Monday, May 28, 2012

Kahlee's 2nd Journal Entry

The tasks I found myself doing at Azure Watch was not very taxing.  They consisted of clearing the infected nightstalkers in the area, hunting the stags for meat, gathering medicinal plants and going out on patrols.  After a couple of weeks of this, I received notice that passage on a ship to Stormwind had been booked for me in two days’ time.  Amiia saw me off and told me to learn all I could from these other paladins.

It was my first time on a sea voyage and I asked so many questions of the captain and the crew that I’m surprised they didn’t toss me overboard.  Yet they all took the time to answer my questions and explain the functions of the different parts of the ship.  The trip went by so fast and we were pulling into port in Stormwind before I knew it.  I was met at the dock by one of the dwarven paladins, Dolim Brightfist, who had come to escort me to Ironforge.  I could feel the Light radiating in him and I strive to have strength like that.  We took the Deeprun Tram which runs from Stormwind to Ironforge for he said it would give us time to talk.  He spoke to me of the politics of Ironforge and some of its past and present.  He told me of the surrounding areas and what has been happening in them.  He also gave me advice on the best places to get ales and stouts – I’m not too sure how that is supposed to be helpful to me but I’m keeping an open mind.

When we arrived, he presented me to The Council of the Three Hammers – I felt an affinity with Muradin Bronzebeard and Falstad Wildhammer but I took an instant dislike to Moira Thaurissan.  Fortunately I will not have much doings with the Council after that initial meeting as Dolim is in charge of me and my training for the duration of my stay.  We do some training and he seems satisfied with my progress so far along my chosen path.  He has assigned me to help the townfolk in Kharanos.  The tasks are pretty much the same as what I did at Azure Watch but instead of the pleasant trees surrounding me, I am beset by the cold.  The dwarves are a sturdy lot.  They work hard and play hard and I find myself liking these people.  They teach me much and I believe Dolim’s intent was to get me used to the dwarven people and to let them get used to me.  After a couple of months, Dolim sent me to Loch Modan.  He told me that at that point, my contacts in Loch Modan will send me to my next assignment and it had been decided that each contact in the new place would send me on when my tasks were completed.

I had made some good friends in Kharanos and they drank to my health and sent me on my way to Loch Modan with many tidbits of advice.  Upon arrival in Loch Modan, I met up with Faldoc Stonefaith who was to be my contact for my stay there.  Once I settled in, they put me to work.   I hunted troggs, murlocs, bears, wasps, and foxes among other things and I helped stop the Twilight’s Cult group of ogres in the area.  Everyone I came into contact with has taught me something and I am gaining confidence in my skills and myself.  After many months calling this place home, Faldoc is sending me to the Wetlands to help out where I can there.  I am now looking forward to each new land I go to and the people I will meet there.

((currently Level 22)

Kahlee in Ironforge

Fighting ogres in Loch Modan

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