Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kahlee's 11th Journal Entry

I spoke with the Commander of Honor Hold and he sent me out to fight fel orcs and demons.  I feel like all I’ve seen is fighting and blood for ages.  When one fell, another took its place.  I became a machine of death and destruction.  After seeing the state of the land in Hellfire (well named) because of the fel energies and what the orcs and demons have done to it, I didn’t want to be anything else but a machine.  If I was turned into a gnome’s mechanical person then I wouldn’t have to see what some of my people have become and what had happened to others. 

I found a road made of the bones of my people which lead from the Citadel to the Dark Portal.  The sheer number of the dead whose bones made up that road drove me to my knees and I found myself weeping at the loss for some of those bones where smaller than those of an adult.  I think at that point, I stopped feeling anything for what I was doing.  I showed no mercy to none of my enemies and I frightened myself in this. 

After months of this, the Commander approached me.  He wanted to see if I was okay and when I told him that I was fine and still fit for duty, he placed a hand on my shoulder and told me that I should not lie to myself.  He told me he was sending me back to Stormwind for some respite from this place.  I objected but he would brook no argument and I found myself back in Stormwind.  The head of the paladin order told me to journey the land and get back in touch with the Light.  He felt that I had forsaken it and I needed to find it again.  I thought he was silly telling me that because all of my holy power was working fine but that night when I sat for my meditations, I felt something was off.  He may have been correct and the next day I started out for Winterspring.  I needed to check in with the Wintersaber Trainers and it would be nice to see a land of  cold, white and crystal as opposed to the hot, red landscape I had been in.

Trainer Frostwind was pleased to see us and he was pleased at how Nightrunner was turning out.  He gave me some more training tips and worked with us for several days.  I felt some of the burden leave my soul while I worked with Nightrunner.

Training Nightrunner to hunt
I eventually found myself in Darnassus during the Midsummer Fire Festival.  It was a chance to drink, eat and make friends and I did all that.  I danced at the Ribbon Pole, went to honor the flame and drank enough to drown a fish.  I also spent time on my paladin training and meditations.  I believe the Commander was correct in his assessment – I needed this. 

Dancing the Ribbon Pole

Honoring the Flame
  Near the end of the Festival I heard that the Darkmoon Faire was open.  I asked a mage that was standing beside a banner for the Faire to tell me about it and she was happy to oblige.  After telling me about the games, food and creatures to behold, she offered to open a portal for me to the Faire.  It sounded interesting so I accepted the kind offer.

It was definitely a sight to see.  The music played loudly, the smell of delicacies in the air and the carnies hawking their wares.  I was saw people who ate fire and spit it back out and people who could juggle lit torches.  There were games of skills and games for fun.  There were all types of different foods to try and drinks of differing strengths to quaff.  I tried my hand at some of the games and tasted some of the foods and drinks.  I watched a concert and gawked at the creatures in their zoo.  At the end of the night I enjoyed the fireworks and then returned to the inn to find my bed.

Trying a game at the Darkmoon Faire
Ordering some tasty treats to try at the Darkmoon Faire
Checking out the creatures at the Darkmoon Faire zoo
 This has been an enjoyable rest but within the next week I will be heading back to Draenor as there is still lots to be done there.  After consulting with the paladin order, I will be going to Zangarmarsh to help the Cenarion Expedition deal with the naga and the ogres in the area.  I think they are going to try to ease me back into more active duty.

((currently Level 66))

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kahlee's 10th Journal Entry

The stay on the Exodar was just what I needed.  I started on my journey once more, refreshed and at one with the Light.  I made my way to Winterspring.  It is a very cold environment and I was ill prepared for it.  I had to stop in Everlook for a warmer cloak and some modifications to my armor to keep me from freezing to death.  There wasn’t much call for help here so I explored the countryside.  I came across Yetis, Furbolgs and great cats.  I also came across a Night Elf by the name of Rivern Frostwind who is a wintersaber trainer.  We spoke at some length and he told me that he would be willing to train me to ride a winterspring frostsaber but that the sabers are raised by the rider and are most receptive to the training as cubs.  He sent me out to gather a few of the promising cubs to be trained and he selected one just for me.  He is putting us through our paces but in the end it will be worth it.  Because I cannot remain in Winterspring until the cub is full grown and rideable he is telling me the training we are to do together and I will return every now and then for him to assess our progress.

After several weeks with Rivern, I took my leave and headed to the Eastern Kingdoms yet again. If the frostsaber is to be my mount then now is as good a time as any to get him used to the different lands and climate we will encounter.  I found myself in the Swamp of Sorrows making my way to Marshtide Watch.  As I neared my destination, I noticed a temple that appeared to be half submerged.  I was curious and made my out to it only to find a high elf there.  He said his name was Lord Itharius and was actually a green dragon and was there to free his kin from the evil of the temple and he asked for my aid.  I couldn’t refuse a request for help and agreed to do what I could.  He was unable to enter the temple for fear of being corrupted and used against his kind so he needed me to enter and eradicate the danger to the green dragonflight.

Lord Itharius of the green dragonflight

He asked me to slay the three trolls responsible for the rituals used against the green dragonflight and the butchery of those slain.  I was not truly convinced until I entered the actual temple and saw the devastation of his kind.  The evil in the temple was almost palatable.  I followed the instructions given and tracked down the high priestess and the butcher and slew them.  Then I tracked down the leader of this evil bunch of Trolls.  Before I could get in the death blow, I was stunned and the coward fled the temple by use of a teleportation spell.  I felt that I failed but Lord Itharius assured me that I had not as the Atal’ai Trolls presence in the temple had been greatly reduced and he could now enter the temple to finish what I had started.

The remains of some green dragons within the Temple

With Lord Itharius now handling the Trolls within the temple, I continued my trek to the Marshtide Watch.  I found the Alliance forces in a pitched battle with Horde forces over the Orc settlement of Stonard.  The Alliance can ill afford to allow a Horde presence at their back door and were doing what they could to eradicate the Orc settlement.  I found myself helping with the fighting when the Horde started bringing in reinforcements via warlock portals.  We targeted the warlocks and finally forced them back at a devastating cost on both sides.  It finally looked like the Alliance had the upper hand and I could rest a bit.  The commander of the Alliance forces told me I should probably make my way to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands.  From there I would be able to get a flight to wherever I wanted to go.  It sounded like a plan so I gathered my supplies and frostsaber started making my way in that direction.

Helping in the fighting for Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows

The landscape started changing from a marshy green to bleak red rock and dirt.  The landscape in this area is sparse with nothing growing here.  When I made the Keep, I asked about this and was told it was due to the fel energies seeping through the Dark Portal into this land.  I was aghast at this but there was nothing to be done for it.  I asked about this Dark Portal and was told it opened up to Draenor where Alliance forces were protecting it from that side from the Burning Legion who would use it to invade Azeroth.  I remember Velen telling me about the Great Portal that opened upon our world of Draenor but I never realized it was this close and had caused so much destruction to the lands of Azeroth.   This was my chance to return to the world upon which I was born and to help my people against the Burning Legion.  This had to be the path that the Light had set me upon.  This has to be my destiny and I planned to meet that destiny head on.  With my mind made up I made my way to the Portal and with a deep breath, I stepped through it to Draenor, a world I had not been on since I was a small child.

Contemplating the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands
before stepping through it for Draenor

Once I reach the other side, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  The landscape on this side was just as desolate as it was on the other side.  This is where the corruption had come from.  At the base of the stairway to the Portal both Alliance and Horde was in battle with the Legion’s forces.  An Alliance officer pulled me aside and told me to make my way to Honor Hold and talk to the Captain there to get my assignment.  I didn’t know what else to do so I did as he told me and found a gryphon master who put me on the back of a gryphon and I found myself on my way.

First look at Draenor after stepping through the Dark Portal

It is a lot to take in and I’m not sure how to feel about this world upon which I was born but is so strange to me.  I will be talking with the Commander of the Hold on the morrow as he was too busy to see me when I arrived so I took a room at the inn.  For now Nightrunner and I (I decided the frostsaber needed a name) are going to get a good night’s rest for I feel that tomorrow is going to start a whole new adventure for us.

((currently Level 62))

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kahlee's 9th Journal Entry

It has been months since I’ve been able to write in this journal.  I’ll have to give a condensed version of what I’ve been doing unless I want to write a book in this thing.

I left Feralas and found my way to Dustwallow Marsh.  Upon enter this area I saw a man poking around in a burnt-out building.  I stopped to ask if I could be of assistance as I thought something might be wrong.  He explained that he was investigating the murders of the family that resided there.  He told me that the husband had managed to escape the slaughter but his wife and son and the few travelers that had been in residence at the inn at the time had not been so lucky.  We found the remains of many adults and even a few children which said that a family or two of travelers had stopped there for rest before the attack.

Ruins of the Shady Rest Inn

The husband had lost his reason after that and sort of wanders around Theramore.  I offered my aid and we discovered clues that pointed to Tauren doing this deed.  This didn’t make much sense as I could not see a Tauren perpetrating such a heinous act.  I helped with investigation and spent a lot of time running all over the Marsh gathering clues.  It seems that a tribe of Tauren called the Grimtotems had moved into the Marsh and these Tauren were not above slaughtering innocents in their grab for territory.  They had attacked military targets before but if they are willing to target non-military personnel then they had to be stopped.  We were able to trace the broken weapons back to one certain camp of Grimtotems and with a small force, we attacked and paid them back for the loss of the Shady Rest Inn and the lives lost in their attack.

 Since the squad I was working with had other duties to attend to, I returned to Theramore with news for the Captain that the tribe of Grimtotem that had attacked the Inn was destroyed.  The Captain expressed the hope that the other camps of Grimtotems will get the message and try something like that in the future.  He then told me of Jim and his family and it touched my heart.  I went to the graveyard to place a wreath on the grave of Jim’s wife and child in order to set their spirits at rest that their loved one was still alive and they had been avenged.

Placing a wreath at the grave of Jim's wife and child

I took a ship from Theramore and sailed back to the Eastern Kingdoms and traveled to the Plaguelands.  These lands are separated into East and West and I stopped first in the Western Plaguelands.  They had told me in Stormwind previously that a monument to a great paladin had been erected in the Western Plaguelands and I made it a point to stop by and pay my homage to Uther the Lightbringer.  I could feel the power of the Light at the monument and I could almost feel a presence lay a hand on my head in recognition of the Light inside myself and with that I felt a sense of peace encompass me.  I left there for the Meanders Steed where the Cenarian Circle made camp.

Paying homage at Uther the Lightbringer's tomb

The Western Plaguelands has recovered nicely from the plague thanks to the Cenarian Circle but they were still clearing out some remaining scourge and plagued animals.  I gave them a hand and was asked to take a druid in training, a Troll named Zin’Kiki, along with me so he can have a chance to work on his abilities.  I found Zin’Kiki to be nice enough and he tried very hard but I have never seen such an incompetent person before.  Most of his spells missed and when he shape changed to help with something it might be a shape that doesn’t help in that type of fight or he isn’t even close to hitting his target.  When we cleared our assigned area we returned to the Circle and I told his mentor that he needed a lot more training than what he currently had.  She agreed that he was a “special” case and they were going to have to find a niche for him.  She thanked me and told me to get some rest and she would have another assignment for me in a couple of days if I wanted the work.

Zin'Kiki trying to help kill a spider

Zin'Kiki having transformed into something unhelpful

True to her word, I was approached in a couple of days with the task of taking Zin’Kiki to the north to let him try his healing skills on the plagued animals.  The Circle had spoken and they thought his talents might lay in healing.  There was nothing to lose so I agreed to take him with me.  It looked like the Circle had found a task that Zin’Kiki excelled at.  Each animal we came across he was able to heal.  Delighted with his success, he went a little crazy and exhausted himself.  I got him on the back of my mount and took him back to the Circle with the news of his success.  They were very happy to hear this and took him to his tent to let him rest up after his trials.  I continued to help with killing the plagued animals and about a week later I saw Zin’Kiki wandering around the camp.  He spotted me and came running up to me excited to show me his new form.  Then with a little effort he turned himself into a tree which apparently helps the druid channel the healing force of nature.  I clapped excitedly for him and congratulated him on his achievement and he walked away very pleased with himself.

Zin'Kiki in his new tree form

Later, I made my way to the Eastern Plaguelands which is vastly different from the Western Plaguelands.  The corruption here still has a very firm foothold despite the Argent Crusade’s attempt at cleansing the lands.  I met some very nice people in my travels of that land and I feel like I have killed Hell’s entirety of demons and undead creatures.  I have burned abominations and freed the spirits of Darrowshire soldiers that were trapped within the scourge.

Burning abomination in Eastern Plageulands

Destroying a ghoul in order to free the soul of the
Darrowshire soldier trapped within it

Darrowshire soldier's spirit released

I spent many weeks in this forsaken land until it began to take a toll on my own soul.  At that time, the Argent Crusade told me that they appreciated what I had done but to take my leave of these lands.  They have to switch out their troops regularly for their mental health as well.

With that, I decided to return to Kalimdor and the green lushness I have found in many of the areas there.  I found myself in an area called Felwood – home to two tribes of Furbolgs, Tauren, Night Elves and now to many demons.  The Cenarian Circle is currently trying to once again claim the lands from these demons and I felt called upon to lend my aid.

Grazle of the Timbermaw Furbolgs asked me to investigate a strange totem on the outskirts of a Deadwood Furbolg camp.  Upon close inspection, I found it to be infested with some Timbermaw youths luring unsuspecting travelers to get them honey from the surrounding area.  I sent them back to their tribesmen very quickly.

Mischief makers in Felwood

I traveled the length of Felwood slaying demons and helping to uncover corruption where I could.  I discovered how Malfurions brother, Illidan, became a demon himself in order to save these woods from the corruption that was encroaching on it.  I uncovered a demon disguised as one of the Cenarian Circle’s own leaders and with great difficulty defeated him and opened their eyes to the extent that the corruption could reach.

Becoming a Demon Hunter

Slaying the demons in Felwood

After months and months of non-stop fighting, I believe I will return to the Exodar for a bit of a rest and to speak with Velen of my experiences.  It will give me a chance to recharge in the presence of the Naaru and a chance to see some much missed friends.

((currently Level 55))

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kahlee's 8th Journal Entry

I awoke the next morning ready to get to work.  I wasn’t sure how easy this task was going to be.  The general impression of Ogres are that they are dumber than bricks but they do have warlocks and mages so they can’t all be dumb.  This could be tricky.

I made my way to the Ruins of Isildien to assess the situation and see the best way to go about this.  They were fairly spread out and no guards in sight.  I felt that was rather emboldened of them to think that the Alliance would take this intrusion silently.  I started by picking those in the more remote areas off first and working my way in to the more populated area.  While the mages and warlocks are more intelligent than their fighters they were still so arrogant that the thought of crying for aid didn’t occur to them until they were feeling the final blow.  If they had just alerted the entire area I would not have been successful in my task.

I had killed a good many before any kind of an alert was raised and then they were on their guard.  That night I picked off some more to cause panic among their ranks and the next morning they were very anxious.  I used that to my advantage by causing distractions in one area and attacking from a different direction.  I was meticulous and picked them off one by one until, after many days of this tactic, only a few were left and those left the Ruins in a panic.  I returned to the Tower of Estulan with the news of a successful task along with an orb that had fallen from the robes of one of the warlocks (I had no idea what this was used for but I thought if it was arcane in nature Estulan might know something about it).  Estulan hadn’t seen such an orb before but was worried as to what it might mean.  I left him to his study of the orb and went in search of something to eat and to get some rest before my task was assigned.

Sure enough, a little time later, Estulan summoned me and asked me to capture a Gordok mage.  He gave me an orb similar to what I had brought him and told me to use it on the mage as it would charm him making it easier to return.  This sounded easy enough so I took the orb and set out of the Dire Maul.  There were many Ogres outside the walls of Dire Maul and it took me some time to identify a mage, I had to kill some Ogres to make my way closer to Dire Maul to find one.   I was spotted by the mage as I drew close and he immediately attacked me.  I was able to avoid his arcane blasts and got in a stun so I would be able to use the orb on him.  After that, it was merely a return trip to the Tower and turning the mage and orb over to Estulan.  Once he questioned the mage, he found out that Cho’gall of the Twilight Hammer was using the Gordok Ogres to gain access to the forbidden powers within Dire Maul.  If he gained the power that was the downfall of the Shen’dralar, a powerful and skilled sect of the Highborne, then it would be bad news for the Alliance.  The mage also provided us the fact that Cho’gall was currently holding a sermon in the Dire Maul arena trying to get the Gordunni Ogres to join his cause.  This would be a perfect opportunity to put a stop to this.  If we could interrupt the sermon and show that Cho’gall and his Twilight Hammer supporters were not as strong as they represented themselves to the Ogres, it could prevent the Ogres from joining their cause.

I headed out to Dire Maul to interrupt the sermon and cause as much confusion as I could.  Silvia had gone to Feathermoon to gather the sentinels to attack Cho’gall in the confusion.  I reached the arena and saw Cho’gall speaking to a gathering of Ogres.  He was well spoken and had them enthralled.  I made my way to the entrance of the arena trying to decide how best to continue when I was spotted and called out by Cho’gall.  The arrogant thing sent one of his sergeants to kill me and when that failed he sent a second.  As that one fell to my axe, he entered the arena himself.  I steeled myself for battle when the battle horn of the Sentinels sounded and the Night Elves poured into the arena.  The Gordunni Ogres were thrown into disarray as Cho’gall and his followers attacked our forces.  The battle that followed was fierce and bloody.  The Sentinels are elite warriors and I would hate to face them in battle.  As his followers fell around him, Cho’gall threw out a great blast of energy which knocked us back and used that time to use a spell to escape.  The remaining Ogres fled the arena and the area while the Sentinels secured Dire Maul.  We had averted what could have been a catastrophe.  Now Estulan and his apprentices will have the chance to investigate Dire Maul and secure any ancient Highborne relics so that their power will not fall into enemy hands.

I am returning Feathermoon Stronghold for some rest and supplies before I continue my travels.

((currently Level 46))

Cho'gall at the arena in Dire Maul

Interrupting Cho'gall's sermon

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kahlee's 7th Journal Entry

I have found myself in Feralas on the continent of Kalimdor.  It is a lush jungle full of Night Elf ruins and Gordunni Ogres.  I found a couple of Night Elf campsites but they didn’t need my help with anything even though they were gracious enough to feed me and give me shelter for the night.  I eventually made my way to Feathermoon Stronghold which is a strong Night Elf presence in this area.  The Sentinels there were busy holding off the naga from their shores.  I offered my aid but was told that there was more need for me at the camp of the Tower of Estulan as they were dealing with the Ogres. I thanked them and headed out in that direction.

They did indeed need my help at the Tower of Estulan and I was immediately put to work.  The Ogres were digging around the Ruins of Isildien and the highborne Estulan was worried what might happen if the Ogres get their hands on any ancient highborne relics.  I was to eliminate the Ogre presence at the Ruins.  On my way out of camp, I was pulled aside by Vestia Moonspear, a mage, who told me that one of her apprentices went missing.  He was apparently interested in a lost amulet at the Darkmist Ruins.  As I would be near that area, she wondered if I would look for this missing student of hers.  I told her I would look through the ruins for him.

I made my way out to the Darkmist Ruins to discover many highborne spirits there.  I also felt an aura of evil over the place so I scouted the ruins very carefully.  In one of the buildings I found the body of a Night Elf matching the description of the lost student.  Checking the body told me had been dead for some time but he had no mark of violence upon his person.  As I had knelt by his body, an apparition appeared crying out for help.  It startled me but I responded to the apparition who was surprised that I could hear her.  She told me that she and the other spirits here were being held to this world by a demon called Virinias.  She asked if I could destroy him and set them all free.   I thought that this Virinias was the source of the evil aura I sensed and agreed to destroy this demon.

I made my way to the other side of the ruins to the tree the apparition mentioned and using the words of power I was given, I summoned him to this spot.  With a roar he charged me upon appearing in front of me.  By the power of the Light I was able to stun him momentary and gained the upper hand on the fight.  After that he went down fairly quick.  As I started to turn away, I saw a ghostly scene play out in front of me - two highborne elves (a male and a female who looked like the apparition who asked me to free her) speaking to each other and I could just barely make out their conversation.  The man was speaking to the woman of leaving to follow some who had gone before.  The woman responds by calling him Verinias (I was shocked as that was the name of the demon I had just slain) and telling him that it was too late as he should have left earlier.  With that she casts a spell on the man, who cries out in pain and horror, turning him into the demon I just faced.  Then the two fade into nothingness.  I stand there for many moments trying to make sense of what I had just seen.  I come to the conclusion that I have been used by a foul spirit for her own purposes.  The only good coming out of this seems to be that I managed to finally free the spirit of Verinias and put him to rest.

I returned to the building containing the body of the apprentice and the apparition of Sensiria (as she was addressed by Verinias in the tableau I had just witnessed).  She was elated that she was now free and in a trice turned into a demoness.  I fell back and went to draw my sword.  She laughed at me and told me that after turning Verinias into a demon he kept her trapped in this building by not letting her have any souls to devour thereby weakening her.  The apprentice who stumbled upon her was the first soul she had devoured in ages.  With that, she gave a laugh, thanked me for freeing her and disappeared.

My knees gave out and I sank to the floor.  I had just freed a demon by mistake and who knows what the consequences would be.  I stood up and turned to leave when a glint of light caught my attention.  There in the pedestal was a pendant where before there was none.  I reached out and took it up.  Looking it over, I thought that this might be the amulet that the apprentice had been searching for.  Being able to do nothing else, I returned to Vestia with the news of her lost apprentice and handed the amulet over to her.  She has saddened by the death of the young man but thankful for the news and the amulet.  She was going to have to study it to see what properties it may possess.

I never got around to dealing with the Ogres.  I will get to them tomorrow; tonight I need to rest and gather my wits.  I don’t like being used like that; especially by a demon.

((currently Level 41))

Discovering the body of the missing apprentice
at Darkmist Ruins

Fighting the demon Virinias

Tableau between Virinias and Sensiria

The demoness Sensiria

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kahlee's 6th Journal Entry

Once I left Duskwood, I continued on my way south.  I entered a jungle area called Stranglethorn Vale.  I found it was very lush with vegetation and full of things that wanted to kill and eat me.  I came across a hunting camp and joined them for the night.  The head of the hunters, Nesingwary, invited me to go on a hunt with them the next day.  I thought about it for a bit and turned down their offer as I didn’t feel taking a life without just cause.

I was up early with the hunters, thanked them for their hospitality and went on my way.  The hunters had told me that the coast wasn’t far off and I headed that direction.  I thought the sea air would help clear my head after Duskwood.  What the hunters failed to mention was that there were Trolls camped near the coast where I was headed.  I ended up routing the small party of Trolls and continued to the coast since I could now smell the sea air.  As I walked the beach, I saw something sparkling a little bit ahead of me.  As I approached, I saw that it was a bottle which the sunlight was glinting off.  I stopped to pick it up and noticed there was a note in the bottle.  I found that very strange but I opened the bottle and pulled the note only to read a plea for help from someone that was being held captive.  My only clue as to the person’s whereabouts was brief descriptions of what could be seen offshore.

I can’t ignore a plea for help so I folded the note, put it in my pouch and turned my horse’s nose to the south.  The hunters had told me of a port town called Booty Bay.  I thought it might be a good place to start as the note mentioned sailing ships and I might be able to find a map maker there as well.

After talking with the map maker, I determined where this person must be being held – an island just off the east coast of the Cape.  I made my way out there to find many jaguars roaming the island.  I avoided as many as I could but had to kill the rest.  After killing one of the cats, I came around the corner to see a female Tauren sitting by a fire crying. I didn’t understand the entire story of how she got there but the bottom line was that a giant ape, Skymane King Mukla, had the key to her chains.  I went in search of King Mukla and he wasn’t that difficult to find.  Getting to him was a little harder as I was still having to deal with the jaguars and some monkeys.  He wasn’t much of a challenge even if he did manage to send me flying backward several times.  I grabbed the key and hurried back to the Tauren, unlocked her bonds and helped her flee to Booty Bay.  I figured that from there she can contact her people and get escorted back home.

While in Booty Bay, I found a ship that was heading to Ratchet, a port town in Kalimdor.  On the spur of the moment I decided to book passage on it and the next day found me on the seas once more.  Ratchet isn’t much.  It’s run by goblins and feels sort of rundown to me but I was able to purchase supplies and a map of the area.  I headed out from the town for the Southern Barrens.  From my understanding the land used to be larger until the cataclysm tore the land in sunder.   There are places here that are lush so I decide to check them out while I avoided the lions and raptors in the area – I didn’t want to get eaten.

I reached one of these oases and it felt …. wrong.  I can’t explain it but the energy of the place was wrong.  As I lead my horse through the undergrowth I was actually attacked by a plant.  This shocked me – not only did I have to look out for the wildlife but also the plant life.  I stumbled across a small camp startling a couple of druids.  They were gracious and offered me their hospitality for the night.  I asked them if they knew what was wrong with the oases and one of them, Naralex, told me his story.  He and his followers had tried to bring water to the Barrens and only partially succeeded and while he was in the Emerald Dream (a dreamscape that druids may enter and is ruled by Ysera, the emerald drake) a malevolent force used him to corrupt the waters, wildlife and his followers.  He was awakened by some adventurers and his only remaining disciple but the damage was already done.  The corruption continues in the oases and he was trying to make it right.  I offered him my help as I couldn’t stand the wrongness I was feeling. 

We went out to cull the corrupted wildlife and the plant life as well.  It was hard work and after a week we had made a dent in the corruption.  Upon the destruction of one of the plant creatures on my way back to camp, I found a squirming piece of plant stuff and took it to Naralex that he might tell me what it was.  He was aghast when he took it.  He told me that with what he held in his hand his worst fears were realized.  This corruption wasn’t just an overabundance of energy but the work of the Nightmare (which is a corruption of the Emerald Dream).  He said a rift must have been torn in this area and Naralex was going to try to close it.  He told me that he understood if I didn’t want to help him with this but it was too important not to help.  He spent a day preparing for the ritual and we went to the Nightmare Scar to do battle. 

While he did the ritual to close it, I was to stop anything from escaping the rift.  This sounded so easy but when he started the ritual to close the rift, shadow creatures came from it to attack him.  I stood between him and these creatures and with the power of the Light upon me, I destroyed them.  I don’t know how long it took but I swung my sword until I could no longer feel my arm and my blood flowed freely from the many wounds I took yet still I stood strong.   As he finished the ritual a final shadow creature emerged and it took all I had to kill it and then it was done.  Naralex came to me and helped me up.  He gave me a small hug and told me that we had done it; the rift was closed and the source of the corruption was gone.  With the work we had done, the oases would be free to cleanse itself and the wildlife and plant life would return to normal eventually.

Back at the camp, Naralex and his disciple bandaged me up and let me slumber while they talked of what they still needed to do to help the recovery of the oases.  I was sore the next day but bid Naralex farewell as I had decided to return to Ratchet to recover from injuries and get my armor and sword repaired.

((currently Level 38))

Rescuing Princess Poobah

Fighting the corrupted plant life in Southern Barrens

Fighting the corrupted wildlife in Southern Barrens

Fighting the final shadow creature while closing the
rift caused by the Nightmare

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kahlee's 5th Journal Entry

I made my way to the Greenwardens Grove and found a little bit of work there; not much worth mentioning.  I was getting somewhat tired and thought to make my way to Stormwind for a little bit of down time and to plan what I wanted to do next.

Stormwind is a very busy place with people from all over the world there.  I booked a room at The Gilded Rose for several days, changed into something more comfortable than my armor and set about seeing the town.  I met many merchants and everyone was pleasant to speak with.  I spent some time at the Cathedral meditating and getting in touch with the Light.  I found that this has recharged me and it was something I really needed.  Over the next couple of days I would find myself at the Golden Keg in the evening for some of the Dwarven stout that I’ve become rather partial to.  It was a good break from all that traveling.

By the end of the week, I found myself setting out for parts south of Stormwind.  I found myself in Duskwood in a town called Darkshire.  This area had fallen under a curse having to do with a night elf and the Scythe of Elune.  The complete story is not known but the Scythe is responsible for the worgen which infect the area now and because of the Scythe’s presence the Black Riders had appeared and spread destruction before disappearing with the Scythe.

I helped as I could with destroying some feral worgen who were terrorizing parts of Duskwood.  I found someone who said that a group of Gilneans, humans who suffer the worgen curse, is trying to help those worgen who still retain a part of their sanity.  He had seen a lone worgen on a farm and asked me to investigate and see if this worgen might be saved.  It sounded like a worthy cause to me so I agreed.  At the farm, I found many wandering spirits and by the power of the Light I put them to rest and allowed them to complete their journey to the afterlife.  I found signs that something was living at the farm and went to investigate the farm house which was empty of life; all that remained was broken and discarded items from the lives of those who used to reside there.  I next checked the barn and as I was looking about, I was charged by something large and furry and I found myself knocked to the ground as the worgen escaped past me.  The fact that he didn’t just try and kill me told me that there probably remained vestiges of his humanity within him.  I reported my findings to Apprentice Fess who was excited and asked to go to Raven Hill and speak with his master, Harris.

This Master Harris was intrigued with my find and asked me to track this lone worgen down and return him to Raven Hill.  Master Harris felt that this worgen might be saved and he gave me a potion to use on the worgen to render him unconscious.  It took me many days to find this lost soul but find him I did.  It took a bit of a tussle to be to use the potion on him but I finally managed.  Upon my return, Harris worked quickly to get the treatment started and after what seemed like days, sanity returned to the worgen who turned out to be Sven Yorgen, a local farmer thought to be dead.  The last thing that Sven remembered before the curse took him over was Morbent Fel the necromancer corrupting Duskwood.  He asked me if I would help him by looking for this Morbent Fel as he wasn’t yet up to the task due to his treatment.  This necromancer was responsible for the deaths of many of his friends.  As a representative of the Light, stopping a creature like this, if he still lived, would be my duty.

I searched the Raven Hill cemetery and surrounding area for this Morbent Fel.  I found many undead creatures walking about.  I destroyed each one as I came across it but found no other sign of Morbent Fel until I searched one house and found the bloodied robes and hat which matched the description I was given for Morbent Fel.  The blood was only a brown stain showing that much time had passed but the fact that undead still roamed the area made me wonder if he was really dead.  I returned to Sven with my findings.

While I related my story to Sven, Sister Elsington approached to listen as well.  When I had finished she told me that they had come to the same conclusion – that Morbent Fel might have died but returned as a more powerful Lich.  She told me the evil she felt emanating from the cemetery came mostly from the catacombs and that is where she believes the Lich to be.  She also told me of an artifact of the Light which was used to slay Morbent Fel initially that she believed was still in the catacombs as well.  With that artifact aiding me I should have no problem in dealing with the Lich.

I entered the catacombs and opened my senses to the Light to let it guide me to the artifact.  Once it was found, I could see that it had taken damage and pieces were missing.  After much searching, I found the missing pieces and with the artifact whole once more, proceeded to where I felt the evil aura. 

Morbent Fel had surrounded himself with his mindless, undead minions which was no match for me.  Then it was time for me to face the Lich.  This would be my first test of strength and faith on my own and there was a brief glimmer of fear in my heart.  I steeled myself and called out to the Lich.  As it turned around I used the artifact to weaken his defenses and then calling upon the power of the Light I attacked.  His unholy power was no match for the Light and in the end he was defeated.  With his death, I could feel the evil in the area lessening.

I returned to Sister Elsington with the artifact and the news of the Lich’s death.  She was relieved to hear of it and told me that she would go to the catacombs herself and make sure his remains were turned to ash herself and I but nodded and turned in for some rest before I returned to the road.  This place is depressing and even though the evil has lessened it will take a lot of time for it to maybe return to the way it was in the past before evil settled in so deeply.  May the Light help these people of Duskwood.

((currently Level 32))

Kahlee at the Golden Keg in Stormwind

Fighting the Lich that is Morbent Fel in the
catacombs of Raven Hill Cemetary in Duskwood