Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kahdraa's 4th Journal Entry


Wow, Duskwood is not dusky it’s plain murky and depressing.  Everything is in shadow and a palatable pall is over the entire area.  It’s understandable, I guess, considering the history of this area.  The worgen running rampant out here are not the same as the worgen in the Alliance but came from another dimension; summoned here by the Scythe of Elune.  I spent time taking back farmsteads that had been overtaken by worgen.  The owners of these farmsteads are long dead but the creatures who have taken them over have no right to them either and I feel that justice has been served.
I was tricked into helping an old hermit create an abomination that he set upon the town.  I was originally asked to deliver a package to the old hermit and once I had delivered the package, he asked me to retrieve him some supplies from Darkshire as he is old and the town is a fair trip for him to make.  It is an honor to help out elders among my people and I thought nothing of getting the items he asked for and the townspeople did not raise any questions about the items requested from them.  Finally he asked me to deliver a letter to the Mayor of Darkshire as I was heading back that way in order to continue my travel to Raven Hill.  The Mayor read the letter and his face went deathly white and he told me that I had just helped the person they call The Embalmer try to destroy the town.

There was an uproar outside in the town square and I rushed out to see the Nightwatch fighting with this huge abomination.  I quickly grabbed my axe from my back to lend a hand since I was instrumental in helping create this thing.  It swatted the fighters like so many flies and I called upon the Light to help me destroy the monstrosity.  I felt the Light fill me and unleashed the power that was within and the thing gave a mighty roar.  The Nightwatch jumped back into the fray as I unleashed the power of the Light again and again while trying to avoid its blows as I had its undivided attention until it finally fell in defeat.
The Mayor thanked me for my help while the Nightwatch hooked up horses to drag the corpse away to be burned and I asked him why, if they knew the old hermit was this Embalmer, they had not simply had the old man arrested or killed.  It seems The Embalmer is a necromancer and when the town folk discover his disguise and try to do something about him, he will disappear and assume another identity.  In this new identity he will lie low until he gets ready to make his move against the town once again.  Even now, some watchmen had been dispatched to the old hermit’s home but they did not expect him to still be there.  With nothing else I could do to help, I continued on my way to Raven Hill.

Upon arriving at Raven Hill, Sister Elsington asked me to help them hunt down a Lich.  It seems that in the past a necromancer named Morbent Fel was responsible for the undead wandering all over Duskwood.  Some adventurers were supposed to have killed him but the Sister believes that he has been resurrected as a Lich.  She asked me to search for an artifact that the original adventurers had used against Morbent Fel and use it against him once again.  As the Sister suggested, I let the Light lead me and found a piece of the artifact.  It wasn’t broken but the artifact that looked like a staff had been dismantled.  I took the piece I had found and followed my faith into the crypt for the other piece.
In the back corner of the furthest room of the crypt I found another piece of the staff but I could see that the top portion I had just found was missing something from the middle of it.  I felt something pull me to a hole in the back wall of this room and I cautiously made way through it and followed a tunnel to another part of the crypt.  There in a mound of dirt I found the last piece.  With the staff together I stepped out of the tunnel into this new room and face the evil that I had felt emanating from it.  There at the opposite end of the room stood the Lich that was once Morbent Fel.  He was surrounded by a protective aura and the staff in my hand suddenly glowed.  I strode forward confident in the power of the Light and a bolt of energy  arced from the staff toward the Lich.  With a pained cry, the aura fell from the Lich and I charged forward to engage him in battle while his shield was down.  Liches are powerful beings but they are magic users and are not a match for up close fighting with steel and I was able to make short work of him with only minimal damage to myself.  As he fell to the ground, his creations fell with him without his magicks to give them life.

I made my way back through the tunnel to the other part of the crypt that I had first entered and returned to Sister Elsington with the staff and the news of the Lich’s death.  She already knew he was truly dead this time as she felt the evil presence she had been sensing leave.  The Nightwatch that were assigned to Raven Hill were already cleaning out the remaining undead creatures and the area would soon be back to normal.
My work here completed, I contemplated my next destination.  One of the Nightwatch suggested I head to Northern Stranglethorn.  He had heard that there was a  hunter’s camp that was hiring help.  Plus it would be a nice change of scenery from Duskwood.  I believe I will start making my way in that direction as some sunshine would be a pleasant change of pace from the past few months I had spent in Duskwood.

((currently Level 32))

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