Friday, March 30, 2012

Kahtraa's 5th Journal Entry


It’s been some months since I’ve sat down to write in this thing.  Since I’m recuperating I would say this is a good time to catch up.
I did make my way to the hunter’s camp (whose name is Nesingwary) and they were indeed hiring hunters.  After some negotiations we agreed on a price and I went hunting.  Since the cataclysm a lot of these animals were thrown together in generally the same areas and with so many predators together the habitat cannot continue to support itself.  I did my part and made a hefty sum in the process which is a good thing because I have found that supplies and lodgings can run cost a pretty copper.

The jungle is pretty and serene if you can get past the predators, trolls, goblins and murlocs.  Yes, there are murlocs in this jungle!  I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.  They have apparently claimed a partially sunken ruin as their home and they have included a fairly large area as their own.  This includes part of the trail through Stranglethorn and they attack any traveler who passes on this stretch of trail.  Needless to say, I didn’t appreciate the warm welcome they gave me and I believe I gave them a reason to hesitate attacking anyone else on the trail.  I would have liked to have wiped them out but there are too many of them (they breed like rabbits!) and I didn’t want to commit genocide.  Who am I to decide that their entire tribe doesn’t deserve to live?  Their ways are alien to me but that doesn’t make them evil.  Even so, that doesn’t stop me from defending myself vigorously.
I did have a couple of run ins with the Trolls and Goblins while I was hunting but for the most part I could avoid their camps since they were mostly off the beaten paths.  I understand from the people in Nesingwary’s camp that this jungle used to belong to the Trolls so it’s not unusual to run into tribes that remain.  For the most part I left them alone and they left me alone.  I don’t know what the Goblins are doing in this jungle and neither did the camp but they have been there for some time and the Alliance is aware of their presence so it’s nothing I needed to involve myself with.

From Nesingwary’s camp I made my way south toward a neutral Goblin town called Booty Bay.  It was a nice leisurely trip with no incidents.  Booty Bay is run by a very adept Goblin named Baron Revilgaz.  It was suggested to me that I introduce myself to him as he likes to keep tabs on those who enter his town.  I do so and he gave me this look that I couldn’t decipher and then he offered me a job.  Needless to say I was shocked by that.  He had recently come into possession of intelligence that the pirates in the area were planning an attack on Booty Bay.  He needed a spy to get more information so he could form a defense and the pirates were aware of everyone in the town but I was a new face and he felt I would be perfect for the job.
It sounded exciting and I couldn’t very well let the pirates destroy an entire town so I accepted the job.  I guess there is a high turnover in the pirate organization because I had no trouble getting in with them.  I proved competent in the tasks assigned to me and I quickly rose in the ranks.  Not all of that was due to my skill but the fact that some of those above me seemed to have disappeared from time to time.  I quickly picked up on the fact that when that happened you were not ask questions about the person who disappeared.  In a couple of months I found myself in a trusted position as captain of one of the ships.  In the cabin of the previous captain I found the attack plans and the attack was coming in only a few weeks.  I had to work quickly.  I sabotaged some of the supplies as best I could, stirred up discontentment among the crews and found that some of the new crew that were starting to show up were Worgens.  I made my way back to Booty Bay to find that the Baron had not been idle during the months I was gone and had already had many defenses in place.  With the news I brought him he was able to fine tune his plans.

The attack came a couple of days sooner than expected but Booty Bay was ready for them.  Many lives were lost on both sides and the fighting was fierce and bloody.  The Goblins repelled the pirates and we were able to destroy a couple of their ships.  As the tide of victory turned from the pirates to the Goblins, I made my way to the main ship of the pirate fleet to face the Fleetmaster and hopefully bring the last of this fighting to an end.
I found him in his cabin and he was not surprised to see me.  He immediately attacked and though he was very skilled with the sword, I am a warrior of the Light and have many more years of experience in fighting than he did.  The battle was short but fierce and as he fell there was an explosion beside me which sent me crashing into the bulwark and then darkness.  I opened my eyes to a dim room and a body that ached all over.  I finally figured out I was in a room at the inn and I slowly made my way downstairs to find the Baron enjoying a drink with some of the locals.  He called me over and thanked me for my help and told me what happened after the explosion which was caused by a stray cannon shot.  They had found me among the wreckage of the ship and brought me to the inn for a healer to fix me up.  He told me of the remaining pirates fleeing on the last remaining ship the repair of the town beginning.  He also told me that I had been unconscious for three days and the healer was getting worried about that.  I have decided to stay here for another week to regain my strength and enjoy the sea air for a bit.  After that, I haven’t really decided where I will go but I have a week to figure that out.

((currently Level 40))

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kahdraa's 4th Journal Entry


Wow, Duskwood is not dusky it’s plain murky and depressing.  Everything is in shadow and a palatable pall is over the entire area.  It’s understandable, I guess, considering the history of this area.  The worgen running rampant out here are not the same as the worgen in the Alliance but came from another dimension; summoned here by the Scythe of Elune.  I spent time taking back farmsteads that had been overtaken by worgen.  The owners of these farmsteads are long dead but the creatures who have taken them over have no right to them either and I feel that justice has been served.
I was tricked into helping an old hermit create an abomination that he set upon the town.  I was originally asked to deliver a package to the old hermit and once I had delivered the package, he asked me to retrieve him some supplies from Darkshire as he is old and the town is a fair trip for him to make.  It is an honor to help out elders among my people and I thought nothing of getting the items he asked for and the townspeople did not raise any questions about the items requested from them.  Finally he asked me to deliver a letter to the Mayor of Darkshire as I was heading back that way in order to continue my travel to Raven Hill.  The Mayor read the letter and his face went deathly white and he told me that I had just helped the person they call The Embalmer try to destroy the town.

There was an uproar outside in the town square and I rushed out to see the Nightwatch fighting with this huge abomination.  I quickly grabbed my axe from my back to lend a hand since I was instrumental in helping create this thing.  It swatted the fighters like so many flies and I called upon the Light to help me destroy the monstrosity.  I felt the Light fill me and unleashed the power that was within and the thing gave a mighty roar.  The Nightwatch jumped back into the fray as I unleashed the power of the Light again and again while trying to avoid its blows as I had its undivided attention until it finally fell in defeat.
The Mayor thanked me for my help while the Nightwatch hooked up horses to drag the corpse away to be burned and I asked him why, if they knew the old hermit was this Embalmer, they had not simply had the old man arrested or killed.  It seems The Embalmer is a necromancer and when the town folk discover his disguise and try to do something about him, he will disappear and assume another identity.  In this new identity he will lie low until he gets ready to make his move against the town once again.  Even now, some watchmen had been dispatched to the old hermit’s home but they did not expect him to still be there.  With nothing else I could do to help, I continued on my way to Raven Hill.

Upon arriving at Raven Hill, Sister Elsington asked me to help them hunt down a Lich.  It seems that in the past a necromancer named Morbent Fel was responsible for the undead wandering all over Duskwood.  Some adventurers were supposed to have killed him but the Sister believes that he has been resurrected as a Lich.  She asked me to search for an artifact that the original adventurers had used against Morbent Fel and use it against him once again.  As the Sister suggested, I let the Light lead me and found a piece of the artifact.  It wasn’t broken but the artifact that looked like a staff had been dismantled.  I took the piece I had found and followed my faith into the crypt for the other piece.
In the back corner of the furthest room of the crypt I found another piece of the staff but I could see that the top portion I had just found was missing something from the middle of it.  I felt something pull me to a hole in the back wall of this room and I cautiously made way through it and followed a tunnel to another part of the crypt.  There in a mound of dirt I found the last piece.  With the staff together I stepped out of the tunnel into this new room and face the evil that I had felt emanating from it.  There at the opposite end of the room stood the Lich that was once Morbent Fel.  He was surrounded by a protective aura and the staff in my hand suddenly glowed.  I strode forward confident in the power of the Light and a bolt of energy  arced from the staff toward the Lich.  With a pained cry, the aura fell from the Lich and I charged forward to engage him in battle while his shield was down.  Liches are powerful beings but they are magic users and are not a match for up close fighting with steel and I was able to make short work of him with only minimal damage to myself.  As he fell to the ground, his creations fell with him without his magicks to give them life.

I made my way back through the tunnel to the other part of the crypt that I had first entered and returned to Sister Elsington with the staff and the news of the Lich’s death.  She already knew he was truly dead this time as she felt the evil presence she had been sensing leave.  The Nightwatch that were assigned to Raven Hill were already cleaning out the remaining undead creatures and the area would soon be back to normal.
My work here completed, I contemplated my next destination.  One of the Nightwatch suggested I head to Northern Stranglethorn.  He had heard that there was a  hunter’s camp that was hiring help.  Plus it would be a nice change of scenery from Duskwood.  I believe I will start making my way in that direction as some sunshine would be a pleasant change of pace from the past few months I had spent in Duskwood.

((currently Level 32))

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kahtraa's 3rd Journal Entry


Wow, keeping a journal is more difficult than I thought it would be.  I keep forgetting to write in it.  Well, I am a woman of action and not of letters after all.
I arrived at Thelsamar and I found the Dwarves here very friendly.  I was immediately invited to sit and have a drink with them.  After such a long journey, a drink was very welcome.  I asked about the area and they were very forthcoming with the news.  They were having trouble with the gnolls, kobolds and murlocs (again with the murlocs!) which seemed to have moved up from the Wetlands once the damn was destroyed.  They all seemed to be in working together and the Dwarves needed to break up the alliance of these creatures.  From what the Dwarves could determine, the kobolds and murlocs were working for the gnolls.  Since the Dwarves were short-handed, relief troops had not yet arrived, I offered to help them out.

They had a plan to deal with the murlocs and kobolds.  For the murlocs, I got scent glands off of some of them and Cannary Caskshot created a concoction to throw on the gnoll ambassador who was meeting with the murlocs.  It seems that this scent drives the murlocs into a frenzy and with it being all over the ambassador he is sure to take the brunt of it.  If the ambassador is killed in the frenzy then the gnolls will answer in kind and they might even wipe each other out or at the least decimate each other’s numbers.
With the kobolds, we took a more direct approach by killing their leader and driving them from the Silver Stream Mine.  The kobolds had killed the miners and stolen mining gear from the remaining miners.  With my help, we reclaimed the mine and the gear and killed many kobolds while the survivors fled.

When we finally completed our tasks, the Dwarves and I celebrated by lifting a pint of ale (or two or three or more) and singing bawdy songs.  The next day, the innkeeper told me that Farstrider Lodge needed help with the wildlife in the eastern part of Loch Modan and they were paying well for the help.  Once my head stopped throbbing, I made my way out there.
The innkeeper in Thelsamar was right, they had several tasks I could at Farstrider Lodge.  There was an over population of the local wildlife and I thinned that out some.  While doing that I came across a dark iron dwarf hiding out in a cave that I had stopped to investigate to make sure there wasn’t a wild animal denning there.  He charged at me and fortunately I am more lithe than a Dwarf and I was able to barely dodge his slashing attack.  His charge carried him past me but gave me time to draw my axe and I was able to answer his attack.  I think he underestimated me and my ability and I was able to get in several good slashes before delivering the final killing blow.  Upon searching his body and his personal effects, I found a stash of documents that had the Dwarven Explorer’s League seal upon it. 

I remember having heard talk at the inn in Thelsamar that some documentation had recently been stolen.  I was deciding to return these found documents to the Explorer’s League when I noticed a journal entry stating that he had stashed other stacks of documents in various places for pickup by someone and he had even been kind enough to mark on a map the various areas where these documents where located.   It seems that these spots are scheduled drop off/pick up areas for whoever he was working for.  I didn’t have time to stake any of these places out but I did travel around and recover all of the stolen documents for which the representative of the Explorer’s League in Thelsamar was very grateful.
I stopped back at the inn for dinner and a soft bed for the night when I heard a human traveler who was passing through on his way to the Wetlands say that Duskwood, a town near Stormwind, was overrun by Worgen and still had pockets of Scourge to deal with.  I decided that will be next stop.

((currently Level 25))

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kahtraa's 2nd Jouranl Entry


I made my way to Sentinel Hill in Westfall passing many refugees on the road.  Some had set up camps just off the road while others continued their trek to Sentinel Hill.   I was under the impression that Westfall was farmland but the few farms I have seen have no crops growing and this place looks dead.  There is a dryness in the air and the land looks parched.
When I reached Sentinel Hill I heard that an old farm couple had been murdered and the deaths were under investigation.  I offered my aid but was told that they had the situation well in hand but could use help with the gnolls and murlocs in the area.  Is there any place on this planet that does not have murlocs?!?!?

While helping to hold back the gnolls and help with the refugees, I came across items of interest in regards to some of the goings on in Westfall.  I passed this information on to the General and I suppose he did something with it.  After pushing the gnolls off of Sentinel Hill I was informed that my help was no longer needed and I decided to head toward the Dwarven lands to see if they were more hospitable.  I am halfway to Loch Modan and a kindly Dwarf suggested I stop in Thesemar to see if they have anything I can do for them and a make a few coin.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kahtraa's 1st Journal Entry

Kahdrii died at Level 66 to too many orcs in the Bone Wastes.  I find myself trying this challenge yet again with a new paladin named Kahtraa.  My goal is to get her to at least Level 77.  I will be keeping a journal for her just like I did with Karimetra.  If you read these entries, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Hmmm…. what to write.  My new friend Joselyn gave this journal to “keep your adventures in” as she put it.  When I asked why I would do that, she gave that quizzical look that she gives me from time to time and told me that when I was old by keeping a journal I would remember what I did when I was young.  I laughed and thanked her with a hug.  I forget that humans have such short life spans; Joselyn would be surprised if I ever told her how old I was.

Joselyn and I poured over a map of the Eastern Kingdoms and discussed where I should start my explorations.  She would like to accompany me but she has her duty to the Order of the Silver Hand to fulfill.  Vindicator Anduun tried to get me to stay with the Hand of Argus but the Light told me that my path lay in a different direction.  I love my people but since everyone I held dear was killed by the Legion on Draenor, I have been restless.  I feel that I will find my happiness and duty out in this new world we find ourselves on and I can’t find it stuck on the Exodar.  So it was with many blessings I was seen off on my way to Stormwind City, the Alliance capital of the Eastern Kingdom, and new adventures.

We decided I should start in Westfall as the Alliance is trying to rebuild there and they are having many troubles with gnolls, murlocs and bandits.  On the morrow I will head northwest to Westfall and offer my services to the Alliance officers there.

((currently level 12))

Friday, March 23, 2012

Last Entry for Kahdrii


At the infirmary in Lower City in Shattrath, a Draenei priest rises from his kneeling position next to a prone figure.  He arches his back to release the muscles and his spine gives several cracks as they go back into position.  Movement catches his eye and he glances toward the entrance where three Draenei spoke quietly with Sha’nir who gestured in his direction.
The three Draenei moved in the priest’s direction with the one in the lead asking, “Are you Yaeras?”  He replied, “Yes, I am.”,  with a wary look in his eye.  The leader of the group continued, “I am Vindicator Kaan and these are Harbinger Kanuh and Harbinger Ayden.”  The two Harbingers inclined their heads toward Yaeras who returned the gesture.

“What can I do for you Vindicator?”, asked Yaeras.  “You do not look like you are in need of a priest at this time.”
“Indeed not.  I come bearing news for you.”, replied the Vindicator as he grips the package he has been holding a little bit tighter.  This does not go unnoticed by Yaeras.  “I believe you know one of our paladins, Kahdrii.”

Yaeras feels the blood drain from his face as he recognizes the folded tabard the Vindicator holds in his hands.  He looks up from the Vindicator’s hand to realize that the Vindicator had continued on, “It is with great regret that I tell you that Kahdrii has fallen in battle with the Shadow Council’s minions.  She completed her mission but upon her return, her wounds were so great that our priests were unable to save her.  The attending priest said that she mentioned your name and we found your letters among her personal affects, which I have here.  I am sorry for your loss.” 
The Vindicator extends his bundle toward Yaeras who takes it like he is in a trance.  Then with a salute, the Vindicator and the Harbingers leave.  Sha’nir who had been near the entire comes, comes over to Yaeras and puts her arms around his shoulders.  He looks at her with shell-shocked eyes, “We were supposed to meet up with each other in two week’s time.  Sha’nir, what am I going to do without her?”, he asks as the tears fall from his eyes.  She just holds him and tells him that he will go on somehow and that there are others around him who cares for him and will help him through this terrible time.

((Kahdrii died at level 66 in the Bone Wastes to 4 orcs (2 melee and 2 casters) )

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kahdrii's 16th Letter Home

Unless something untoward happens, I will be in Shattrath during the Noblegarden Festival.  It is generally felt that I need some down time and rest and get centered again and who I am to argue that point.  I hope that you will be able to arrange being in Shattrath during that time as well.  I would love to see you again!

The Naga in Zangarmarsh is indeed up to something.  I am not sure what.  While investigating their activities I found a drain schematics and turned the document over to Ysiel Windsinger, the leader of the Cenarian Expedition in this area.  This schematic shows that all the pumps in the area is connected in one central area of the lake.  I confirmed the presence of this centralized area for Ysiel and she will be sending in a force to investigate further and stop the Naga if they can.
There is also a strong ogre presence here.  For some reason they are harvesting the mushrooms that are the food source of the fungal giants in the area who, in turn, are going to the Spawning Glen of the Sporegarr and eating their young.  I am helping the Cenarian Expedition to come up with an alternative food source for these fungal giants and after gathering samples of various things, I believe the Expedition may have found it.  We tested it out and the giants were excited about this new food source and took it away.

While the ogres are harvesting the large mushrooms, they drew ever closer to Orebor Harborage, a Kurenai temple.  The residents there were worried about the ogres and asked that we drive them from area.  Once we cleared out enough for breathing room, it became clear that it would not be enough to keep the ogres away.  In order to throw the ogres into disorder, I snuck in to their hold north of the Harborage and killed their Overlord.  Without a leader, the ogres should fight amongst themselves for leadership and they will be entirely too busy to keep harvesting the mushrooms or bother the Kurenai at the Harborage.
I still have some duties out here to attend to and then I will be moving on yet again.  Until I am able to write again, may the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 65))

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kahdrii's 15th Letter Home

My dear Yaeras,
I am not sure when I will return to Shattrath to see you.  My current assignments in Hellfire Peninsula has ended and they have sent me on to Zangarmarsh to help with the Naga situation with the understanding that I could be recalled at any time.  I am not sure what is going on in Zangarmarsh but you know I will do what I can to help.

So far I have thinned out some of the wildlife and gathered reagents for various people.  I must remember that no task is too small or unimportant.   I have scouted some of the Naga activities and I believe that any day now I will be sent out to do something about them.   Anyway, I will just accept and try to enjoy this slow period before I find myself in the thick of things yet again.
Until I can write you again, may the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 63))

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kahdrii's 14th Letter Home

I hope your studies are going well, I have all confidence in your abilities and you will shine in your duties.  I am in Hellfire Penninsula.  The demons keep assaulting the portal to Azeroth and we keep turning them away.  The Alliance isn’t doing this alone as the Horde are doing their part as well.  We seem to be working together separately.  I know that probably doesn’t make much sense but the goal of both sides is the same even we are not actually one unified force.

I am having to train harder out here.  I wasn’t expecting those I faced to be as strong as they are.  It is taking all my skill in battle to avoid taking large amounts of damage and to complete my assigned tasks.  I have been successful in all my endeavors so far but I have found that I need to strategize a little more than I had to with the tasks I took on in Azeroth.  How’s that for cooling my hothead?   I have become at ease with my powers and the Light comes more easily to me now.  I have the confidence needed to follow this path I chose and to take the consequences that come.
I must close now as it is just about time for me to go out on patrol.  I will write again when I can.  May the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 62, still – it’s taking me forever in Hellfire Penninsula as the mobs are grouped closer together and hit harder!))

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kahdrii's 13th Letter Home

I have finally gone through the Dark Portal located in the Blasted Lands and have made my way to Shattrath.  It feels odd to me to see Draenor in the condition it is in and Shattrath a shadow of its former glory; but it is home.

I had an audience with A’dal and it was beyond my ability to put into words.  I felt the warmth of the Light and peace within myself.  The last bit of my doubt about the Light and my ability to wield it properly seemed to bleed right out of me.  I am on the right path and I will do all within my power and ability to see that the Light keeps the Darkness at bay for I see now that one cannot exist without the other; there must be a balance between the two.
I was hoping to see you before I left Shattrath for Hellfire Penninsula but I know you have your own studies and responsibilities.  I have heard that the Alliance needs help out there to protect the portal from the Legion and the Orcs that are still under the thrall of Kil’jaeden.

Until I can see you with my own eyes, may the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 62))

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kahdrii's 12th Letter Home

My dear Yaeras,
You hadn’t forgotten me and failed to write – all your letters finally caught up to me.  I guess I have been moving around a lot lately.  I devoured your words and am so glad that you have finally headed your wanderlust and left our home.  I am delighted that you have been chosen to accompany the group of priests going to Shattrath, our old home, to study and help those are still on Draenor.  I hope to see you there when I finally make my out there.  I am almost ready but there are still things I need to do here on Azeroth.

As mentioned in my last letter to you, I made my way to the Swamp of Sorrows.  There the Alliance is trying to hold the land against the Orcs.  Each side has a presence in this area and the fighting can be intense.  I helped as much as I was able.  In the process I met Holaaru, one of our brethren who had been transformed by fel energies.  He asked that I retrieve some stolen Draenethyst crystals and return them to Anchorite Avuun who is working out here in an effort to heal the Lost Ones, Draenei that have been transformed so much that they have turned into monsters, killing any who cross their paths.
I was able to retrieve many crystals for the Anchorite and I delivered them myself to him.  I found him at the Harborage attending to a dying friend, Magtoor.  I could see that he was very worried and was trying everything he could to save Magtoor and I offered him my help.  He asked if I would gather some reagents for him to try to find a cure and I gladly went off to retrieve them so I would have to look at the pain in his eyes.  I couldn’t understand it.  The Anchorite is strong in his faith and the use of the Light and yet he was unable to heal his dying friend.  If the Light can’t help someone like the Anchorite what chance did I have?  When I returned to the Anchorite he used the items to concoct a cure but it did not work and Magtoor was still on death’s door.

As Magtoor’s breath came in ragged gasps, a portal opens in the room and through it steps the Prophet Velen!  Anchorite Avuun’s pleas for aid from the Exodar hadn’t been ignored and the Prophet himself answered the call.  I couldn’t believe it.  In the face of the Anchorite’s wavering faith, the Prophet explained that the Light doesn’t like to see suffering but even it is opposed by the Darkness and that the true battle between the two is approaching and if the Dark wins then all mortal suffering will be meaningless.  With that he takes Magtoor’s soul into the Light and with a kind glance at us he took his leave with the parting words “Remember that not all who wander are lost” and stepped back through the portal.  With tears in my eyes for the Anchorite’s loss, I embraced him and murmured words of comfort, which always seems inadequate in such situations, and took my leave to let him grieve in private.
I must study on this but I believe I am beginning to understand.  Could the Prophet have been trying to tell me that I’m really not lost but the answer has been with me all this time?  It is something to think about and I have learned much on this visit to this well named Swamp of Sorrows.

May the Light keep you safe.
((currently Level 61))

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kahdrii's 11th Letter Home

It’s been some time since I heard from you.  Is everything okay there with you?  Sometimes all that keeps me going is reading the letters you send me.  Please write to me soon!

After the Badlands, I found myself in the Burning Steppes.  I tell you, I’m finding myself in the most inhospitable places laces.  If the Badlands was well named then the name Burning Steppes doesn’t really do this place justice.  Lava flows in most places, dragonkin and orcs everywhere along with the Darkiron Dwarven settlement.
I found myself working with a couple of humans named John Keeshan and Colonel Troteman.  These humans were from a settlement called Redridge and they were there to stop the Blackrock Orcs from invading their settlement.  This mission suited my need to help others and to take my mounting frustration over my inability to wield the Light properly out on someone.  There was settlement or Orcs nearby that was experimenting on whelps from various dragonflights.  I freed these whelps while killing the handlers and the black dragon broodlings.  Keeshan is going to see the freed whelps returned from whence they came.

Next, Colonel Troteman wanted me to infiltrate an Orc camp to see what I could find out and to execute 3 key members of the growing Orc army.  I didn’t have much trouble with that assignment and they each received what they deserved.  While doing the tasks that the Orc commander gave me to do, I was able to find out that an attack was imminent and returned to Troteman with that news.  Upon receiving this news, Troteman wanted me to put my disguise on again and meet with the Orc general to gain his trust.  I did a few tasks for the general and he was very impressed with me and sung my praises.  I was soon able to return to Troteman for further instructions.
Troteman sent me to a camp in the northern part of the Steppes called Morgan’s Vigil where he would meet me.  He wasn’t there when I arrived so I was able to rest up a bit.  It felt good to be able to remove the armor for a little while and get a good night’s sleep.   Troteman and Keeshan arrived the next morning and we had a bite to eat while they explained the next set of tasks they needed to me.  There were things I needed to collect for them – ash, worg meat and flamekin bodies.  It took me several days to collect all these things but Troteman was satisfied with my work.  While he prepared whatever he was going to do with those items, he asked Keeshan and me to scout the Blackrock army and if the opportunity arose to kill the Orc and Dragonflight champions stationed at various rally points throughout Dreadmaul Rock.   Needless to say, we made sure we had the opportunity to run into these champtions.   Keeshan also wanted to make a side stop to deliver the whelps I had rescued to Acride, who was apparently someone who could better take care of them.

We returned to Troteman who had almost completed his preparations.  I took the opportunity for a little meditation and a quick bite to eat.  When he called me to his side, I was feeling more refreshed and ready for the next step in the plan.  Troteman gave me several items to deliver to 3 leaders of the Orc army while in my ogre disguise.  The deliveries went off without a hitch and I returned to Troteman who told me to get some rest because the assault would begin on the next day.
We arose early and Troteman explained to me that the meat I had delivered to General Thorg’izog had been treated to make anyone who ate it sick, the boxes I delivered to the dragonmaster Neeralak contained the revived Flamekin who caused chaos amongst the Orc warlocks and the orb I had delivered to Xi’lun was a fake and would not control the Pit Lord he was going to summon and thereby doom their army.  Sure enough, once the Pit Lord was summoned and turned on the Orc army, a red dragon disguised as an obsidian dragon appeared and wreaked further havoc upon the army.  The rout of the army was over fairly quickly and the 3 Orc leaders fled the field in terror to hide themselves.  Troteman asked Keeshan and me to flush them out and finish this battle.  This took us some time as members of the army where still around – either running around in a panic or on patrol trying to regain some kind of control.  We found each of the leaders in their respective hidey-holes and took retribution on them. 

With their leaders killed, the remaining Orc army retreated back to Blackrock Mountain to lick their wounds.  We didn’t destroy the Blackrock Orcs but we dealt them a huge blow that they will not soon recover from and the people of Redridge are at least safe from them.  It was the best we could hope for.  Troteman and Keeshan returned to Redridge and I made my way to Stormwind where I am sitting in my room in the inn writing this letter to you.  I am planning on spending several weeks here before I head out again.  I have heard that the Alliance needs some help in a place called the Swamp of Sorrows – yet another cheerful sounding place to visit.
May the Light keep you safe, my dear friend.

((currently Level 57))

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kahdrii's 10th Letter Home

Your concern is very much appreciated.  I am working through my problems by doing much meditation, reading and training.  The Order is Stormwind has been very helpful.  They have done what they can and suggest I continue on my exploration; they believe I will be able to fully find what I lost by continuing on my path.

I took their advice and found myself in the Badlands.  It is well named for it’s a forsaken place full of rocks and heat with only a little bit of scraggily green stuff here and there.   I flew in to a goblin settlement called Fuselight and after helping them out a bit, they directed me to a goblin named Rhea who needed help with some work she was doing with the black dragonflight.
 Come to find out, Rhea was actually a red dragon taking the form of a goblin to interact more readily with the populace and she was trying to find a way to rid the black dragonflight of their corruption.  Her methods are somewhat questionable but her motivation is right.  After much work, she finally managed to get an uncorrupted egg and I helped her get it to safety.  In the process, the entire black dragonflight went into an uproar trying to find the missing egg.  The brood mother became such a danger to everyone in the area that I had to stop her permanently.  I didn’t feel good about doing it but she had completely insane and there was nothing else we could do.  Afterward, I accompanied Rhea to retrieve the black dragon egg.  While I waited for her to return from the cave where she had been keeping the egg, Deathwing appeared and engulf the interior of the cave with dragon fire and then left.  I have never seen or felt anything so horrendous in my entire life.

Once the flames finally died out, I tentatively approached the cave afraid of what I would find.  There was not much of anything left – only ashes.  I saw a bit of parchment sticking out from an urn that had been tucked in a nook that the flame hadn’t fully reached.  I pulled the parchment out and began to read Rhea’s final note.  She knew that Deathwing would find her and destroy the egg.  With this knowledge, she had already had the egg secreted away and the egg that Deathwing had destroyed was her own.  She had sacrificed herself and her last progeny in order that the uncorrupted black dragonflight egg would survive and hopefully be able to return the black dragonflight to what it had been in the past.  I was numb after reading this.  I was awed by her sacrifice yet saddened by what seems to be evil taking the upper hand yet again.  I can only hope that deeds such as hers will eventually add up to be greater than the evil in the world.
I will have to meditate on this and see if I can find the Light in the situation.  Sometimes just swinging a sword is not enough to defeat the dark.  Will I be able to wield the Light in such a way to drive the darkness back so that the good can thrive?  Only time will tell.

May the Light keep you safe, my friend, until I can write you again.

((currently level 53))

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kahdrii's 9th Letter Home

I hope this letter finds you in good health and sprit.  My spirit seems to be lacking at the moment.

Since the Western Plaguelands I seem to be having some trouble wielding the Light.  It might have been the fight for Andorhal took more out of me than I thought.  I have traveled since then to the jungles of Feralas, the blighted land of the Eastern Plaguelands and the watery land of Thousand Needles.  While I am still able to fight and carry out my duties, I have found that I seem to be just going through the motions and my strikes are not like they were.  I don’t believe the Light has abandoned me but it has definitely dimmed for me.
In Thousand Needles even with the help of a Cenarian Sentinel I was unable to complete my mission.  I was able to stop the Grimtotem Shaman, Elder Stormhoof, and the Grimtotem leader, Grundig Darkcloud, with much difficulty.  They were both very close fights and I had to use every trick I had to defeat them even with the Sentinel’s help.  When it came to facing Arnak Grimtotem, the leader of all the Darkcloud Pinnacle Grimtotems, I failed.  I had to leave the field of battle; the Light was barely enough to keep me alive long enough to escape.  With the help of the Sentinel I was able to bandage up my wounds enough to make it back to the Speedbarge.    Her words were kind and she did not hold it against me that I was unable to finish my task but the glimpse of pity in her eyes as she turned away from me was more than I could take.

I have booked passage to Stormwind from Theramore and I have been in contact with the Order there.  They are worried but feel that I will be able to find my path again.  I will be spending some time there with the Order to try to find what was lost.  My wounds will heal with time and I hope that my spirit will also find healing there; if not, I don’t know what I will do.  You know that I have always been a fighter since the time of the Legion and Draenor.  I have protected our people during our flight from Draenor and here on our new home; it is the only thing I know.  Pray for me, my dear friend, that I find my way to the Light again.
Until I can write again, may the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 49))

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kahdrii's 8th Letter Home

I hope this letter finds you well.  I am tired to my very soul right now.  As mentioned in my last letter, I went to Andorhal to aid the Alliance’s bid for control of the town.  It wasn’t the Horde vying for control, it was the Forsaken alone trying to take it.

At Thassarian’s bidding, I went forth to kill pockets of remaining Scourge.  Until they are taken care of, the Alliance cannot hope to defeat the Forsaken.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) I managed to kill some of the Forsaken as it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two.  After weeks of fierce fighting, the Scourge was erased from the town owing to both the Alliance and Forsaken having the same goal for that moment.
Once the Scourge was taken care of, both sides retreated to recoup.  I had overheard Thassarian and the leader of the Forsake forces, another ex-death knight called Kiltara, agree on the cease of hostilities for the moment with all sides retreating from the battlefield. This didn’t seem to last very long as suddenly the Forsaken attacked in force.  We were hard pressed to hold our own.  I had found that my holy power was very effective against the Scourge and it worked equally as well against the Forsaken.

Many Alliance fighters fell.  The majority of them were farmers and carpenters from the area who were trying to rebuild their lives and not trained warriors.  My arm grew weary from swinging my blade as I became almost obsessed in the killing of these Forsaken who would take the lives of these good men and women who simply wanted to live in peace.  This obsession did not escape Thassarian’s notice and he ordered me to stand down and rest but I found I could not stay still for any length of time. 
In time, the tide of battle turned in our favor.   We had more fighters to replace those who fell in battle while the Forsaken’s numbers are finite (thank the Gods!).  We were just starting to feel relief that we were going to win this battle when the skies were filled with these winged female spirits.  Thassarian was shocked and appalled and wondered aloud what Kiltara was up to bringing them into this battle.  I had never seen their like before and asked about them.  Thassarian explained to me that they were called Val’kyr and were servants of the Lich King who raised the dead as Scourge for the Lich King’s army.   As he was explaining this to me, these Val’kyr cast their spell and to our very horror, our fallen men and women were reborn as Forsaken.  We stood there in shock as those who were once our comrade in arms attacked us at the orders of the Val’kyr. 

In that moment, we lost Andorhal to the Forsaken.  Our spirit was broken as we had difficulty fighting those who had fought beside us previously, not to mention the dread of falling in battle only to be resurrected as these abominations and made to fight against what we once believed in.  Thassarian called for a full retreat.  After months of fighting, in the end the Forsaken took the town.  There is a pall over the people in the area as the Forsaken is not known as being satisfied with winning a battle.  Their stated mission is to eradicate all living beings.  I’m afraid the battle may just be beginning in the Western Plaguelands; only time will tell.
I did hear later that Kiltara had been removed from the field of battle before the Val’kry arrived and Sylvanas herself had ordered the Val’kyr to the field of battle for that final push.  Thassarian has gone in search for he who was once a brother in arms.  I wish him luck and may the Light watch over him.

I am currently residing in Ironforge trying to recover my strength.  This battle has shown me that I need to hone my skills even more and I am taking some time to work on my training as well.  You are always in my thoughts and I await the time we can be together again.  May the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 45))

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kahdrii's 7th Letter Home

My dear Yaeras,
This letter finds me at a camp shared by the Cenarian Circle, a group of druids, and the Argent Crusade, a group of paladins, in the Western Plaguelands.  They are working on clearing out the remaining Scourge.  I have been helping clean up the diseased wildlife and little groups of remaining Scourge.  I was asked to let an initiate of the Cenarian Circle accompany me while hunting down some of the wildlife.  His name is Zin’Kiki and he’s a Troll.  This is really my first friendly contact with that race (I know I killed Trolls in the jungles of Northern Stranglethorn) and they were fierce fighters so I was expecting a lot out of this druid. 

May the Light give me strength but he’s the biggest incompetent I have ever met in my life.  His heart is in the right place and you can tell he is trying very hard to do well but I feared more for my own life than the creatures he was supposed to be helping me kill.  His spells would fly wildly in all directions and he even managed to almost kill himself with his own spells several times.  I was trying to help him the best I could but I do not know much about druidic magicks so I just tried to keep him alive.
When we returned to camp later that night, I told the Cenarian Circle druid who had assigned him to me what had transpired.  She sighed deeply and shook her head.  She told me that they would work him some more and give him some simpler assignments for the time being.  Light bless them but they have more patience than I.

I just received a request to help out a former death knight, Thassarian, at a place called Andorhal.  Apparently the Alliance and Horde are both trying to reclaim this town and to make matters more difficult there are still pockets of Scourge within the town proper.  I will make way there on the morrow and lend what aid I can.
May the Light keep you safe, my dear friend.

((currently level 41))

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kahdrii's 6th Letter Home

You will never believe the adventure I’ve been on!  I have just spent several months being a pirate!  Yes, you read that right, I have been a pirate.  Is that just not the most exciting thing ever?  I bet you are wondering how that happened, aren’t you my dear friend?  Well, read on and learn the answer to that question.

I had made my way to Booty Bay as I mentioned in my last letter to you.  This place is run by goblins and they run a tight ship (see what I did there?  Pirate humor ).  I ended up commissioned to help them infiltrate the pirates.  The mayor/leader (I’m not really sure of what his job is) of Booty Bay is a goblin named Baron Revilgaz and he had recently come into possession of some intelligence that the pirates were planning on attacking Booty Bay.  He asked me to infiltrate the pirates and see what I could find out.  You know I love a challenge and this could be fun so I agreed to do it.
I spent weeks swabbing decks, learning to fire cannons, fighting ninjas and other odd jobs.  I slowly garnered their trust and worked my way up the chain of command (there is a huge turnover in the world of piracy!) pretty quickly and I found myself captaining one of Fleet Master Firallon’s ships.  There I found the previous captain’s  charts and plans laid out on a table in his quarters (which were now mine).  It told of the attack on Booty Bay in only a few day’s time.  I had to move quickly.  I sabotaged what I could, stirred up the crews with talk of mutiny and found out that some newcomers were actually worgen.  I then made my way back to Booty Bay to tell the Baron all that I found out so that he could hopefully make some arrangements to defend the place.

Sure enough, several days after my return the pirates attacked in force.  The Baron brought all he could to defend his town – those goblins are tough and know how to fight.  It was a glorious battle.  The defenders fought well even though outnumbered and the pirates gave it back.  I did what I could to help (as you know, I’m no slouch with the sword) and many a pirate fell to my blade.  The dock became slick with blood and the fighting more fierce as the tide turned to favor the defenders.  The Baron called me to him and he asked me to face down Fleet Master Firallon who was holed up on his ship.  I grabbed a windrider to fly me over there and I found the Fleet Master below decks in his quarters. 
Needless to say he was ready for me and I had a fight on my hands.  I was well up to the task but he was an expert swordsman himself.  I finally found an opening in his defenses and I plunged my sword through his chest.  At about the same time as he fell to the deck there was a huge explosion behind me and I was flung into the wall and I remember nothing else until I awoke in a room in Booty Bay.  It seems that a stray cannon shot had hit the ship I was fighting on and I was caught in the explosion.  The Baron’s people rescued me and patched me back up – I was unconscious for about 3 days and they were beginning to wonder if I would ever awake.  We won the battle and they goblins are now in the process of rebuilding the damage that was done.  The Baron was very appreciative and gave me a nice bounty for my part in saving his town.  The innkeeper is letting me stay there as long as I need to recuperate from my injuries – not only from the explosion on the ship but the Fleet Master managed to find an opening in my armor and gave me a pretty nasty wound that I didn’t feel in the heat of the battle.  I’m lucky to be alive.

I wish you were here with me Yaeras, to feel your strong hands healing me and then your arms around me to hold me tight and lend me your strength.  One day it will be so again, Light willing.  Until then, may the Light keep you safe, my dear friend.

((currently Level 39))

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kahdrii's 5th Letter Home

I find myself in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale; a lovely place full of dangerous creatures – both beast and humanoid.  I have been asked to gather meat and skins while I am out and about here by a group of local hunters.  You know that I don’t hunt for sport but the meat gathered can go a long way to help the peoples in Westfall and Stormwind.

The strangest thing happened to me out here – I picked up a little friend, a tiny raptor took a liking to me and became like my shadow.  It was a strange little thing, picking up skulls and troll talismans.  I asked a gnome in camp who seemed to be knowledgeable about magicks what he thought of it.   He wasn’t sure himself and had me gather a few Troll items and the leader of a small Troll faction.  I brought the items back to him along with the body of the Troll as he was not inclined to return with me (I would feel bad about this except that the Trolls have been killing in the area and with the loss of their leader they are now fractured and easily dealt with).  The gnome performed some kind of magick and the Troll body was taken over by the spirit of Bloodlord Mandokir (a once powerful leader of the Gurubashi Trolls residing in Zul’Gurub which was the capital city of the Trolls).  He took the little raptor and left while we all stood there stunned.  I wonder what evil we  have inadvertently set loose and how we are going to deal with it.  I guess only time will tell us those answers.
I am making my way deeper into the jungle here toward a coast town called Booty Bay.  I understand there is only one inn there and you can contact me through the innkeeper if you need me.  May the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 35))

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kahdrii's 4th Letter Home

My dear Yaeras,
It is always so good to hear from you – it lightens my heart greatly.  I think it’s great that others are venturing forth from our little island to experience the rest of the world and hopefully you will join me out here someday.

I know it has been some time since I’ve written you but I have been on the road a lot.  I spent a lot of time in a place called the Wetlands (it is well named by the way as especially since the harbor town Menethil is covered in water right now).  I found some odd jobs to do for people which mostly involved hunting down various animals either for food or to protect the citizenry.  Some tasks I refused payment for as these people don’t have much since the cataclysm hit.
After that I made my way to Darkshire in Duskwood.  This is a very creepy place as the Scourge presence is still there.  My paladin skills were put to good use here as I helped rid the area of worgen and the undead.  I also managed to put a restless spirit to ease and in doing so give some comfort to the last living family member. 

It seems that a paladin, Morgan Ladimer, returned from war to find his entire family dead and in grief and rage he committed murder and then suicide and had been wandering the area for some time attacking watchmen and travelers.  With the power of the Light I was able to lay him to rest and when I reported my deed to Commander Ebonlocke in Darkshire, I was told that not all of Morgan’s family had died.  A daughter, Sarah, survived him and was now a watcher assigned to Darkshire.  I approached her to let her know that I had released her father’s spirit from this world.  She was most appreciative and it seemed to lift a weight off her heart as her eyes didn’t appear so haunted after my news.  She asked me to place her ring on her father’s grave for her as she was unable to leave her duties.  On my way out of the area I swung by the lonely grave and placed Sarah’s ring on the grave along with a little prayer to help ease his passage to the Light.  I actually felt his presence at that moment and it felt like the rage and grief had left him and I believe he has found comfort in that he has a daughter that still lives and remembers  him as he was and still loves him.
These are the moments that make all the training worth it – helping those in need whether living or dead.  This is why I had to leave Exodar and make my way out here in this world.  So many people need help and healing and this is my calling.  I know you understand my heart, my dear friend, and it helps me to know that I have your support in my endeavors.  Until I can write again, may the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 31))

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kahdrii's 3rd Letter Home

I hope this letter finds you well.  I promised to let you know if we were able to solve what was going on in Westfall and, well, here it is.

I have tromped all over this place following clues and spent days gathering information for Marshall Stoutmantle.  I have had run-ins with members of this mysterious group and have had to fight for my life for the information I garnered but I believe it was all worth it.  The leader of this group turned out to be a young woman named Vanessa VanCleef seeking revenge for her father.
I had heard the story of her father, Edwin VanCleef, from an elder at the inn who liked to recount stories of the past like so many elders do.  I find stories like that fascinating so since he had an apt listener he related many past events to me.  It seems that this Edwin VanCleef and a group of other stonemasons were hired to rebuild Stormwind at the end of the Second War. It took less than ten years but once the work was done, the House of Nobles refused to pay them.  Edwin and his group vowed to make the House of Nobles pay in some way and formed what became known as the Defias Brotherhood.  They turned to robbery and murder in order to strike back for the wrongs that were done them.  Their headquarters was located in an old mine.  News of that fact reached a band of adventurers who went in there and brought VanCleef to heel and they returned to Marshall Stoutmantle with VanCleef’s head. 

All that happened about 10 or so years ago.  Apparently VanCleef had a daughter that no one knew of and she saw her father killed in front of her and now she is of age is seeking revenge and has revived the Defias Brotherhood to get back at Stormwind and the ones she holds responsible for having her father killed.   She had been adopted and raised by a couple in Westfall but she never forgot.  The old couple that had been killed had recognized her and she couldn’t risk them telling someone so she had them killed.  It is so sad that an act of treachery so long ago has come full circle once again and the past is repeated.  So many needless deaths …
Anyway, we managed to uncover this brotherhood but Vanessa managed to escape and it is believed that she is using her father’s old hideout.  Marshal Stoutmantle and his advisors are working on a strategy to bring her out but I fear that many will die on both sides in getting this done.  Unfortunately, she is dangerous to all citizens and must be brought to justice.  It is out of my hands now and my role in this done.

I was rewarded handsomely for my efforts and I have commissioned some new armor pieces made (you know how terrible my armor was when I left).   I am spending some time in Stormwind while the armor is being made.  I miss you, my old friend, and wish I could see your smiling face and share a pint with you (by the way, the dwarves make some of the best stout I have come across).  My travels would be so much easier with you by my side but we must each walk our own path and you have chosen yours.  May the Light keep you safe.
((currently level 26))

Kahdrii's 2nd Letter Home

My dear Yaeras,
I was so happy to read your letter – I was afraid you might not write back.  I know it’s small of me to be happy to hear that Tayonix received a reprimand for his actions.   Just remember that he is not above giving you grief because you are a friend of mine so take care of yourself.

After my letter to you, I left Stormwind for Westfall.  I was looking for some work and the innkeeper said that she had heard the King’s guard was looking for help at Sentinel Hill.  On my way there, I came across a tragedy in that an old couple had been murdered.  A king’s man was there investigating the incident and since he was short handed, he recruited my help.
It was strange because there were lots of refugees nearby but when I questioned them they all swore they saw nothing.  I did manage to get a few to talk to me of what they saw after passing them a few copper, which I could ill afford but anyone who could do such an atrocity needs to be stopped.  The ones who would talk to me blamed the murlocs and gnolls and when I told the King’s man what I found out he didn’t believe it but sent me to check out them out anyway.  After searching the local camps, I came back empty handed and the King’s man sent me to talk to someone named Two-Shoed Lou who apparently keeps low company and if he wouldn’t talk to me I was to say that the King’s man, whose name is apparently Horatio, sent me.  Once I dropped Horatio’s name to Lou I had no more trouble from him and he told me to check out the Jangolode Mine as he had heard there were things going on there.

I snuck in there having to remove a few kobolds that got in my way.  Near the back of the mine I heard voices – a female’s and an ogre.  Now that was what I called suspicious and I crept close enough to hear what they were talking about.  The female was trying to get the ogre to join her in some endeavor but I never heard exactly what it was.  The ogre was finally pressured to join her and they left.  I retreated down the tunnel and barely found a hiding place in time was they left.  The woman was in shadow the entire time so I never got a good look at her.  Once it was safe I left the mine, the few remaining kobolds ran when they saw me so I had a lot less trouble leaving than I did when I entered the mine.
When I returned to Lou he told me that he had heard there were a group of shady looking people meeting not far from there and I should see if I could find out what they were up to.  I left immediately and found them hiding behind the barn.  There were only four of them and the leader of this small group was handing out gold to the other saying it was recompense for what they had done with the Furlbows.  I had found who had killed the old couple but not the person who had sent them to do the deed!  Unfortunately, as they were about to discuss this mysterious person, I was spotted and they came at me.  They were skilled and I was outnumbered but I am no slouch myself in the fighting department.   I charged them with my battle cry and that startled them momentarily (I don’t believe they were expecting me to stay and fight) which allowed me to strike down one of them quickly.  The others then came at me more cautiously but I had hit my stride by then and was not to be stopped.

When I returned to the farm to seek out Lou again, I found instead Horatio bending over the Lou’s body and a new mystery on our hands.  Horatio suggested I head to the keep on Sentinel Hill and tell Marshal Stoutmantle what’s been happening.  I am heading there tomorrow after I get some rest as it’s been a busy few days for me.  I am giving this letter to Horatio to send for me as he’s heading back to Stormwind to report in.   Hopefully in my next letter I can let you know if we discover who is behind all this.
Until I can write to you again, may the Light keep you safe.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kahdrii's 1st Letter Home

Okay, I've rolled yet another paladin (I better get one to 85 soon or I'm going to have an entire account of paladins from this challenge). I enjoyed writing the journal for Kari because it seemed to add something extra to my play and made her come more alive to me - which is why her death at 55 hit me hard.

Anyway, here is my first entry for my newest pally - Kahdrii - she will be writing letters home to a very dear friend.

Yaeras, my dear friend,

It has been many weeks since I left the Exodar so unexpectedly. I’m sorry I haven’t written to you sooner but I thought it might be best if I calmed down some first. I know you are thinking that it was my hot headedness that caused me to leave in the first place and you would be a little bit correct on that point.

You know how I hate being told I am not able to do something, especially when I know full well that I am more than capable of it. When Tayonix laughed at me and told me that I would never be able to make my way from the Exodar and that I would spend the rest of my days in the service of the Hand of Argus, well, you know how that would set me off. The Light only knows how much trouble I am in with the Triumvirate for striking a superior officer like that but he has been on my tail for so many years and I finally snapped. I hope that a healer did not fix his nose properly – my hand still hurts from giving him that blow. Without even a second thought, one of my many shortcomings it seems, I packed and left. I’m sorry I didn’t bid you farewell but I didn’t want anyone to try to stop me. I really believe that my path is to be found out in this new world we find ourselves on.

I spent a couple of days in Darnassus trying to book passage to the Eastern Kingdoms. I felt that the farther away I went to start with the better off I would be. After spending weeks on a ship, we finally docked in Stormwind Harbor. I have currently taken a room at The Gilded Rose if you need, or want, to contact me. If I leave there I will leave forwarding information with the innkeeper. This city is magnificent! There are people from all races here and I am trying to take in as much as I can – there is such life here despite all the tragedy that has happened.

I will write again soon, my dear friend. May the Light keep you safe.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Karimetra's Run Ends

Karimetra met her demise at level 55 in the Burning Steppes to a wolf and lava.  It was a good run and my personal best as my other pally, Katrii, made it to 44.

I may try this some time later but for now I'm burned out and the thought of even doing those zones again makes me want to bang my head on the desk.