Friday, June 1, 2012

Kahlee's 4th Journal Entry

I made my way to Menethil Harbor which is still rather flooded since the cataclysm.  The townfolk are working on getting it cleaned up but it seems to be taking them some time.  I checked at the inn for a room and a hot meal and struck up a conversation with the innkeeper.  He told me if I was looking for some work, to talk to a couple of people in town who had some tasks that needed done.  I thanked him for the information and retired for the night.  I was up early the next day and looked these people up.  The tasks were pretty easy – kill sharks in the surrounding area, get some crab meat for stews and kill the murlocs who were attacking travelers on the road into Menethil.

Once I had completed all those jobs, the innkeeper told me to go see Shilah Slabchisel at Swiftgear Station just northeast of Menethil.  So I headed that way killing off a few murlocs I had missed earlier.  She seemed to be somewhat anxious and when I told her the innkeeper had sent me she seemed to relax a bit.  She told me that a shipment of gold ingots from the royal treasury had been stolen by the Mosshide gnolls and asked me to help her retrieve them.  It sounded like an easy enough job so I agreed to help.  The gnolls really aren’t very smart or good fighters.  I checked all their camps that I could find and managed to retrieve a good amount of ingots in a couple of days.  Shilah was appreciative for what I was able to recover even though there were still a good deal missing.

I mentioned to Shilah that I had seen some Dwarves out there while I was retrieving the gold.  She told me she was aware of their presence and that they were Dark Iron Dwarves and when I indicated that I didn’t know anything about that branch of Dwarves she gave me a brief history of her people.  We couldn’t figure out what the Dark Irons were up to so I went back to scout them out a bit.  I noticed that they were capturing the Mosshide gnolls but I couldn’t find any clue as to why.  I decided to try to disrupt their operations by freeing as many gnolls as I could.  I wasn’t as successful as I would have liked but I did what I could before being forced to retreat back to Swiftgear Station.

Shilah hadn’t been idle while I was scouting, she had found a camp of Dark Iron Dwarves just to the east of our location and found out that the leader of this small group, Yorla Darksnare, was up there.  Shilah put forth to me that if Yorla was removed the Dark Irons would probably leave the area.  We decided it was the best plan we had and several hours before dawn found us making our way to Yorla’s camp.

There were only a few guards around and we dispatched theme quickly and quietly.  Moving as quietly as we could, we scouted the tents and located Yorla’s.  We need a distraction because we knew this wasn’t going to be easy.  Shilah found some gunpowder and we tossed around the idea of just blowing up the entire camp but decided against it because we could guarantee that Yorla would be killed in the explosion.  Instead, Shilah set up smaller explosions to destroy their weapons and some of the tents giving us the chance to kill Yorla in the confusion and it worked like a charm.

At the sound of the first explosion, everyone poured out of their tents to see what was going on.  Then there were several other explosions which the majority of the Dwarves started running toward.  Yorla had emerged armed from her tent at the first explosion and before she could start shouting orders, I charged her.  She was good.  She sensed my attack and countered it.  I knew I couldn’t let this fight drag on too long and I pressed my attack forcing her back into the tent and limiting her mobility (and mine as well).  Since I knew what was going on, I had the advantage of not being distracted by the commotion going on outside and it proved to my advantage as I finally managed to get in a killing blow.  According to our plan, Shilah should have already started making her way back toward Swiftgear Station and I quickly darted out of the tent and with a quick look around to make sure I was unnoticed, I headed that way myself.

Hidden in a copse, we watched as the Dark Iron Dwarves put out the fires and assess the damage to their camp.  One of them finally wondered why Yorla wasn’t among them and went to her tent to check on her.  He came running out almost immediately.  There was much talking, yelling and gesturing.  From the snippets of conversation that came to us upon the wind, it seemed that we managed to kill Yorla’s second in command with the explosions and the rest of them didn’t know what to do.  With them in discord, we returned to Swiftgear Station to rest up and grab a bite to eat and discuss our next move.

That evening, Shilah returned to the Dark Iron’s camp to scout them out and when she returned to Swiftgear Station, she told me that the Dwarves had moved out of the area.  She figures they are returning to Shadowforge City for further instructions.  With this problem resolved, I decided to move on.  Shilah told me that if I was looking for more work, I should probably head to the Greenwardens Grove.  Tomorrow I will head that way.

((currently Level 28))

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