Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kahlee's 8th Journal Entry

I awoke the next morning ready to get to work.  I wasn’t sure how easy this task was going to be.  The general impression of Ogres are that they are dumber than bricks but they do have warlocks and mages so they can’t all be dumb.  This could be tricky.

I made my way to the Ruins of Isildien to assess the situation and see the best way to go about this.  They were fairly spread out and no guards in sight.  I felt that was rather emboldened of them to think that the Alliance would take this intrusion silently.  I started by picking those in the more remote areas off first and working my way in to the more populated area.  While the mages and warlocks are more intelligent than their fighters they were still so arrogant that the thought of crying for aid didn’t occur to them until they were feeling the final blow.  If they had just alerted the entire area I would not have been successful in my task.

I had killed a good many before any kind of an alert was raised and then they were on their guard.  That night I picked off some more to cause panic among their ranks and the next morning they were very anxious.  I used that to my advantage by causing distractions in one area and attacking from a different direction.  I was meticulous and picked them off one by one until, after many days of this tactic, only a few were left and those left the Ruins in a panic.  I returned to the Tower of Estulan with the news of a successful task along with an orb that had fallen from the robes of one of the warlocks (I had no idea what this was used for but I thought if it was arcane in nature Estulan might know something about it).  Estulan hadn’t seen such an orb before but was worried as to what it might mean.  I left him to his study of the orb and went in search of something to eat and to get some rest before my task was assigned.

Sure enough, a little time later, Estulan summoned me and asked me to capture a Gordok mage.  He gave me an orb similar to what I had brought him and told me to use it on the mage as it would charm him making it easier to return.  This sounded easy enough so I took the orb and set out of the Dire Maul.  There were many Ogres outside the walls of Dire Maul and it took me some time to identify a mage, I had to kill some Ogres to make my way closer to Dire Maul to find one.   I was spotted by the mage as I drew close and he immediately attacked me.  I was able to avoid his arcane blasts and got in a stun so I would be able to use the orb on him.  After that, it was merely a return trip to the Tower and turning the mage and orb over to Estulan.  Once he questioned the mage, he found out that Cho’gall of the Twilight Hammer was using the Gordok Ogres to gain access to the forbidden powers within Dire Maul.  If he gained the power that was the downfall of the Shen’dralar, a powerful and skilled sect of the Highborne, then it would be bad news for the Alliance.  The mage also provided us the fact that Cho’gall was currently holding a sermon in the Dire Maul arena trying to get the Gordunni Ogres to join his cause.  This would be a perfect opportunity to put a stop to this.  If we could interrupt the sermon and show that Cho’gall and his Twilight Hammer supporters were not as strong as they represented themselves to the Ogres, it could prevent the Ogres from joining their cause.

I headed out to Dire Maul to interrupt the sermon and cause as much confusion as I could.  Silvia had gone to Feathermoon to gather the sentinels to attack Cho’gall in the confusion.  I reached the arena and saw Cho’gall speaking to a gathering of Ogres.  He was well spoken and had them enthralled.  I made my way to the entrance of the arena trying to decide how best to continue when I was spotted and called out by Cho’gall.  The arrogant thing sent one of his sergeants to kill me and when that failed he sent a second.  As that one fell to my axe, he entered the arena himself.  I steeled myself for battle when the battle horn of the Sentinels sounded and the Night Elves poured into the arena.  The Gordunni Ogres were thrown into disarray as Cho’gall and his followers attacked our forces.  The battle that followed was fierce and bloody.  The Sentinels are elite warriors and I would hate to face them in battle.  As his followers fell around him, Cho’gall threw out a great blast of energy which knocked us back and used that time to use a spell to escape.  The remaining Ogres fled the arena and the area while the Sentinels secured Dire Maul.  We had averted what could have been a catastrophe.  Now Estulan and his apprentices will have the chance to investigate Dire Maul and secure any ancient Highborne relics so that their power will not fall into enemy hands.

I am returning Feathermoon Stronghold for some rest and supplies before I continue my travels.

((currently Level 46))

Cho'gall at the arena in Dire Maul

Interrupting Cho'gall's sermon

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