along my chosen path.  He has assigned me to help the townfolk in Kharanos.  The tasks are pretty much the same as what I did at Azure Watch but instead of the pleasant trees surrounding me, I am beset by the cold.  The dwarves are a sturdy lot.  They work hard and play hard and I find myself liking these people.  They teach me much and I believe Dolim’s intent was to get me used to the dwarven people and to let them get used to me.  After a couple of months, Dolim sent me to Loch Modan.  He told me that at that point, my contacts in Loch Modan will send me to my next assignment and it had been decided that each contact in the new place would send me on when my tasks were completed.

I had made some good friends in Kharanos and they drank to my health and sent me on my way to Loch Modan with many tidbits of advice.  Upon arrival in Loch Modan, I met up with Faldoc Stonefaith who was to be my contact for my stay there.  Once I settled in, they put me to work.   I hunted troggs, murlocs, bears, wasps, and foxes among other things and I helped stop the Twilight’s Cult group of ogres in the area.  Everyone I came into contact with has taught me something and I am gaining confidence in my skills and myself.  After many months calling this place home, Faldoc is sending me to the Wetlands to help out where I can there.  I am now looking forward to each new land I go to and the people I will meet there.

((currently Level 22)

Kahlee in Ironforge

Fighting ogres in Loch Modan

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kahlee's 1st Journal Entry

Kahtraa has died at Level 75 but I have re-rolled yet another paladin - Kahlee.  I will be keeping a journal for her as well as I enjoyed writing them for the others before her.  For anyone reading these, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.  The first entry is below.

I was but a child on Draenor when Kil’jaeden and his horde of Orcs attacked our people nearly wiping us out.  I remember the terror I felt as I heard the screams and the clashing of weapons.  Peering from under the arms of she who shielded me from the violence, I saw the blue blood of our fallen defenders upon the paths of Shattrath.  I remember our fleeing our once glorious city to the marshes of Zangarmarsh to escape the death and destruction behind us. 

We hid from the Orcs and the burning legion for many years until Velen decided to try to wrest control of the Exodar from the Blood Elves in an attempt to escape Draenor.  Not knowing that the elves had damaged the Exodar’s engines we made the planeshift only to go hurtling out of control and finally landing on this planet called Azeroth.

I had a strong affinity for the Light and found myself training in the ways of the Light even at my young age (yes, I am barely considered an adult of my race).  I excelled in my training and grew stronger and more adept in the use of the Light thanks to my mentor, Vindicator Amiia.  She took me under her wing and taught me all she knew.  While I was adept at my calling, the Triumvirate decided that I needed to grow in my knowledge of this world.  I didn’t have what they called “life experience.”  It was felt that before I completed my entry into the Order of the Hand of Argus, I needed to learn more of the other races that share this planet we found ourselves on.

While arrangements are being made for me to work with the other races, I am assigned to help with various tasks at Azure Watch.  I am both excited and scared about this new direction my life is taking.  May the Light guide me and keep me safe on this journey I will be embarking on soon.

((currently Level 6))

Kahlee speaking with Exarch Menelaous at
Azure Watch to get her assignments

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kahtraa's 23rd and last entry

Having just killed and skinned several proto-drake whelps, the hunter noticed his wolf gnawing on something and went over to see what it was.  He was somewhat surprised to see it was a charred leather pack.  He took it away from his pet who found something else to interest himself with.  The hunter looked around for the owner of this pack and didn’t see anyone but eventually noticed the charred bones a small distance away.  He walked over to the bones to inspect them.  He could tell by the shape of the skull and the horns protruding from it that this was once a Draenei.  There wasn’t much left of the armor as the drakes had broken it to get to the flesh but from he could see, the armor was on the smaller side so he deduced that this was the remains of a female Draenei.  He whistled to his wolf and they headed back to Westguard Keep to give the pack to the captain there.
When the captain was shown the pack, he remembered a female Draenei that had come through a week ago and helped them a little bit.  If he remembered correctly, this looked like the pack she was carrying.  He opened it looking for a clue to the identity of the owner.  Inside the pack were a few pieces of clothing, some provisions and a book.  He took the book, opened it and began to read.  This was indeed the journal of the Draenei.  He sighed heavily and sat down to write a missive to the Triumvirate of the Argus of the Hand, the Draenei paladin order, informing them of the death of one of their own and enclosing the last of her effects.  It wasn’t much but it was the least he could do for her.  As he sealed the package and gave it to the courier with instructions to see it delivered to the Exodar, he took a moment and prayed that the Light would keep this warrior’s soul and that she would find peace in the afterlife.

((Kahtraa died at Level 75, just 2 bars short of 76, in Howling Fjord.  She was beset by 2 proto-drake whelps and a larger drake breathing fire down her back.  She could not kill the whelps quick enough and couldn’t get to her “oh, shit!” button quick enough.)

Kahtraa dead at Level 75

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kahtraa's 22nd Journal Entry

I finally made it to Kaskala only to find the Tuskarr village under siege by Kvaldir.  Due to this commotion, I was unable to locate Ataika immediately so in order to speed things up I offered my help with these Kvaldir.  It sounded pretty easy when I made the offer but these men seemed to keep multiplying like ravvits.  They were coming in full force as several boats at a time would land and offload more warriors.
A group of Tuskarr warriors sought the council of their shaman, Elder Muahit, and I joined them to see what may be done about this invasion.  The elder had sought the wisdom of the Tuskarr ancestors and told us that we should be able to turn the tide of the fight if we slay the Kvaldir’s raid leader.  He said that the ancestors would summon a snowstorm to aid in this feat.  I figured we had nothing to lose and everything to gain if the plan worked and we split up to find this leader.  He wasn’t that difficult to find as he was the largest of the warriors and was in the thick of the fighting.  I singled him out and indicated he was the one I wanted.  He thought that was rather funny as he towered over me and definitely had me in weight and strength but I am used to being underestimated, especially by males.  He gave a fierce battle cry and charged me.  If that was supposed to unnerve me, it failed miserably.  I met his charge with my own which seemed to surprise him a bit and I took advantage of it and managed to draw first blood.  This enraged him and he bore down on me.  I was hard pressed to defend myself and several of his blows landed but I know many tricks of fighting and used several of them to bring him to his knees (I don’t always fight fair) which was perfect for separating his head from his shoulders.  When his warriors saw him fall it seemed to me that they faltered a bit and the Tuskarr was able to turn the tide in their favor.  Those Kvaldir who weren’t struck down managed to reach their boats and escape.  The village was secure for the moment.

The elder was grateful for my help and asked what they could do in return for my help.  I told him I was looking for Ataika and a Tuskarr came forward saying that he was Ataika.  I asked him about Thassarian and he told me that Thassarian had set out to the east to Une’pe.  As I thanked him and turned to leave he told to be careful as Thassarian bore the mark of Karkut, he watches over the dead.  I thought that was a strange comment but nodded my acknowledgement.
I headed back out to the road and pulled out the map I had obtained back at Valiance Keep.  I noticed that Amber Ledge wasn’t far off and I needed some rest and more supplies.  I hoped that I could obtain these things from the mages there.  They did have the things I needed but they had a need as well.  According to Librarian Donathan, mages all across Azeroth were being abducted and Dalaran had given him authority to hire help in finding out what was going on.  I believe I’ve said before – I’m a sucker for those who need aid and I out I go to help find out what is going on.

Fortunately I didn’t have far to go when I come across a camp with dragonkin and sorcerers looking rather suspicious.  Upon spying on them, I hear that they are capturing mages for some purpose that I wasn’t able to determine.  To support this information, I removed a key from the body of the dragonkin and unlocked a strange prison cell releasing a weakened mage.  Once I healed her the best I could, she thanked me and assured me that she had enough energy to port out.  With the mage out of the way, I decided to take back a prisoner of my own for interrogation.  I thought the mages would have ways to make a prisoner talk.  The sorcerers are powerful if they are able to get off a spell but if you take them by surprise and render them unconscious, then they are rather easily handled.
The mages were glad to have the prisoner and they did have the means to make him talk but their code of conduct wouldn’t let them use it so I ended up doing the dirty work for them.  I don’t like to use methods like that but too many lives depended on the information we were trying to get.  May the Light forgive me but I used the device they gave me on him and had him talking in no time.  They were working with Malygos to rid Azeroth of magic users and they had managed to captur an archmage, Lady Evanor, and she had to be rescued before she was killed.  The head executioner, Salrand, had the key to the Lady Evanor’s cell and she was protected by a magical shield.  Donathan handed me a bomb that he assured me would take down the shield and then I could kill her and take the key.

It worked like a charm - after I cleared my way to her shield, I threw the bomb, it exploded with arcane energy causing the shield to drop and I was able to bring her down quickly but the key had been broken.  I returned the pieces to Donathan.  He inspected the pieces and sent me with them to see Surristrasz of the red dragon flight.  Surristrasz seemed to resent the interruption but he did finally lend us aid by somehow reforging the key – the ways of dragon are beyond my ken – and sending me to warmage Anzim who had a large dragon flight at his call for the rescue.  The strike was quick and devastating.  They had blue dragons defending but they were no match for the reds and when it was done Lady Evanor and the other mages were freed. 
They were appreciative of my aid and gave me the supplies I needed along with a bed for the night – I could have stayed longer but I really just wanted to get away from them at that point.  The fact that Malygos was involved somehow with this did not bode well and I don’t like meddling in the affairs of dragons and the mages were tight lipped about the entire event.  Not to mention that I had just spent many days on this side task and I still had to find Thassarian.  Why does life have to get so complicated at times?

((currently Level 74))

Fighting Kvaldir at Kaskala

Getting information from the captured Beryl Sorcerer

Monday, May 21, 2012

Kahtraa's 21st Journal Entry

Well, I made my rounds of the eco-domes looking for work.  Some of the Consortium had some odd jobs they were willing to hire me for – killing creatures, retrieving data devices, setting data devices – that type of stuff.   They really treated me like I didn’t have a brain cell in my head.   I really resent being asked to retrieve some of these devices because I wouldn’t understand how to read them.  I looked at some of these things when I picked them up and they were not that difficult to understand but I did my tasks and took the gold offered.
While sitting at the bar at the inn, I overheard a pair of travelers talking about the opportunities to be found in Northrend.  I bought them some drinks and asked them about this Northrend.  They told me the Alliance had a presence there and were working with the Argent Crusade to stop the Lich King.  They also told me that someone good with a sword could make a nice bit of coin there.  I was getting tired of the tasks I was finding here in Outland so I decided a change of scenery was in order.

I made my way back to Stormwind and booked passage to Valiance Keep.  The ship was scheduled to set out in a week’s time so I used that time to study with the paladins at the Cathedral and get my axe and armor repaired.  It was an uneventful sea voyage for which I was grateful.
Upon arrival, I checked in with the local milita but since I wasn’t willing to “join up” on an official basis, I was told to talk with those in charge about doing free-lance work.  Fortunately, I found that one of the people in charge of operations out of Valiance Keep was Harbinger Vurenn.   I had trained under him at one time and he knew my abilities and what I was capable of.  Vurenn seemed genuinely glad to see me and he accepted my offer of aid and put me right to work immediately by helping the soldiers in front of the keep clear out some of the scourge that was attacking the keep.  After that he asked me follow a lead about possible twilight cult activities.  I managed to uncover some cultist operatives in our own ranks!  That was a shock to those in charge and I was thanked profusely and rewarded appropriately.  Vurenn told me that if I was looking for further work, there was a high amount need in almost all areas of Northrend and he suggested I travel around some and offer my services to those I met.

As I was about to set out, Vurenn asked if I could help them out one more time by aiding a village, Farshire, which is just outside the Keep as it was being overrun with Scourge.  I agreed to go there after I had a bite to eat.  While I was dining, I was approached by a woman named Leryssa who asked if I would look for an old family friend, William Allerton, while I was Farshire.   William was supposed to have some news about her brother who reportedly enlisted at the same time as he did but what was so strange was that her brother had been dead for years.  I found it an odd story and a bit of a mystery so I agreed to look this William Allerton while I was helping out in Farshire.  
I found Farshire was indeed under siege by the scourge and did everything I could to remove their presence.  While I was clearing out the Farshire mine, I came across William Allerton’s body.  Since I couldn’t talk to him, I searched his body and retrieved his personal affects to give Leryssa in the hopes she could find some clue about her brother.  After many days of fighting, we finally stemmed the flow of the scourge and secured the village from further attack.  I then took my leave to return to Valiance Keep to give Leryssa the things I found on William Allerton’s body.

Leryssa was disappointed that Allerton was dead but in his belongings she found his enlistment card.  With that card, she cross-referenced the date in the enlistment ledger and not too far down from Allerton’s name she found the name of her brother, Thassarian.  He was assigned to a Unit-S which was odd in that all the other units were named after Alliance cities.  While she returned the ledger to the place she “borrowed” it from, I asked the bartender if he knew anything about this Unit-S or Thassarian.  He had no idea but directed me to an old drunk in the corner.  I bought a bottle of wine and made my way over to the old man.
When I plunked the bottle down on the table, he looked up at me with bleary, blood-shot eyes and then his gaze dropped to the bottle.  I opened it and poured me a glass and then, with a look into his face, I poured him a glass.  He took the glass, raised it to his lips, paused for a moment, drank it down and asked me what I wanted.  I explained I was looking for information regarding Unit-S or Thassarian.  He seemed to think about it for a moment and then told me he had never heard of either.  He reached for the bottle of wine which I moved away from his grasping fingers.  He regarded me a moment and told me that there was a deserter in the jail who might have some information on Unit-S and I should go talk to him.  I thanked the old man and pushed the bottle towards him as I rose and left the bar to make my way to the jail.

Once there, I made inquiries about this deserter and was led to his cell.  After a little bit of posturing on his part, he told me that Unit-S was a group of men on what he felt was a suicide mission – attacking a scourge ziggurat outside of a plagued Nerubian city and that Thassarian was in charge of that mission.  This deserter didn’t know anything else except that they were to have arranged passage east with a tuskarr by the name of Ataika in Kaskala and if I was looking for further information, I should look there.  I thanked him and went to tell Leryssa what I had found.  I told her I would head in that direction and let her know what I found out while she stayed at the Keep to see if she could find any further information and she agreed to the arrangement.   Tomorrow I shall set out for Kaskala to find this Ataika and see what he may know.
((currently Level 73))

Fighting scourge in Farshire

Talking to the old man at the bar

Talking to the deserter in the jail

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kahtraa's 20th Journal Entry

I’m not the type of person to give up on a task or mission that I have been given.  If I don’t believe I am capable of doing it, I will turn it down and explain the reason why to the person giving me the assignment.  Some things I just don’t have the skill set for but I don’t run into many of those types of assignments.
Once I recovered from my near death experience, I put my revised plans into action.  I was going to get the bloodgem first.  I was ready to give some payback to those Magisters.  I went a little more stealthier than the last time and made sure of everyone’s positions before I snuck up to the encampment and systematically took them out one at a time looking for a gem.  Apparently, once they charge a smaller bloodgem, they place them in a storage box which closely guarded, so I had to get to a Magister before they actually charged the gem in their possession.  This took a little bit of time but I finally managed it.  The difficult part was charging the thing from the larger blood gem as the Magisters are always coming and going around those larger gems.  Fortunately, the Magister I took the gem from had been wearing a cloak and since their clothes are red the blood didn’t show up too bad for a quick glance.  I threw the cloak on and waited until the majority of the Magisters had charged their gems and was taking them to the storage box before I headed to the large bloodgem and charged the smaller one.   I was trying to figure out how I could leave the area without being stopped for not turning the gem in when there was a commotion on the other side of the encampment.  They had found one of the bodies I had stashed and the general alarm went up.  I used the confusion created to sneak away from the encampment and recover my mount and leave the scene.  The task was completed.

I returned to Area-52 with the charged bloodgem and the Magistrix was delighted to get her hands on it.  She immediately set about examining it and running tests on it.  I left her to it with a brief comment to the Spymaster that I would work on his assignment the next day.  My energy level hasn’t quite returned yet since my injuries healed.  I wanted a full night’s rest and a nice meal under my belt before I dealt with the Sunfury elves again.  Plus I wanted some of the commotion to die down before I attempted to thin their ranks further.
While the commotion had indeed died down during the night, there was a lot more activity in the camps than there had been previously.  This was going to make my task for the Spymaster a little more difficult but not impossible.  I would never make a good rogue but I don’t think I did too badly that day.  I was able to sneak around and take out the warp-masters and the warp-engineers.  While I was sneaking around, I overheard some conversations that Overseer Theredis had moved some of the guards away from the manaforge in order for them to patrol the area looking for culprits behind the recent killings.  I found that interesting news and crept around toward the back of the manaforge to see if security might be a little looser there and sure enough, there were only two guards back there.  They can easily see the path and the surrounding area to their left leading up to them so if they were approached by an enemy they could sound the alarm.  However, the approach to them from their right is almost non-existent as the manaforge sits close to the edge of the drop-off.  A skillful climber could come from that direction and take them by surprise.

I knew that the Spymaster wanted this manaforge shut down and with security being thin right now, I believed I had the perfect opportunity to do it.  I retrieved my gryphon and came up on the manaforge from the backside where it backed up to the edge.  I dropped from him onto a narrow ledge and made my way around toward the two guards.  A quick peek told me all was quiet and I got as close as I could unnoticed and then charged them knocking the breath out of the first one by delivering a well-timed kick to the crotch – it’s surprising how quickly that will drop a male for a time; as such you would think they would design their armor to better protect that sensitive area – and immediately engaged the second by continuing my charge to knock him back.  These two were inexperienced fighters which was good for me but bad for them.  I was able to dispatch the first guard quickly and as the other one was recovering his breath, I ran him through giving him a quick death.
With the guards out of the way, I made my way into the manaforge and scanned the area.  There were very few workers in there.  I needed to get the access crystal from Overseer Theredis in order to permanently shut down the manaforge.  When I asked the Spymaster why we couldn’t just storm the manaforges and destroy them, he told me that the resulting explosion from just one would almost destroy Outland so we have to shut them down instead.

I went back out the way I had come in and shoved the bodies over the edge into the nether so they couldn’t be found, covered as much of the blood up with loose dirt to try to hide the evidence somewhat if anyone came strolling back this way.  Hopefully they would think that the two sentries had abandoned their posts for some reason and not set up the alarm immediately.  I then whistled for Skytalon, my gryphon, in order to put a plan into motion.  Gryphons are very smart creatures and Skytalon was exceptionally intelligent.  I told him that I needed a diversion at the front of the manaforge and I wanted him to dive bomb the area to hold the Sunfury elves’ attention for a bit.  He chirped at me to let me know he understood and left.  I returned to interior of the manaforge and waited for my diversion.
Suddenly there were lots of shouts at the front of the manaforge and just about everyone inside ran outside, including the Overseer.  I took the opportunity to head toward his office and await his return.  I didn’t have long to wait.  He was still shouting orders as he entered and I didn’t give him a chance to do more than look at me with his eyes going wide before I planted my sword in his heart.  He wasn’t wearing armor so it was an easy kill.  I had already searched his office for the crystal and didn’t find it so he had to have it on his person.   I retrieved it off his body and made my way to the control console.  A cursory glance at the mechanism told me all I needed to know in order to shut it down.  I inserted the access crystal and entered the shutdown command.  Within moments the manaforge powered down and I took the access crystal out and smashed it on the ground and beat a hasty retreat.  Skytalon had been watching for my return and he swooped down to me allowing me to quickly climb on his back.  He was back in the air in mere moments and we returned to the Spymaster in Area-52.

I gave him my report of what had happened and he congratulated me on a job well done.  He also told me that he liked my initiative and he hoped that his operatives at the other manaforges could shut them down as easily as I had.  I thanked him and when he asked me what I planned to do next I told him that I had heard that the Consortium had some work they needed done in some of the eco-domes and I thought I would head that way on the morrow.  He nodded, wished me well and turned to speak with someone who had just entered the room.  I took that as my dismissal and I returned to the inn for a bite to eat and my soft bed.  It would be another long day tomorrow and I needed my rest.
((currently Level 71))

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kahtraa's 19th Journal Entry

Today I almost went to meet my ancestors – which, by the way, I am not quite ready to do yet.  Spymaster Thalodien asked for my aid in shutting down the Manaforge B’naar.  These manaforges are structures that collect energy from the nether and syphon it to Kael’thas in Tempest Keep for his use.  By shutting these manaforges down, we cripple Kael’thas’ magical ability.  What I was asked to do by the Spymaster was to kill the warp-master and warp-engineers in charge of the upkeep of the manaforge.  With them removed from the picture it should be easier to shut the manaforge down as they are the experts at keeping it running and the soldiers around there know nothing about how to keep it operational.
When Magistrix Larynna heard I was going to Manaforge B’naar she thought it the perfect opportunity for me to nab a bloodgem crystal from a Sunfury Magister, charge this smaller gem at the larger bloodgem crystal like the Sunfury Magisters do and return the gem to her for study.  She felt that the Sunfury forces are using these gems to augment their power but she feels that this energy might be as addictive as the arcane energy from the sunwell once was.  She was hoping to study the gem to gain some insight into this.  I agreed to do this for her since I was going to be in the area anyway.

The Sunfury Magisters were in open and easily accessible so I thought to get that task completed first.  One of the Magisters was returning to her tent after completing the charging of the small bloodgem crystal she had in her possession.  I thought this was a perfect opportunity and struck.  Unfortunately, I was not unobserved.  I didn’t realize there was an occupant in the tent near hers and he came to her aid calling for reinforcements.    Whatever energy these elves are tapping into it packs a punch and hurts like hell.  I was able to stun one of them and called upon the Light to shield me which they promptly tore through with their fire spells.  I had already decided that it was best run away and live to fight another day and was trying to do just that but I was burnt worse than I initially thought and only managed to stumble away with the three of them in pursuit. 
I received a well placed shot and felt my armor buckle when the bolt passed through my mid-section.  At that point I called all my powers to the fore and used the Light for one healing blast which left me as weak as a kitten yet I kept struggling on to get away.  The three spellcasters finally used up what energy that had stored  and thinking me on the brink of death, returned to their camp.  I crawled my way back to Area-52 to seek medical attention.  The healer tells me it will be several days before I will be on my feet again and the blacksmith informs me that it will take at least a week to repair my armor.  That is fine with me right now.  I will take this time to regain my strength and plan how I am going to destroy those Magisters .  It’s now personal.

((currently Level 70 and still alive))

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kahtraa's 18th Journal Entry

As I was passing through Blade’s Edge Mountain on my way to Netherstorm, I stopped in at Sylvanaar for a little rest and a bite to eat.  I must have the look of a helpful person, or a sucker, to those around me as I was approached by several people asking if I would do little “errands” for them.  A dryad asked me to investigate a group of Arakkoa who seemed to be using some questionable magic; a couple of dwarves from the Explorer’s League asked me to retrieve some ore samples and some Ogre’s brew, respectively; and Commander Skyshadow asked me to make strikes against two different tribes of Ogres – the Bladespire and the Bloodmaul.
I managed to decipher and obtain some of the magical items the Arakkoa in the area used for their rituals and magical castings.  I returned these things to the dryad who seemed content with the information and was going to give them further study.  The mine I needed to get the ore samples from was on the outskirts of the Bladespire Ogres’ encampment so I managed to get both these tasks done at the same time.  A bit north of the Bladespire Ogres, I found the Bloodmaul Ogres’ encampment.  I don’t think there is much love lost between these two and groups and with any luck they will each blame the other for the deaths when discovered.  I returned to Sylvanaar with the ore, brew and news of the Ogres.  Once I had turned over the items and the information, I headed out to continue my journey to Netherstorm.

I stopped in at Toshley Station to refill my water skins and pick up a few more provisions and, of course, some gnomes there asked if I wanted to make some gold.  I listened to their offers and the tasks they wanted done but, honestly, the gnomes and their strange gadgets scare me more than any creature I have come across in Blade’s Edge and I turned down their offers.  I quickly left out of there and headed toward Ruuan Weald in Evergrove as a resting place before I reached my final destination.
Ruuan Weald is populated with the Cenarian Expedition and is very relaxing, however, I am apparently unable to sit still any length of time and I asked my hosts if there was anything I could help with.  They had a few things for me to do.  None of the tasks were too strenuous – get nets from some of the wyrmcultists while thinning their  presence in the Evergrove; retrieve a pendant from the Arakkoa; thin out some of the wildlife in the surrounding area; plant some trees in a scorched area north of Ruuan Weald and sabotage a local Forge Camp inhabited by the Burning Legion.  I managed to get these tasks done in less than a week’s time and it went a long way in aiding my reputation with the Cenarian Expedition.  When it came time for me to continue my journey, they thanked me for my help and bade me return when I could.

Right now I sit at the inn in Area-52 having dinner while making this entry.  Tomorrow I will ask around for work as I have heard that many here are looking for people to help them with a myriad of tasks.
((currently Level 70))

Kahtraa Fightin a Bloodmaul Ogre

At Toshley Station in Blade's Ege Mountains

At Ruuan Weald in the Evergrove in Blade's Edge Mountains

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kahtraa's 17th Journal Entry

Nagrand is a lovely place especially after the desolation of the Bone Wastes.  The Oshu’gun is located here but I heard that the Mag’har tribe of orcs use it as a holy place in some of their rites.  I find it funny that a race who tried to destroy us use a ship that brought us to this planet as a holy place.  Yet, I have seen demons in the entryway of this so called holy place and it makes me wonder what has happened within there but I have not had the chance to investigate. 
The Kurenai were having problems with the ogres in the area.  They had come into possession of some intelligence that the Boulderfist Ogres are planning an attack on Telaar.   Mo’mor of the Kurenai asked me to make a first strike at the Burning Blade Ruins where they are currently amassing.  I see the logic of taking the battle to them and decimating as many of their numbers beforehand as Telaar is not well-fortified.  While I made my way into the heart of the ruins, I ran across a young Kurenai secured in a cage.  He told me his name was Corki and he was the son of the leader of the Kurenai in Telaar, Arechron.   It would have made too much noise breaking him out of the cage so I searched among the Ogres for the key.  As I was thinning their number anyway, it wasn’t much of a problem.  I found the key to the cage and release him whereupon he immediately fled the area yelling a thank you, which then alerted several Ogres in the area of his escape.  I could have gladly killed him myself at that time.  With the Ogres on full alert and aware of my action, I returned to Telaar to speak with Mo’mor upon the subject of the Ogres.

Mo’mor congratulated me upon the dent I had made in the Ogres’ numbers and told me that he had information of a large contingent of Ogres collecting in the Twin Clefts and asked if I would be willing to do the same thing there as I had at the ruins.  I agreed to help and told him I would set out the next morning.  I managed to get a decent night’s sleep and after a quick breakfast, began to head out.  Before I got too far, Arechron stopped me and told me that his son, Corki, had ran off a couple of days before to “help” with the Ogres in the Twin Clefts.  He was afraid something had happened to the boy and asked if I would look for him while I was out there.  I almost turned him down but I agreed to keep an eye out for him.  Sure enough, I found Corki in a cage in the back of the southern cavern at the Twin Clefts.   This time I had checked the bodies beforehand for keys in case I found the little twit and was easily able to release him.  He once again ran for the exit like his tail was on fire but at least he didn’t raise an alarm like he had the last time.  I was able to pick off the Ogres one at a time for a longer time than I had at the ruins before I was discovered.   I returned once more to Telaar.
Upon arrival in Telaar, I sought audience with Mo’mor who told me that his sources had found the leader of the Boulderfist and it was an Orc.  He asked me to go see this Lantressor of the Blade and seek a peaceful resolution to the situation.  I didn’t believe I could do anything to bring about a peaceful resolution, especially after having spent days killing the Ogres but I agreed to give it a try.

I found Lantressor at the back of the Burning Blade Ruins and we spoke.   He was not interested in peace but I stressed the fact that we would fight to the end; that we would not stand idly by while his followers killed our people and plundered their lands.  He took my measure and saw that I spoke the truth and there would be large numbers of casualties on both sides and there was still no guarantee that the Boulderfist would win such a war.  He agreed to a peaceful resolution if I would do some tasks for him.  He asked me to go to Kil’sorrow Fortress and kill as many Orcs in the fortress as I could and I was to plant a Warmaul banner in the heart of each of these dead Orcs.  I was then to return to him for the next task he had for me.  I could see that his plan was to stir up hatred between the Orcs and the Warmaul Ogres but it was better than having the Boulderfist attacking the Kurenai so I did as he asked.
My next task turned out to be going to the Laughing Skull Ruins and killing as many Warmaul Ogres as I could and planning Kil’sorrow banners in the bodies.  Once I had cleared out an area around the central pyre, I was to use a signal blanket and some Boulderfist  Ogres would come and plant Kil’sorrow bodies around the area to further indicate it was an attack on the Warmaul by the Orcs.  This was really a pretty good plan getting the other faction of Ogres into a way with the Orcs leaving the Boulderfist as the prominent tribe in the area and it worked like a charm.

Upon completion of these tasks, I returned to Lantressor who actually thanked me and according to our agreement, accepted the offering of peace.  He sent me back to Telaar with a peace offering which pleased Mo’mor and the other elders immensely.  I had managed to somehow avert a potential devastating war which would have cost huge number of lives on both sides.  Several weeks of hard work which was well worth it.
((currently Level 69))

Kahtraa trying to free Corki

Kahtraa at the Kil'sorrow Fortress

Kahtraa at the Laughing Skull Ruins

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kahtraa's 16th Journal Entry

After much snooping around, I heard that the Broken in Tuurem may have some connection with the Blood Elves of Firewing Point so I went to investigate.; turns out that my sources were correct.  I found a Firewing courier guarding a box in one of the huts and I felt it was my duty to relieve him of it.  I returned with the box to Jenai Starwhisper at the Allerian Stronghold to see if she had any clue about it.  Upon opening the box we found parts that looked like they may belong to a bomb but Jenai wasn’t certain and requested that I take them to Lieutenant Meridian at the Allerian Post.  He took one look at the contents of the box and agreed that it contained parts for a bomb.  He was certain the answer would be at Firewing Point and he sent me there to confirm his suspicions. 
From conversations I overheard and the things I saw, I was able to confirm these Blood Elves were working with Kael’thas and Illidan.  I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought I was; hey, I’m not a rogue after all, and I did have to dispatch several Firewing members.  In the courtyard I spied warlocks working their spells on some sort of device which I could only assume to be the bomb – it looked like they were energizing it with fel energies.  I returned to the Lieutenant with this news.   His sources had told him that Sharth Voldoun, the overseer of the Firewing project, had the code to set this bomb off.  He gave me directions on how to find this overseer and I was to retrieve this code and set the bomb off in the courtyard, thereby destroying their operation there.

It wasn’t easy but I fought my way up the tower to this Sharth Voldoun and demanded the code from him.  That worked really well as he drew his weapon and charged me.  I really have to stop trying to give these guys a chance to do the right thing as one of these days it will be death of me.  I answered with my own weapon drawn and we traded blows.  While he had strength on his side, I had years and years of fighting experience on mine and I was the victor.  I took the code off his body and proceeded to the courtyard where I fought my way to the center of the courtyard and entered the code during the confusion.  I then hauled my tail out of there just in time as the bomb exploded just as I jumped in a ditch.
The Lieutenant sent me back to Allerian Stronghold with the news of the destruction of the bomb and Firewing Point.  Once there, Jenai told me what a good job I done and that I was needed at the Sha’tari Base Camp in the Bone Wastes.  There I saw the corruption of my people and the desecration of our ancestors’ spirits.  Using the power of the Light I was able to put the spirits to rest and destroy those that had been corrupted.  I was able to strike back at the Fel Orcs who had a hand in that corruption and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy it.  May the Light forgive me but I got satisfaction in killing the people who made a deal with the likes of Kiljaeden and brought this corruption to Draenor.   

After this, it was felt that I needed a lighter assignment and I am being sent to Nagrand to help the Kurenai there.
((currently Level 68))

Kahtraa fighting a defender at Firewing Point

Kahtraa freeing a lost spirit in the Bone Wastes

Kahtraa fighting a corrupted Draenei in the Bone Wastes