My dear Yaeras,
It is always so good to hear from you – it lightens my heart greatly. I think it’s great that others are venturing forth from our little island to experience the rest of the world and hopefully you will join me out here someday.I know it has been some time since I’ve written you but I have been on the road a lot. I spent a lot of time in a place called the Wetlands (it is well named by the way as especially since the harbor town Menethil is covered in water right now). I found some odd jobs to do for people which mostly involved hunting down various animals either for food or to protect the citizenry. Some tasks I refused payment for as these people don’t have much since the cataclysm hit.
After that I made my way to Darkshire in Duskwood. This is a very creepy place as the Scourge presence is still there. My paladin skills were put to good use here as I helped rid the area of worgen and the undead. I also managed to put a restless spirit to ease and in doing so give some comfort to the last living family member. It seems that a paladin, Morgan Ladimer, returned from war to find his entire family dead and in grief and rage he committed murder and then suicide and had been wandering the area for some time attacking watchmen and travelers. With the power of the Light I was able to lay him to rest and when I reported my deed to Commander Ebonlocke in Darkshire, I was told that not all of Morgan’s family had died. A daughter, Sarah, survived him and was now a watcher assigned to Darkshire. I approached her to let her know that I had released her father’s spirit from this world. She was most appreciative and it seemed to lift a weight off her heart as her eyes didn’t appear so haunted after my news. She asked me to place her ring on her father’s grave for her as she was unable to leave her duties. On my way out of the area I swung by the lonely grave and placed Sarah’s ring on the grave along with a little prayer to help ease his passage to the Light. I actually felt his presence at that moment and it felt like the rage and grief had left him and I believe he has found comfort in that he has a daughter that still lives and remembers him as he was and still loves him.
These are the moments that make all the training worth it – helping those in need whether living or dead. This is why I had to leave Exodar and make my way out here in this world. So many people need help and healing and this is my calling. I know you understand my heart, my dear friend, and it helps me to know that I have your support in my endeavors. Until I can write again, may the Light keep you safe.Kahdrii
((currently Level 31))
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