Your concern is very much appreciated. I am working through my problems by doing much meditation, reading and training. The Order is Stormwind has been very helpful. They have done what they can and suggest I continue on my exploration; they believe I will be able to fully find what I lost by continuing on my path.I took their advice and found myself in the Badlands. It is well named for it’s a forsaken place full of rocks and heat with only a little bit of scraggily green stuff here and there. I flew in to a goblin settlement called Fuselight and after helping them out a bit, they directed me to a goblin named Rhea who needed help with some work she was doing with the black dragonflight.
Come to find out, Rhea was actually a red dragon taking the form of a goblin to interact more readily with the populace and she was trying to find a way to rid the black dragonflight of their corruption. Her methods are somewhat questionable but her motivation is right. After much work, she finally managed to get an uncorrupted egg and I helped her get it to safety. In the process, the entire black dragonflight went into an uproar trying to find the missing egg. The brood mother became such a danger to everyone in the area that I had to stop her permanently. I didn’t feel good about doing it but she had completely insane and there was nothing else we could do. Afterward, I accompanied Rhea to retrieve the black dragon egg. While I waited for her to return from the cave where she had been keeping the egg, Deathwing appeared and engulf the interior of the cave with dragon fire and then left. I have never seen or felt anything so horrendous in my entire life.Once the flames finally died out, I tentatively approached the cave afraid of what I would find. There was not much of anything left – only ashes. I saw a bit of parchment sticking out from an urn that had been tucked in a nook that the flame hadn’t fully reached. I pulled the parchment out and began to read Rhea’s final note. She knew that Deathwing would find her and destroy the egg. With this knowledge, she had already had the egg secreted away and the egg that Deathwing had destroyed was her own. She had sacrificed herself and her last progeny in order that the uncorrupted black dragonflight egg would survive and hopefully be able to return the black dragonflight to what it had been in the past. I was numb after reading this. I was awed by her sacrifice yet saddened by what seems to be evil taking the upper hand yet again. I can only hope that deeds such as hers will eventually add up to be greater than the evil in the world.
I will have to meditate on this and see if I can find the Light in the situation. Sometimes just swinging a sword is not enough to defeat the dark. Will I be able to wield the Light in such a way to drive the darkness back so that the good can thrive? Only time will tell.May the Light keep you safe, my friend, until I can write you again.
Kahdrii((currently level 53))
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