Monday, February 20, 2012

Karimetra Journal Entry #7

Journal Entry #7
I have left Astranaar to return to Darnassas for some training.  I had met some paladins from Exodar who were stationed there and had offered me their services in furthering my learning in the way of the Light.  I had initially turned them down as I had barely begun my travels but now I believe I will gratefully accept their offer of assistance for I have found that I still have much to learn and I don’t believe I can learn all I need to know on my own.

My stay in Ashenvale allowed me to see a bit of the horde’s intent.  They have pretty much invaded Ashenvale and the destruction in their wake is enough to make one weep.  Forests are being clear cut and races killed or enslaved in order to take over more territory.  I was able to free the minds of controlled Furbolgs so that might rise up against their oppressors.  In the same camp I freed some captured gnomes and was able to bring back information about a huge bomb the horde had created for sinister plans in Stonetalon.  When I reported that information I was told that they had agents in Stonetalon who would handle it and I shouldn’t get more involved.
This freed me up to deal with some demons, remnants from the Legion, I had heard about in the area.  I had hoped to never see these creatures ever again after escaping from Draenor those many years ago but , alas, it is not to be so.  I did wipe out many nests of these things and I ran into other adventurers who were doing their part as well and feel that we got all, if not the huge majority, of them.   I left this area feeling that the inhabitants are now safe from them.


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