Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kahdrii's 8th Letter Home

I hope this letter finds you well.  I am tired to my very soul right now.  As mentioned in my last letter, I went to Andorhal to aid the Alliance’s bid for control of the town.  It wasn’t the Horde vying for control, it was the Forsaken alone trying to take it.

At Thassarian’s bidding, I went forth to kill pockets of remaining Scourge.  Until they are taken care of, the Alliance cannot hope to defeat the Forsaken.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) I managed to kill some of the Forsaken as it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two.  After weeks of fierce fighting, the Scourge was erased from the town owing to both the Alliance and Forsaken having the same goal for that moment.
Once the Scourge was taken care of, both sides retreated to recoup.  I had overheard Thassarian and the leader of the Forsake forces, another ex-death knight called Kiltara, agree on the cease of hostilities for the moment with all sides retreating from the battlefield. This didn’t seem to last very long as suddenly the Forsaken attacked in force.  We were hard pressed to hold our own.  I had found that my holy power was very effective against the Scourge and it worked equally as well against the Forsaken.

Many Alliance fighters fell.  The majority of them were farmers and carpenters from the area who were trying to rebuild their lives and not trained warriors.  My arm grew weary from swinging my blade as I became almost obsessed in the killing of these Forsaken who would take the lives of these good men and women who simply wanted to live in peace.  This obsession did not escape Thassarian’s notice and he ordered me to stand down and rest but I found I could not stay still for any length of time. 
In time, the tide of battle turned in our favor.   We had more fighters to replace those who fell in battle while the Forsaken’s numbers are finite (thank the Gods!).  We were just starting to feel relief that we were going to win this battle when the skies were filled with these winged female spirits.  Thassarian was shocked and appalled and wondered aloud what Kiltara was up to bringing them into this battle.  I had never seen their like before and asked about them.  Thassarian explained to me that they were called Val’kyr and were servants of the Lich King who raised the dead as Scourge for the Lich King’s army.   As he was explaining this to me, these Val’kyr cast their spell and to our very horror, our fallen men and women were reborn as Forsaken.  We stood there in shock as those who were once our comrade in arms attacked us at the orders of the Val’kyr. 

In that moment, we lost Andorhal to the Forsaken.  Our spirit was broken as we had difficulty fighting those who had fought beside us previously, not to mention the dread of falling in battle only to be resurrected as these abominations and made to fight against what we once believed in.  Thassarian called for a full retreat.  After months of fighting, in the end the Forsaken took the town.  There is a pall over the people in the area as the Forsaken is not known as being satisfied with winning a battle.  Their stated mission is to eradicate all living beings.  I’m afraid the battle may just be beginning in the Western Plaguelands; only time will tell.
I did hear later that Kiltara had been removed from the field of battle before the Val’kry arrived and Sylvanas herself had ordered the Val’kyr to the field of battle for that final push.  Thassarian has gone in search for he who was once a brother in arms.  I wish him luck and may the Light watch over him.

I am currently residing in Ironforge trying to recover my strength.  This battle has shown me that I need to hone my skills even more and I am taking some time to work on my training as well.  You are always in my thoughts and I await the time we can be together again.  May the Light keep you safe.

((currently Level 45))

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