Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ironman Challenge, Part III

This is turning into a fiasco.  The website they created to track everyone has managed to crash the WoW Armory so nothing is being updated.  A lot of valid characters have been marked as "dead" and moved to the "Honored Dead" page - mine included despite I haven't died or done anything else to break a rule.  The only thing they can complain about is that I made my own level 1 guild for this event on that server but when I looked at the source code the guy used, it doesn't specify a guild only a guild level which means I should be fine on that point.  If they disqualify me for that, fine but I'll keep playing her until she reaches 85 or dies as that would be their rule to use their guild but I'll do it my way so long as it's a level 1 guild.  With just me in it then it will not hit level 2 for years.   lol

Anyway, I'm not going to let that deter me.  I managed to reach level 32 with Katrii and am currently questing in STV.  Only need to kill Bangledesh to finish the Nesingwary chain and I have some quests to finish in the Rebel camp as well as Nesingwary's camp then I can move further into STV.

Katrii got some new armor including a shield and sword.  She also has [Seal of Insight] now and that heals her and replenishes mana which is helping tremendously right now.  If I keep on going slow and carefully I should be fine.  My next armor upgrade from the vendor isn't until 45.

I've always played by character carefully because I don't like dying but now I'm more aware of what's going on around me.  I have slipped several times and have gotten lucky and not died - thank the Gods for those healing spells and especially [Lay on Hands].  I've also got a shield spell that reduces damage by 20% for something like 20 seconds.  That has helped when I've gone after some higher mobs.

Well, that's all until later.  Merry Meet!

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