I have found myself in Feralas on the continent of Kalimdor. It is a lush jungle full of Night Elf ruins
and Gordunni Ogres. I found a couple of Night
Elf campsites but they didn’t need my help with anything even though they were
gracious enough to feed me and give me shelter for the night. I eventually made my way to Feathermoon
Stronghold which is a strong Night Elf presence in this area. The Sentinels there were busy holding off the
naga from their shores. I offered my aid
but was told that there was more need for me at the camp of the Tower of
Estulan as they were dealing with the Ogres. I thanked them and headed out in
that direction.
They did indeed need my help at the Tower of Estulan and I
was immediately put to work. The Ogres
were digging around the Ruins of Isildien and the highborne Estulan was worried
what might happen if the Ogres get their hands on any ancient highborne relics. I was to eliminate the Ogre presence at the
Ruins. On my way out of camp, I was
pulled aside by Vestia Moonspear, a mage, who told me that one of her
apprentices went missing. He was
apparently interested in a lost amulet at the Darkmist Ruins. As I would be near that area, she wondered if
I would look for this missing student of hers.
I told her I would look through the ruins for him.
I made my way out to the Darkmist Ruins to discover many
highborne spirits there. I also felt an
aura of evil over the place so I scouted the ruins very carefully. In one of the buildings I found the body of a
Night Elf matching the description of the lost student. Checking the body told me had been dead for
some time but he had no mark of violence upon his person. As I had knelt by his body, an apparition
appeared crying out for help. It
startled me but I responded to the apparition who was surprised that I could
hear her. She told me that she and the
other spirits here were being held to this world by a demon called
Virinias. She asked if I could destroy
him and set them all free. I thought
that this Virinias was the source of the evil aura I sensed and agreed to
destroy this demon.
I made my way to the other side of the ruins to the tree the
apparition mentioned and using the words of power I was given, I summoned him
to this spot. With a roar he charged me
upon appearing in front of me. By the
power of the Light I was able to stun him momentary and gained the upper hand
on the fight. After that he went down
fairly quick. As I started to turn away,
I saw a ghostly scene play out in front of me - two highborne elves (a male and
a female who looked like the apparition who asked me to free her) speaking to
each other and I could just barely make out their conversation. The man was speaking to the woman of leaving
to follow some who had gone before. The
woman responds by calling him Verinias (I was shocked as that was the name of
the demon I had just slain) and telling him that it was too late as he should
have left earlier. With that she casts a
spell on the man, who cries out in pain and horror, turning him into the demon
I just faced. Then the two fade into
nothingness. I stand there for many
moments trying to make sense of what I had just seen. I come to the conclusion that I have been
used by a foul spirit for her own purposes.
The only good coming out of this seems to be that I managed to finally
free the spirit of Verinias and put him to rest.
I returned to the building containing the body of the
apprentice and the apparition of Sensiria (as she was addressed by Verinias in
the tableau I had just witnessed). She
was elated that she was now free and in a trice turned into a demoness. I fell back and went to draw my sword. She laughed at me and told me that after
turning Verinias into a demon he kept her trapped in this building by not
letting her have any souls to devour thereby weakening her. The apprentice who stumbled upon her was the
first soul she had devoured in ages.
With that, she gave a laugh, thanked me for freeing her and disappeared.
My knees gave out and I sank to the floor. I had just freed a demon by mistake and who
knows what the consequences would be. I
stood up and turned to leave when a glint of light caught my attention. There in the pedestal was a pendant where
before there was none. I reached out and
took it up. Looking it over, I thought
that this might be the amulet that the apprentice had been searching for. Being able to do nothing else, I returned to
Vestia with the news of her lost apprentice and handed the amulet over to
her. She has saddened by the death of
the young man but thankful for the news and the amulet. She was going to have to study it to see what
properties it may possess.
I never got around to dealing with the Ogres. I will get to them tomorrow; tonight I need
to rest and gather my wits. I don’t like
being used like that; especially by a demon.
((currently Level 41))
Discovering the body of the missing apprentice
at Darkmist Ruins
Fighting the demon Virinias
Tableau between Virinias and Sensiria
The demoness Sensiria
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