Thursday, February 23, 2012

Karimetra Journal Entry #11

Journal Entry #11
While in Booty Bay, I heard that the Alliance needed help in the Western Plaguelands.  After asking around, I found out that the Forsaken and the Alliance was having a pitched battle over Andorhal, a city in Western Plaguelands which was taken over by the Scourge forces.  Knowing that a paladin’s power is great against the undead, I felt I could be of a great benefit in the battle and caught a flight north.

I met up with Thassarian, a death knight in charge of the Alliance forces, and immediately set about to help route the Scourge from the city limits.  I found out that the Forsaken was attempting the same thing as we were.  I found it difficult to tell the difference between the Scourge and the Forsaken and the Forsaken didn’t make it any easier by trying to attack me as well.  I believe I brought down as many Forsaken soldiers as I did of the Scourge.  Once the Scourge was taken care the battle for the city started in earnest.  We were doing well and victory looked to be in our grasp until the Forsaken brought forth val’kyr to fight for them.  Even taking out one of the val’kyr commanders could not turn the tide back in our favor as we were fighting our own resurrected dead.  Thassarian called for a retreat and thus Andorhal fell to the control of the Forsaken.

While I was recovering from the battle, I received word that Highlord Tirion Fordring had heard about my efforts in Andoral and wished an audience with me.  I was completely speechless and, of course, immediately set out for Hearthglen to meet with this hero.  I was nervous when I was shown to his office but he quickly put me at ease.  He spoke of  hearing of my deeds and my reputation and wanted to give me words of encouragement and offered to let me train amongst his recruits.  I quickly accepted the offer and spent a month training there.  The things I learned were immeasurable and I am grateful for the opportunity that was afforded to me.

Since then I have returned to Kalimdor and have started exploring these lands.  I currently find myself in a jungle environment called Feralas.  I look forward to the challenges that will be coming my way in the weeks to come.  For now, the crackling sound of my fire is so soothing that I find I can barely keep my eyes open to finish this entry so I believe I will retire for the night on this note.


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