Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kahlee's 9th Journal Entry

It has been months since I’ve been able to write in this journal.  I’ll have to give a condensed version of what I’ve been doing unless I want to write a book in this thing.

I left Feralas and found my way to Dustwallow Marsh.  Upon enter this area I saw a man poking around in a burnt-out building.  I stopped to ask if I could be of assistance as I thought something might be wrong.  He explained that he was investigating the murders of the family that resided there.  He told me that the husband had managed to escape the slaughter but his wife and son and the few travelers that had been in residence at the inn at the time had not been so lucky.  We found the remains of many adults and even a few children which said that a family or two of travelers had stopped there for rest before the attack.

Ruins of the Shady Rest Inn

The husband had lost his reason after that and sort of wanders around Theramore.  I offered my aid and we discovered clues that pointed to Tauren doing this deed.  This didn’t make much sense as I could not see a Tauren perpetrating such a heinous act.  I helped with investigation and spent a lot of time running all over the Marsh gathering clues.  It seems that a tribe of Tauren called the Grimtotems had moved into the Marsh and these Tauren were not above slaughtering innocents in their grab for territory.  They had attacked military targets before but if they are willing to target non-military personnel then they had to be stopped.  We were able to trace the broken weapons back to one certain camp of Grimtotems and with a small force, we attacked and paid them back for the loss of the Shady Rest Inn and the lives lost in their attack.

 Since the squad I was working with had other duties to attend to, I returned to Theramore with news for the Captain that the tribe of Grimtotem that had attacked the Inn was destroyed.  The Captain expressed the hope that the other camps of Grimtotems will get the message and try something like that in the future.  He then told me of Jim and his family and it touched my heart.  I went to the graveyard to place a wreath on the grave of Jim’s wife and child in order to set their spirits at rest that their loved one was still alive and they had been avenged.

Placing a wreath at the grave of Jim's wife and child

I took a ship from Theramore and sailed back to the Eastern Kingdoms and traveled to the Plaguelands.  These lands are separated into East and West and I stopped first in the Western Plaguelands.  They had told me in Stormwind previously that a monument to a great paladin had been erected in the Western Plaguelands and I made it a point to stop by and pay my homage to Uther the Lightbringer.  I could feel the power of the Light at the monument and I could almost feel a presence lay a hand on my head in recognition of the Light inside myself and with that I felt a sense of peace encompass me.  I left there for the Meanders Steed where the Cenarian Circle made camp.

Paying homage at Uther the Lightbringer's tomb

The Western Plaguelands has recovered nicely from the plague thanks to the Cenarian Circle but they were still clearing out some remaining scourge and plagued animals.  I gave them a hand and was asked to take a druid in training, a Troll named Zin’Kiki, along with me so he can have a chance to work on his abilities.  I found Zin’Kiki to be nice enough and he tried very hard but I have never seen such an incompetent person before.  Most of his spells missed and when he shape changed to help with something it might be a shape that doesn’t help in that type of fight or he isn’t even close to hitting his target.  When we cleared our assigned area we returned to the Circle and I told his mentor that he needed a lot more training than what he currently had.  She agreed that he was a “special” case and they were going to have to find a niche for him.  She thanked me and told me to get some rest and she would have another assignment for me in a couple of days if I wanted the work.

Zin'Kiki trying to help kill a spider

Zin'Kiki having transformed into something unhelpful

True to her word, I was approached in a couple of days with the task of taking Zin’Kiki to the north to let him try his healing skills on the plagued animals.  The Circle had spoken and they thought his talents might lay in healing.  There was nothing to lose so I agreed to take him with me.  It looked like the Circle had found a task that Zin’Kiki excelled at.  Each animal we came across he was able to heal.  Delighted with his success, he went a little crazy and exhausted himself.  I got him on the back of my mount and took him back to the Circle with the news of his success.  They were very happy to hear this and took him to his tent to let him rest up after his trials.  I continued to help with killing the plagued animals and about a week later I saw Zin’Kiki wandering around the camp.  He spotted me and came running up to me excited to show me his new form.  Then with a little effort he turned himself into a tree which apparently helps the druid channel the healing force of nature.  I clapped excitedly for him and congratulated him on his achievement and he walked away very pleased with himself.

Zin'Kiki in his new tree form

Later, I made my way to the Eastern Plaguelands which is vastly different from the Western Plaguelands.  The corruption here still has a very firm foothold despite the Argent Crusade’s attempt at cleansing the lands.  I met some very nice people in my travels of that land and I feel like I have killed Hell’s entirety of demons and undead creatures.  I have burned abominations and freed the spirits of Darrowshire soldiers that were trapped within the scourge.

Burning abomination in Eastern Plageulands

Destroying a ghoul in order to free the soul of the
Darrowshire soldier trapped within it

Darrowshire soldier's spirit released

I spent many weeks in this forsaken land until it began to take a toll on my own soul.  At that time, the Argent Crusade told me that they appreciated what I had done but to take my leave of these lands.  They have to switch out their troops regularly for their mental health as well.

With that, I decided to return to Kalimdor and the green lushness I have found in many of the areas there.  I found myself in an area called Felwood – home to two tribes of Furbolgs, Tauren, Night Elves and now to many demons.  The Cenarian Circle is currently trying to once again claim the lands from these demons and I felt called upon to lend my aid.

Grazle of the Timbermaw Furbolgs asked me to investigate a strange totem on the outskirts of a Deadwood Furbolg camp.  Upon close inspection, I found it to be infested with some Timbermaw youths luring unsuspecting travelers to get them honey from the surrounding area.  I sent them back to their tribesmen very quickly.

Mischief makers in Felwood

I traveled the length of Felwood slaying demons and helping to uncover corruption where I could.  I discovered how Malfurions brother, Illidan, became a demon himself in order to save these woods from the corruption that was encroaching on it.  I uncovered a demon disguised as one of the Cenarian Circle’s own leaders and with great difficulty defeated him and opened their eyes to the extent that the corruption could reach.

Becoming a Demon Hunter

Slaying the demons in Felwood

After months and months of non-stop fighting, I believe I will return to the Exodar for a bit of a rest and to speak with Velen of my experiences.  It will give me a chance to recharge in the presence of the Naaru and a chance to see some much missed friends.

((currently Level 55))

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