Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kahlee's 5th Journal Entry

I made my way to the Greenwardens Grove and found a little bit of work there; not much worth mentioning.  I was getting somewhat tired and thought to make my way to Stormwind for a little bit of down time and to plan what I wanted to do next.

Stormwind is a very busy place with people from all over the world there.  I booked a room at The Gilded Rose for several days, changed into something more comfortable than my armor and set about seeing the town.  I met many merchants and everyone was pleasant to speak with.  I spent some time at the Cathedral meditating and getting in touch with the Light.  I found that this has recharged me and it was something I really needed.  Over the next couple of days I would find myself at the Golden Keg in the evening for some of the Dwarven stout that I’ve become rather partial to.  It was a good break from all that traveling.

By the end of the week, I found myself setting out for parts south of Stormwind.  I found myself in Duskwood in a town called Darkshire.  This area had fallen under a curse having to do with a night elf and the Scythe of Elune.  The complete story is not known but the Scythe is responsible for the worgen which infect the area now and because of the Scythe’s presence the Black Riders had appeared and spread destruction before disappearing with the Scythe.

I helped as I could with destroying some feral worgen who were terrorizing parts of Duskwood.  I found someone who said that a group of Gilneans, humans who suffer the worgen curse, is trying to help those worgen who still retain a part of their sanity.  He had seen a lone worgen on a farm and asked me to investigate and see if this worgen might be saved.  It sounded like a worthy cause to me so I agreed.  At the farm, I found many wandering spirits and by the power of the Light I put them to rest and allowed them to complete their journey to the afterlife.  I found signs that something was living at the farm and went to investigate the farm house which was empty of life; all that remained was broken and discarded items from the lives of those who used to reside there.  I next checked the barn and as I was looking about, I was charged by something large and furry and I found myself knocked to the ground as the worgen escaped past me.  The fact that he didn’t just try and kill me told me that there probably remained vestiges of his humanity within him.  I reported my findings to Apprentice Fess who was excited and asked to go to Raven Hill and speak with his master, Harris.

This Master Harris was intrigued with my find and asked me to track this lone worgen down and return him to Raven Hill.  Master Harris felt that this worgen might be saved and he gave me a potion to use on the worgen to render him unconscious.  It took me many days to find this lost soul but find him I did.  It took a bit of a tussle to be to use the potion on him but I finally managed.  Upon my return, Harris worked quickly to get the treatment started and after what seemed like days, sanity returned to the worgen who turned out to be Sven Yorgen, a local farmer thought to be dead.  The last thing that Sven remembered before the curse took him over was Morbent Fel the necromancer corrupting Duskwood.  He asked me if I would help him by looking for this Morbent Fel as he wasn’t yet up to the task due to his treatment.  This necromancer was responsible for the deaths of many of his friends.  As a representative of the Light, stopping a creature like this, if he still lived, would be my duty.

I searched the Raven Hill cemetery and surrounding area for this Morbent Fel.  I found many undead creatures walking about.  I destroyed each one as I came across it but found no other sign of Morbent Fel until I searched one house and found the bloodied robes and hat which matched the description I was given for Morbent Fel.  The blood was only a brown stain showing that much time had passed but the fact that undead still roamed the area made me wonder if he was really dead.  I returned to Sven with my findings.

While I related my story to Sven, Sister Elsington approached to listen as well.  When I had finished she told me that they had come to the same conclusion – that Morbent Fel might have died but returned as a more powerful Lich.  She told me the evil she felt emanating from the cemetery came mostly from the catacombs and that is where she believes the Lich to be.  She also told me of an artifact of the Light which was used to slay Morbent Fel initially that she believed was still in the catacombs as well.  With that artifact aiding me I should have no problem in dealing with the Lich.

I entered the catacombs and opened my senses to the Light to let it guide me to the artifact.  Once it was found, I could see that it had taken damage and pieces were missing.  After much searching, I found the missing pieces and with the artifact whole once more, proceeded to where I felt the evil aura. 

Morbent Fel had surrounded himself with his mindless, undead minions which was no match for me.  Then it was time for me to face the Lich.  This would be my first test of strength and faith on my own and there was a brief glimmer of fear in my heart.  I steeled myself and called out to the Lich.  As it turned around I used the artifact to weaken his defenses and then calling upon the power of the Light I attacked.  His unholy power was no match for the Light and in the end he was defeated.  With his death, I could feel the evil in the area lessening.

I returned to Sister Elsington with the artifact and the news of the Lich’s death.  She was relieved to hear of it and told me that she would go to the catacombs herself and make sure his remains were turned to ash herself and I but nodded and turned in for some rest before I returned to the road.  This place is depressing and even though the evil has lessened it will take a lot of time for it to maybe return to the way it was in the past before evil settled in so deeply.  May the Light help these people of Duskwood.

((currently Level 32))

Kahlee at the Golden Keg in Stormwind

Fighting the Lich that is Morbent Fel in the
catacombs of Raven Hill Cemetary in Duskwood

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