Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kahlee's 1st Journal Entry

Kahtraa has died at Level 75 but I have re-rolled yet another paladin - Kahlee.  I will be keeping a journal for her as well as I enjoyed writing them for the others before her.  For anyone reading these, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.  The first entry is below.

I was but a child on Draenor when Kil’jaeden and his horde of Orcs attacked our people nearly wiping us out.  I remember the terror I felt as I heard the screams and the clashing of weapons.  Peering from under the arms of she who shielded me from the violence, I saw the blue blood of our fallen defenders upon the paths of Shattrath.  I remember our fleeing our once glorious city to the marshes of Zangarmarsh to escape the death and destruction behind us. 

We hid from the Orcs and the burning legion for many years until Velen decided to try to wrest control of the Exodar from the Blood Elves in an attempt to escape Draenor.  Not knowing that the elves had damaged the Exodar’s engines we made the planeshift only to go hurtling out of control and finally landing on this planet called Azeroth.

I had a strong affinity for the Light and found myself training in the ways of the Light even at my young age (yes, I am barely considered an adult of my race).  I excelled in my training and grew stronger and more adept in the use of the Light thanks to my mentor, Vindicator Amiia.  She took me under her wing and taught me all she knew.  While I was adept at my calling, the Triumvirate decided that I needed to grow in my knowledge of this world.  I didn’t have what they called “life experience.”  It was felt that before I completed my entry into the Order of the Hand of Argus, I needed to learn more of the other races that share this planet we found ourselves on.

While arrangements are being made for me to work with the other races, I am assigned to help with various tasks at Azure Watch.  I am both excited and scared about this new direction my life is taking.  May the Light guide me and keep me safe on this journey I will be embarking on soon.

((currently Level 6))

Kahlee speaking with Exarch Menelaous at
Azure Watch to get her assignments

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